drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Quick question on some old stuff..... Why 1- 3/4" and rest 1/2" Is the 3/4" for the biopellets? Would all 1/2 have sufficed? Or would all 3/4" been better?

Thanks again...

Oh and what valves did you use for the other ball vales on the return pump? Savko as well? Do they turn fairly smooth?

Yes, the 3/4" valve is for the ecoBAK reactor. The SMR1 reactor has 5/8" fittings so I didn't want to restrict with a 1/2" ball valve so I up-sized to 3/4". The main valves on the system (not manifold) are Chemtrol made by Nibco. They are Sched 80 industrial grade valves made for commercial applications. I actually bought them from a friend who works at a local water company. Don't know if you can find them online or not but BRS has some nice looking valves. Other than that you can't go wrong with Georg Fischer valves. They are very nice. :)

You have the regular smr1 correct? All my valves on my manifold are 1/2". I was thinking of getting 1 pellet reactor and one regular smr1 for running carbon.

Yes, I have 1x SMR1 and 2x MR1. Sounds like a good plan. I would get an SMR1 for the pellets and a MR1 for the carbon. The MR1 is basically the same size but has sponges for loose medias like carbon and gfo. The SMR1 has a perforated plenum for bio pellet use. You can probably find a 5/8" x 1/2" adapter to fit your plumbing with the SMR1. The MR1's have 1/2" so they should work out of the box. :)

All the specifications are here... http://www.nextreef.com/

Hi DR,
I'm new to the 2-part dosing concept and have read the articles from R.H.F.... What will you automatically dose in your new build? Dosing pumps only or other Drip methods?

Great! 2-part is an easy DIY method, I've found it to be very effective over the last few years. Currently I'm manually dosing, so just pouring each part (separately) into a measured cup and then dosing into the sump. As the demand grows I will either incorporate a dosing pump to automate the system or just go to a calcium reactor. It will be some time before the demand is large enough to justify a Ca reactor so I'll continue dosing 2-part until I see the need. :)
Do you condition Water Change or Top-Off water before adding to main system? Is the PH of your RO/DI water acceptable? of any concern?
Do you condition Water Change or Top-Off water before adding to main system? Is the PH of your RO/DI water acceptable? of any concern?

I do not condition the top-off water. No need. pH of the source water is of little concern especially when adding it in small quantities to a large volume of water. If you are concerned you can aerate your top-off or water change make up water but it's not necessary. More important is to keep the Alkalinity of the display water in check, along with circulating fresh air where your tank is. If you do this, likely, you will not have an issue with pH. ;)

holy moly , just went through every post. great job, its looking good :)

Why thank you mammut89. :)
Hey Brett, how you linking the Apex? Mine comes in on Thurs. Are you wireless and with web access? Any tips for me?

I'm loving the Apex Jack. Once I got the kinks worked out it has been smooth sailing since. The base unit is hard wired via a cat5e cable to my router but I'm able to have wireless access through the internet. The best part is the iPhone app. Don't know if you have an iPhone but it will make you want one. :lol: Basically I can control the Apex from my phone so it's essentially a remote control for my fish tank. :crazy1: I use it all the time when I do water changes and need to turn pumps etc off and on with ease. I have no doubt you will love it. :)

Oh, and if you aren't familiar check out the "unofficial user's guide". It's a great resource. ;)
I'm loving the Apex Jack. Once I got the kinks worked out it has been smooth sailing since. The base unit is hard wired via a cat5e cable to my router but I'm able to have wireless access through the internet. The best part is the iPhone app. Don't know if you have an iPhone but it will make you want one. :lol: Basically I can control the Apex from my phone so it's essentially a remote control for my fish tank. :crazy1: I use it all the time when I do water changes and need to turn pumps etc off and on with ease. I have no doubt you will love it. :)

Oh, and if you aren't familiar check out the "unofficial user's guide". It's a great resource. ;)

Glad you like it. Mine will be here tomorrow. I am super excited to replace the ACJR. The "unofficial guide" has been my bible for the last few days... There is so much info, a bit overwhelming. I am just afraid of screwing something up and deploying it on my very stable and fully stocked 180gal. Are you running any advanced logic or just the standard functions?

I have seen the iPhone app, and yes, I will finally bite the bullet and get one after my verizon contract is up. I would get it right now but dont want to pay cancellation fees. Did you get the vortech module?

I ended up getting the Lite because i have an aquasurf to control my 2 Tunzes 6100 and will get the Vortech module for my two Mp40ws. Once the Tunzes die (or before that) I will just get two more Mp40ws.

Would you mind cheking out my code on this thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=17747365 ... any feedback is appreciated.
Taqpol, drummer....anyother inwall peeps!

I think I just had an overflow revolution talking to the tank builder. But need a question answered.....Hopefully someone can help answer:

I know you all mentioned that the sides look like mirrors essentially when clear. What happens when you color the sides.

If you use blue can you see the color or is it mirror'd still? How about when tank lights are on or off?
what about when sides are black? Light on or off? I know drummer has a few colored pieces of acrylic or vinyl to try...PLEASE.......:love2:

Ok so here is the scoop. I think I can do the overflow, externally on on side! I really really wanted an external toothless overflow.......Just never occured....do the side? I could always do the back, just more stuff in the way for maintenence. Not if it is on the side!

However, need to know if I can leave that side; clear, or blue or black. If clear and no way to see the plumbing then I can go that route. Or if need be I could go blue or black box to hide the plumbing in the overflow and would then color the rest of the sides & back to match.

I am still leaning toward a DARK blue background. Just not positive. However, if I can do a color to hide the overflow, yet not see the color really than that leaves options if I ever decide to change background colors!
You can use a Google Android App with the Apex now.. Verizon has tons of phones that support Android!!

Love the build!!:bounce3:
Taqpol, drummer....anyother inwall peeps!

I think I just had an overflow revolution talking to the tank builder. But need a question answered.....Hopefully someone can help answer:

I know you all mentioned that the sides look like mirrors essentially when clear. What happens when you color the sides.

If you use blue can you see the color or is it mirror'd still? How about when tank lights are on or off?
what about when sides are black? Light on or off? I know drummer has a few colored pieces of acrylic or vinyl to try...PLEASE.......:love2:

Ok so here is the scoop. I think I can do the overflow, externally on on side! I really really wanted an external toothless overflow.......Just never occured....do the side? I could always do the back, just more stuff in the way for maintenence. Not if it is on the side!

However, need to know if I can leave that side; clear, or blue or black. If clear and no way to see the plumbing then I can go that route. Or if need be I could go blue or black box to hide the plumbing in the overflow and would then color the rest of the sides & back to match.

I am still leaning toward a DARK blue background. Just not positive. However, if I can do a color to hide the overflow, yet not see the color really than that leaves options if I ever decide to change background colors!
I think i know what you're getting at, but I don't know if it will work. If you go up and look through the front of your fish tank and look at the side its mirrored, but if you press your hand up against the side you can see your hand from the front. I think this is because total internal reflection relies on both glass interfaces (water to glass on the inside, glass to air on the outside) and if you push something tight enough against the glass like the silicon from the external overflow or the water in the overflow it will be visible from the front, but everything below the overflow will be mirrored. Again, I THINK this is the case, but i don't have the means to truly te=est it out. It would be awesome if it worked.

You can use a Google Android App with the Apex now.. Verizon has tons of phones that support Android!!

Love the build!!:bounce3:
Sorry for the hijack Brett, but how easy is it to get an APEX android app, and does it work as well as the iphone version? I really want to control my APEX through a smart phone, but part of me doesn't want to get an iPhone for philosophical reasons... ;)
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... how easy is it to get an APEX android app, and does it work as well as the iphone version? I really want to control my APEX through a smart phone, but part of my doesn't want to get an iPhone for philosophical reasons... ;)

there is a fine line between the a physical need and philosophical reason on just about everything we do in this hobby.

- Somethimes that line is hard to determine, and
- sometimes it clear as mud and you wonder why anyone would buy that toy, and then again,
- sometimes it just disapears:hmm2:

and thats when you know your in trouble with your wife
there is a fine line between the a physical need and philosophical reason on just about everything we do in this hobby.

- Somethimes that line is hard to determine, and
- sometimes it clear as mud and you wonder why anyone would buy that toy, and then again,
- sometimes it just disapears:hmm2:

and thats when you know your in trouble with your wife

:lolspin: so true ... this is happening to me now with th eApex and iPhone.

Yo Bret! What are the EB pellets doing these days? Still tumbling? Mine are only tumbling on one side of the reactor. I am 3 weeks in.
Sorry for the hijack Brett, but how easy is it to get an APEX android app, and does it work as well as the iphone version? I really want to control my APEX through a smart phone, but part of me doesn't want to get an iPhone for philosophical reasons... ;)

All you have to do is type "Apex" in the search box for the Android Market and it will come right up.

Not sure how this kind of App works "as well" as another similar app would, they turn outlets on/off and report date.....they both do what they are intended to do. But what I can say additionally:

-The on screen widget is awesome
-The outlet control works just fine, no bugs at all from what I have seen
-The main screen on the app with the outlet display is laid out nicely.
-I have had 0 problems with the app since I downloaded it a couple months ago

Added the final addition to the ecoBAK reactor. I am now running 1 Liter of pellets. I definitely feel they are doing something. As I've said before I'm getting a more consistent skimmate, water clarity is really good, nutrients are testing 0's, and it seems like the last of the brown algae is dying. Almost looks like it's wilting. Even my sump looks cleaner. Hopefully I'll see continued progress on that front as we move forward in the coming days.

Now for more pics!!! :lol:

Another attempt to show the clarity of the tank. This time with the halides off and only the sump room incandescent lights on. It's like I'm looking through clear glass.... oh wait. :D


Reference pic of 1 Liter ecoBAK in SMR1 reactor. Still tumbling nicely but had to add a touch more flow to keep them suspended.


Weekly nog shots... :rollface: This was less than 24 hrs worth.



Num Num. Hot cocoa anyone? :lol:


Not the best pic, but took a shot of the sump room again tonight to show you I'm only running the ecoBAK reactor and ROX Carbon reactor.


How much did the 1 Liter ecoBAK cost and how long does it last?
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+1 on the Apex Brett.
I don't have the iPhone...and you're right, it is almost enough to make me switch hahaha.

:lol: All in due time my friend. I give you 3 months. :lol2:

Glad you like it. Mine will be here tomorrow. I am super excited to replace the ACJR. The "unofficial guide" has been my bible for the last few days... There is so much info, a bit overwhelming. I am just afraid of screwing something up and deploying it on my very stable and fully stocked 180gal. Are you running any advanced logic or just the standard functions?

I have seen the iPhone app, and yes, I will finally bite the bullet and get one after my verizon contract is up. I would get it right now but dont want to pay cancellation fees. Did you get the vortech module?

I ended up getting the Lite because i have an aquasurf to control my 2 Tunzes 6100 and will get the Vortech module for my two Mp40ws. Once the Tunzes die (or before that) I will just get two more Mp40ws.

Would you mind cheking out my code on this thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=17747365 ... any feedback is appreciated.

I'll check it out. Todd really knows his stuff so you are in good hands. ;)

If you are still up in the air on what your background should be, you should take a look at these threads (if you haven't already):



Seems like it would be perfect in your scenario because you have an in wall tank and didn't want to go with a standard black or blue.

Great links Alex, thanks! :)
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...I know drummer has a few colored pieces of acrylic or vinyl to try...PLEASE.......:love2:

I would at least make the overflow box black if you can. I would think you would be able to see it even through the front glass (somewhat) but don't know for sure. I put a piece of blue poster board up on the side of my tank and could only see it at a very extreme angle, but I could see it. Soooo, if it were me I would try and tint that side so the plumbing will disappear.

You can use a Google Android App with the Apex now.. Verizon has tons of phones that support Android!!

Love the build!!:bounce3:

Thanks southnash. :)

but part of me doesn't want to get an iPhone for philosophical reasons... ;)

You will regret this statement... :lol: Just kidding. :D

...and thats when you know your in trouble with your wife

:lol: Words of wisdom Pete! :rollface:

:lolspin:...Yo Bret! What are the EB pellets doing these days? Still tumbling? Mine are only tumbling on one side of the reactor. I am 3 weeks in.

I'm over 6 weeks in now and they are still tumbling nicely. They started to clump up a bit but are still tumbling relatively even. Thought it was a good sign the bacteria is starting to build up. Maybe give your reactor a shake or two and see if they will break up enough to get suspended again.

How much did the 1 Liter ecoBAK cost and how long does it last?

Mine were a little cheaper than retail but you can get them for $60/Liter. Warner says they last about a year but I would suppose it's best to top them off throughout the year.
drummereef, when you run biopellets do you run Active carbon and GFO at the sametime? can the Nextreef reactor sit outside of the sump (dont have enough space in mind)? thanks.
drummereef, when you run biopellets do you run Active carbon and GFO at the sametime? can the Nextreef reactor sit outside of the sump (dont have enough space in mind)? thanks.

I run ROX 0.8 Carbon alongside the ecoBAK. It is housed in a NextReef MR1 reactor. I change it out monthly. I took my GFO reactor off a few weeks ago as I didn't think it was doing much. The idea when running bio media is to limit or eliminate the use of GFO. Yes, I believe all the NextReef reactors can be run in or out of the sump. :)