drummereef's 180g in-wall build

great charts - wish I had somethiing like that
can you access all that from the net?

I may have to consider another upgrade :)
Have you had any mayor changes with the N/P reducing pellets ?
Readings cero ? Would you recomend it ?

No major changes to speak of. NO3 and PO4 remain undetectable by my test kits so at least the free phosphate is staying down. Still dealing with the algae on the rock and sand but as far as the ecoBAK goes I'm pleased with what it's done so far.

great charts - wish I had somethiing like that
can you access all that from the net?

I may have to consider another upgrade :)

Yes, all the graphs are accessible from the net and via my iPhone, which is the best part. In fact the graphs you see above are basically a "screen capture" of the graphs I see via the web server on my PC. I keep forgetting to do a review of the iPhone App. I'll put together a short photo review of it shortly... :)
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Sorry for the lack of updates recently... Lately I've just been giving the tank some time to do it's thing and see if I can't get past this algae cycle. I decided to give some GFO a try again. This time I went with "pellets" instead of the granules I had previously used. We'll see what it does this time... Don't know if it will have much of an effect on the rock leaching PO4 but it's worth another shot.

I also picked up another gallon of Magnesium mix to boost the Mag levels in the tank a bit. This is the second gallon of mix since I've started the tank.


As you can see I'm back to using all three reactors again. ecoBAK, ROX 0.8, and GFO.

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Per request and long overdue... Here's a short tutorial on the AquaNotes iPhone App I use in conjunction with my Apex Controller. I use this app everyday and love it. It even acts as a "remote control" for my fish tank which I will show below.

*I apologize for the photos in advance. It's way harder to take a picture of a phone than I thought. :lol: Anyhow, here we go! :)

The first pic is of the home screen. It shows general stats such as Temp, pH, and the Amps of each EB8 that is wired to the system. Each "Probe" outlined above is selectable to view a graph. Most important on this screen is the "Outlets" button. This button will show you what device is active and the general status of that device. This is where the iPhone literally becomes a remote control to the tank. Towards the bottom is other system information such as the Date, Power Fail/Restore times, software/hardware versions, etc...


The command center of the App is the "Outlets" button. Once selected it will take you to this screen. Here you can view what devices are active by the green light indicator to the left of each device. Also you can manually control each device by selecting Auto, On or Off. This come in handy when I do water changes. I can manually select to turn Off certain devices such as my ATO, skimmer, or return pump until I'm finished changing out the water.


And finally, the graphs. Each Probe on the home screen (Temp, pH, Amps) will take you to the appropriate graph. Each graph is selectable by Day, Week or Month. Shown is the pH graph for today.

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I don't know if you'd be able to answer this, but I'll give it a shot.

My APEX has two EB8's, one in the fish room and one under the tank. Each EB8 is plugged into a separate house circuit (20A for the fish room, 20A for under the tank), and then they're usb cables are plugged into the two usb ports on the APEX base unit. My actual head unit is plugged into the EB8 in the fish room. Everything works fine and I can set and adjust both EB8's, but I can only get amperage data from the EB8 in the fish room. Is this because the two EB8's are on different circuits?
I don't know if you'd be able to answer this, but I'll give it a shot.

My APEX has two EB8's, one in the fish room and one under the tank. Each EB8 is plugged into a separate house circuit (20A for the fish room, 20A for under the tank), and then they're usb cables are plugged into the two usb ports on the APEX base unit. My actual head unit is plugged into the EB8 in the fish room. Everything works fine and I can set and adjust both EB8's, but I can only get amperage data from the EB8 in the fish room. Is this because the two EB8's are on different circuits?

The EB8/Apex should have no clue that it's plugged into two separate circuits.

But I can't think of a reason that you could only get amperage from one...

Are you positive you're not just getting a combined amperage?

(I only have one EB8 at the moment, so I'm not sure how it attempts to display if you have two)
I don't know if you'd be able to answer this, but I'll give it a shot.

My APEX has two EB8's, one in the fish room and one under the tank. Each EB8 is plugged into a separate house circuit (20A for the fish room, 20A for under the tank), and then they're usb cables are plugged into the two usb ports on the APEX base unit. My actual head unit is plugged into the EB8 in the fish room. Everything works fine and I can set and adjust both EB8's, but I can only get amperage data from the EB8 in the fish room. Is this because the two EB8's are on different circuits?

Hmmm, that is strange Alex. My EB8s are also on separate circuits even though the receptacle is the same box. Have you gone into the "display setup" via the web server and set up the display parameters you want to see on the physical display unit? I have both EB8s under "Probe Line #2". Also, make sure they are "enabled" as well. On the display unit, you can select which view you want to see - I believe there are 4 views (called display "pages"). I made sure the page I see on the physical display unit is the same as the page I set up in the web server. You can scroll through those pages with the right/left buttons on the display unit.

If that doesn't do the trick try a system restart. Unplug the power to the base unit, wait 30 seconds, then plug the usb power back in and let it reboot.
sweet bild, congrats!

FYI you can do a screen shot of your iPhone by quickly pressing home button and power button.


cheers :beer:

Well, this looks a little better! :D With a friendly reminder on how to use my iPhone I'm posting some updated screen shots of the AquaNotes App so you can really see what it looks like. :lol: Here's today's stats...

One side note I forgot to mention was the alerts and alarms you can set on the Apex. I get email updates when a device goes Off or into Manual Mode from the default Auto. The Apex also sends email messages to alert me when there has been a power outage and when power was restored as well. These are invaluable tools if you want to keep up with the status of your tank while away.



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Thanks Shaggs. Duh, I completely forgot I could do a screen capture. I'll post the pics shortly.. Haha

No probs Brett. Very cool. I hope to get the app up and running with the profilux once my upgrade kit comes in!
Now I just gotta get out of this stupid Verizon contract so I can get an iPhone. My wife and I already set the money aside but we are stuck unless we pay $230 in cancelation fees
That is very cool Brett!!


No probs Brett. Very cool. I hope to get the app up and running with the profilux once my upgrade kit comes in!

profilux is sweet! Can't wait to see that setup, I'm sure you will love it. :)

Now I just gotta get out of this stupid Verizon contract so I can get an iPhone. My wife and I already set the money aside but we are stuck unless we pay $230 in cancelation fees

Ugh... I love the iphone but hate the contracts. I don't get why they have to rope you into all that junk anyway. I think I'd wait that one out. ;)

Man that's a really high tech setup. Sure beats teaching my wife what to look for and call me at work if there is a problem.

thanks reeftanknewbie. I know what you mean. ;)

I don't want to speak to soon but I think the GFO is kicking the tail end of the algae cycle in the butt. For some reason my Mexican Turbo snails wouldn't touch the stuff this time around. I rarely saw them eat on the rock like they did when I first put them in the tank. But, after about 24 hours of putting the GFO online I started to see them grazing on the stuff again. In the mean time I've been siphoning off as much as possible and also siphoning the red cyano patches that have been developing in the tank as well. We'll see what the next few days/weeks has to offer but I'm liking what I'm seeing. :)

Other than removing phosphate, does GFO remove any other stuff from the water column? I'm just wondering if something unknown wasn't irritating the Turbos/Fish. It's interesting how quickly everybody has perked up since putting it back on line. Hmmm... :hmm5:

I don't want to speak to soon but I think the GFO is kicking the tail end of the algae cycle in the butt. For some reason my Mexican Turbo snails wouldn't touch the stuff this time around. I rarely saw them eat on the rock like they did when I first put them in the tank. But, after about 24 hours of putting the GFO online I started to see them grazing on the stuff again. In the mean time I've been siphoning off as much as possible and also siphoning the red cyano patches that have been developing in the tank as well. We'll see what the next few days/weeks has to offer but I'm liking what I'm seeing. :)

Other than removing phosphate, does GFO remove any other stuff from the water column? I'm just wondering if something unknown wasn't irritating the Turbos/Fish. It's interesting how quickly everybody has perked up since putting it back on line. Hmmm... :hmm5:

Not sure if the GFO does anything else other then remove phosphates but I too have witnessed the change in behaviors for the better when adding GFO to my tank. I have also just learned that you can add freshwater maracyn and increase circulation to stop cyno in it's tracks. I haven't tried this yet but several people swear by it.
I just wanted to say this is a great build. I will be stealing some of what you did for my 120 build. Keep up the great work.
I've always found some of my inverts, esp snails, respond to high nutrients in a tank, way before the fish. They could've been stressed, maybe, by the high phosphates? Just guessing here. Good news tho!