Just curious if you don't mind sharing the info. My build is almost identical with yours as far as equipment (few changes). Have you calculated how much electricity you are using and how much your monthly charges went up?
I keep hearing horror stories of 160$+ a month with people running just 1 or 2 400w MH's.
I'll be running the same 3x 250w MH's along with supplemental VHO's.
If you don't mind sharing please do.
lets say you have 3 250w MH & 2 140w VHO's running 10hrs/day.
Thats equates to 1030w for 10hrs x 30 days in a month...
1030w x 300hrs= 309,000w
309,000/1000 = 309.0kwH.
assume an avg of .11c/ kwH....
.11c x 309= $33.99
for continous run stuff substiture the 300hrs above w/ 720 (30days x 24hrs)
Your lights alone are costing you about $33.99 a month to run.
you can add up all you other things like pumps, skimmer etc and do the same. I am right now building a 250 in wall and going efffecient and at about 600w of continuous draw, plus planning ~360w of LED light draw!
CLS & Vortech's (over 50x flow too!), reactor & skimmer feed pumps, return pump, skimmer, OM, heaters, controller & doser.
This is why I am going effecient. Really when buying new, the startup cost for effecient equipment isn't to much more than no effecient stuff. Minus LED's! :eek2: And the monthly savings can really add up!
Total monthly cost for me is about $58-$60/mo