DSA 65g SPS build

The tank is still doing well. Parameters have been steady but I am battling my nitrates. I absolutely cannot get them off 0 no matter how much I feed. My sps are showing it too with pale colors and no growth. I'm debating taking my biopellets off line (only running half the recommended dose). or maybe dosing some nitrates to see what happens. I have 5 fish now (added a midas blenny and baby yellow tang within the last month). Everyone is doing great. Couple crappy cell phone pics

I have dosed some aquavitro fuel twice. I think I'm going to start dosing that regularly. I feed lots of Rod's food but I'm not sure how much the sps really get from that.
I cant comment on those since I never used them, but I just started dosing the elos omega and pro skimmer (along with the reef chili) and getting some good results
Couple small updates. I am still having a hard time getting my nitrates to anything readable. I am hesitant to completely shut down the biopellet reactor. I'm running half the recommended dose of pellets so I am going to give it some more time and see how it goes.

I also located what I believe were AEFW bite marks on one of my acros, so I moved several pieces over to my coral QT tank and dipped everything twice. Once in a solution of 15ml of bayer per 1 cup of water for 15 minutes, and once in Julian sprungs coral dip.

I also spent way to much money this week on ANOTHER mp 10 (couldnt hesitate when i saw the rebate). I also finally found the flame angel I had been looking for (i waited a long time for one with 7 stripes). My lfs also got the smallest purple tang I have ever seen so I went big and got him too (gave my yellow to a buddy).

Your tank is looking great. How is the angel doing w/ the sps? Any trouble with nipping?
Keep up the progress
Thanks! I haven't noticed him nipping anything yet but I just added him yesterday. He is constantly picking at the rock but hasn't picked at a coral yet that I have seen. Time will tell !
Your biopellets are striping the water. You can still use them but I would use half the amount you are currently using and see what happens. If you take all of it out, you might get a crazy algae issue.

How is you PO4 level, try to keep it around 0.03ppm, that way algae is kept to a minimum, but the corals dont starve out completely.

Whats your T5 combo front to back?
Your biopellets are striping the water. You can still use them but I would use half the amount you are currently using and see what happens. If you take all of it out, you might get a crazy algae issue.

How is you PO4 level, try to keep it around 0.03ppm, that way algae is kept to a minimum, but the corals dont starve out completely.

Whats your T5 combo front to back?

I am already at half the recommend dose and it is still very effective. I think I may take your advice and get rid of some pellets. I haven't tested my phosphate in awhile but it was very low last time I tested. My bulb combo is 4x blue + 2x aquablue special, 1 coral plus and 1 pro plus.
Hi your tank is looking great. I have a question about the starboard from cutting board.com
Is this the high-density polyethylene sheet ? How much did you paid for the custom size piece?
Thanks for the compliments guys.

Bogdanek, the cuting board is from another website, I can't think of it right now. It was quite a bit cheaper than cuttingboard.com. It is also guaranteed not to warp. It was about $60-65 with shipping cut to the exact dimensions. (I cut out for the overflow).

Couple updates on the tank. The purple tang gave my tank ich (then died), its not bad and all the fish are doing great, but I am going to treat the fish. I plan to pull them out and do tank transfer method in the next couple weeks and leave the tank fallow for 8 weeks. Good news though, all my corals are doing great. I finally got my dosing pumps dialed in and everything looks great.
I am in need of some serious help from the sps gods!!!!

For the past 3 years my tank has been the definition of mediocore. Most stuff lives, a few frags die, and almost nothing grows like it should. I have recently started trying to get things back on track, and I am not having any success.


My nutrients have been undetectable for the longest time, and my corals always were very pale and showed no growth. I dabbled in dosing KNO3, but didn't like it. I recently began over feeding the heck out of my fish with Rods, Spectrum pellets, and mysis cubes. I now have nitrates between 10 and 25 (salifert) and phosphates around 0.05 (hanna ulr). I've been holding these levels for a couple weeks now.


I have brs dosers for my calcium and alk. I am manually dosing magnesium, but should have another dosing pump to automate that today. I am using BRS brand for all 3 supplements. I have a bottle of acropower I have dosed on and off, dont notice any difference.


Sun power 8x39w all ATI bulbs, runs for 9 hours a day. Light is about a foot off the top of the tank.

Current levels

I chased my alk around for about the past month, turns out I had a bad batch of hanna alk reagent. Since figuring that out about a week ago, my params have been very solid.

Levels as of today:

Alk 8.06 (hanna)
Calcium 450 (salifert)
Magnesium 1260 (salifert)
Nitrates about 15 (salifert)
Salinity 1.026 with refractomer.
Temp fluctuates less than 1 degree throughout the day. (78.9-79.0 with Apex probe)

I sent water off to Triton labs today for further testing.


I was using Reef crystals for a long time, recently switched to H2Ocean because it matched the alk I like to run in my tank better.


SPS do not grow almost at all. They show very pale colors. Over the past week, all my montis have died or almost died. I am at a complete loss, my parameters have been stable and I have been testing so much I'm not sure what could be the issue. I also have burnt tips and slow stn on a couple pieces. I would normally assume burnt tips = alk burn but my alk has been stable in the 7.8 range for a week and the tips are losing more tissue every day. I also get almost no PE, except at night on a few pieces.

Now for some pictures:

Notice the STN on this pieces (some type of stag). It has been stn'ing in this area for about a week. It use to have some PE, and now has none.

This piece has burnt tips that receede slowly every day. It also has grown extremely slowly over the past year or so and has gone from some PE at night, to none. It looks extremely stressed and ready to die.

This piece was really nice when I got it, always had polyps out. Now its completely colorless, never has PE.

Ths encrusting monti with blue polyps is barely hanging on, all the polyps are receeded far inside the tissue and it looks like its about to die.

This piece has grown absolutely none at all in over a year. It is slowly receding (notice the white around the base, stn)

This is a Jason fox mystic I think. Notice the white tissue, receeding all around it. The pocillopora in the background is about the only thing I have that is doing well.

Pro corals red rainbow acros is what this one is I believe. From the top town it looks pink but has no color from the side. That much growth is in over a year.

PLEASE HELP I need some experience opinions here. I am doing everything I think should be right, my ALK, calcium, and Mag are stable in good ranges, and things are only getting worse. I'm not sure if I'm missing something trace, if there could be something toxic in my water, etc.
IMHO if you were chasing alk due to the bad reagent that probably meant your alk was all over the place for some time. I'm no expert by any means, but depending on how long you were chasing that, it probably had some impact on your SPS.
Agree completely, no doubt stressed them out. What I don't understand is how its been very stable for a week now, and I'm still losing tissue (particularly on my montis). At a minimum things should have stablilzed and stopped stn'ing. I did just test my phosphate and it came back at 1 on a hanna ultra low range.