Dudester’s 450g corner in-wall and tank room – help with design

Wow, I'm intrigued and will follow along...
because you asked for design help...I'll only offer a quick observation that is asthetic only...
could you remove the corner pillar to provide a full corner view? Maybe this is necessary structurally, but you might like the full corner view from the rest of the room, it might open things up?
I'm very impressed with your planning and detail, especially the sunken foundation & drain...good thinking!
cbui2 and makoJ - Glad to have you guys aboard, I can use your help for sure. Please chime in when you have ideas for me, since it'll be much easier for me to change things or implement new concepts now. That goes for everyone following this thread. I'm not proud, and I still feel like a newbie.

gkarshens - Ha, yeah, my plan was to build the house around the tank, but my wife had other ideas. She has been great and is going along with this tank build, but I had to agree to fit the tank in after first setting up a functional home. That's why the tank is 6' instead of 8', as elongating the tank would have meant eliminating one of the columns in the living room, which was not happening. I also wanted a much larger tank room, but I'll settle for what I got.

purebullet417 - Thanks man.

ChrisMc73 - I only have 2 other AGE tanks. One is in my office (450g) and it's staying right there. The other is my rimless 203g, and fishypets is getting that one.

fishypets - You can come over any time you want, you know that. As for TOTM, I shudder to even write those 4 letters in a row. I've got a LONG way to go before even thinking about that. I just want a nice reef in my home that I can enjoy and tinker with.

Jar*Head - Don't get me wrong, bro, I LOVE your external wavebox idea. It's just that, in 5 years when there's something better out there, I'd be stuck with 2 extension boxes and 2 holes in the side of the tank that would be useless. If this were a tank I'd be setting up for 5 years or less I would go for it, but this will be my last tank for at least 15 years.

yeniraki - I'm glad you've been enjoying my other tank thread. When I set that tank up, I new I would be moving to a new home, but not quite this soon. An opportunity arose and we took it. In the interim I couldn't go 'tankless' so I set up the rimless tank, thinking I could enjoy it and experiment for a few years. It just didn't work out that way. I will really miss having a rimless display tank, but I'll be able to see it at Clint's (fishypets) house, and my frag tank will be rimless.

tanya72806 - email sent

GMFett - Thanks bro! I'll call you later today. I really value your opinions since you have my dream tank and a lot of experience with this size tank, so please keep me on track with this project.

RyanBrucks - Looks like we think alike. I'm not familiar with the tradewinds chiller, I'll look into it. I don't want to rely on evaporation alone, solely because I don't want to increase my water topoff usage. On the other hand, the energy used to create the electricity to run a chiller probably exceeds the cost to the environment than using extra water ... so maybe I should stick to the Eco-cooler?

Bax - Good to have you here my man. LOL, the 2-part comment was more of a jab than an actual recommendation (can't believe you brought that up - you're like an orca!). I agree with your float valve switch recommendation, and I'll probably still use the osmolator in the 40g reservoir to deliver the topoff to the sump. I would like to see how other large tank owners handle their topoff. Sounds like a nice topic for a new thread.

Jim_S and tbone28 - Thanks guys, please help me out when you can.

hansmatt - Thanks for the suggestion! I feel exactly as you do regarding the corner pillar, but it has a necessary function in the home to provide for the arch over the tank. I am very disappointed that the side view will only be 3 of the available 4 feet, but on the other hand it may appear that the tank opens up when viewing it through that panel, know what I mean? The other problem that corner piller causes is the inability to pass a magnet cleaner around the corner to clean the glass. I have solved that problem by ensuring the pillar is not load-bearing. The builder will cut out a door in the hollowed pillar, and I'll be able to open the door and pass the magnet through. Pretty cool, hu?

And as for the typos, well, it seems that when this thread is viewed on a Mac (like I did at home last night) some of the punctuation (like the inch symbol, dashes and apostrophes) becomes scrambled since it was originally typed in Word. I'll try to fix that if the administrator allows it.

I froget nothing!!!

Except my home phone number and for most things my wife thinks are important :rolleye1:
you have 4 x 6301 in your tiny tank Jar*Head? What kind of a tsunami you got going on over there?
Jon, they all on the way, the tank is dry waiting to be ship to CO. I will let you know once it have it up and running.
I got mine from O.C aquatic in California. I ordered all my stuff from them :D. I can't say much because that will consider commercial :D
Whoa dude...this tanks gona hold you over for a while right? :lol:

Didn't you just upgrade to a.....oh never mind, this is going to be good. ;) :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12265025#post12265025 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cprowler
Whoa dude...this tanks gona hold you over for a while right? :lol:

Didn't you just upgrade to a.....oh never mind, this is going to be good. ;) :D
LOL :rollface:
Yes, this tank should hold me over for quite some time, thank you. This hobby is definitely my heroin.

Now come on people, help a bratha out! I need to order this tank VERY soon so it can be in place for the builders to finish the carpentry around it. In my past experiences with AGE it takes them at least 6 weeks to complete a tank, and this one needs to be here in Austin by mid-June so as to not delay construction at the home site. I would appreciate opinions on everything really, but the most pressing issues are related to hole placement in the tank. The dimensions are not changeable. I'm leaning toward the 2 closed loop configuration, primarily due to the tank's depth of 4 feet. The downside to this is that it would complicate the aquascaping, not to mention the complexity of the plumbing. The upside is obvious, so I'm really on the fence here. Additionally, since I'm considering a Wavy Seas I'll need to pick a location on the eurobrace to have a hole cut. I'm leaning toward the rear center, allowing the device to rotate 180 degrees. What do you think?
Mike, wavy sea is a great idea. Do you plan on running any Tunze with that unit? I have try the wavy sea and Tunze combo it work very well.
Yes Steve, I would definitely mount a Tunze on it. In fact, I might even run it as a Tunze holder alone without plumbing from the closed loop or return pump. If I recall, you recommend a 6101 with the Wavy Seas as opposed to a more powerful Tunze, is that correct?
Yes sir, i try the 6201 on the wavy sea plus before and that bad boy last less than a month. It made all source of noice and vibration :D. But the 6101 will work nicely.

If i ever do wavy sea again, i will use the 6080 instead of the controllable tunze because the wavy sea itself already provide the random flow by turning it " no need to be fancy"
Interesting. The 6080 puts out only ~1/3 as much flow as the 6101, but for my tank that might be fine, since if located at the rear center, there wouldn't be far for the water to travel in any one direction. It's not like it would have to go 8' across a long tank.
The tunze stream 6080 pushing 2250gph at 20w and the 6101 pushing 3170 at 36w. I would do couple wavy sea combo with 6080 tunze stream, set my wavy sea on faster mode " make sure your corals glued into the rock :D"

Since your euro brace going to be acrylic, i would send an wavy seal unit to AGE so they can put a piece of acrylic on your brace at the right distance from the hole so you can mount your wavy sea without have it stick out too far. Or have AGE send you a piece of 1/2" acrylic and you will glue it down yourself....
Jar*Head - Outstanding ideas, that's the stuff I'm looking for, thanks bro!

rlxwcapt - Glad to have you aboard, my Maryland man (I grew up there). I've been following Los' thread from the beginning, and it's a very impressive plan. One of the things I dislike about the dual closed loops, and it's illustrated very clearly in his sketchup diagrams, is the difficulty it will create with the aquascape. I can't recall if he is using a PVC lattice to place rock over all of the inlets and drains, but I guess that would solve the problem. Also, with my single closed loop diagram, that would still create the clockwise flow pattern to promote detritus removal via the overflow, but it certainly would need more supplementation for overall tank flow, which is why I would then need more in the way of Wavy Seas, etc. I hadn't really considered Vortecs, but I will definitely give it some thought. Please keep the ideas coming, this is great!
Dudester- Looks awesome, can't wait till this begins.

Concrete Floor- Take it from a concrete guy, Do not leave bare concrete floors. You should seal it with a 2-part epoxy system, H&C makes a good product and you can get it at Sherwin Williams. SW has a commercial grade 2-part that's a little more durable than the H&C but I don't think you need it.

*question- Did they pitch the concrete to the drain? It looks to me like they just recessed the whole area w/ no pitch. I would have your concrete sub go ahead and fix that *if they do, make sure they use a vinyl based cement w/ a bonding agent, otherwise it may pop in the future.

one more thing- Have you looked into the paperless drywall? You don't have to use green-board in the whole room, maybe just the first 4' & then use the p-less drywall the rest of the way up. When you paint, go ahead & use "Killz" primer to prevent any future humidity issues. A poop fan w/a humidity sensor would be a good idea also.
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