Dutch Built-in 240 Gallon tank

My Fishlist (April 8th, Easter 2012)

Tangs / Rabbitfish
1 Siganus guttatus
1 Zebrasoma veliferum
1 Zebrasoma flavescens

1 Macropharyngodon negrosensis
1 Pseudojuloides severnsi
1 Paracheilinus filamentosus
2 Paracheilinus octotaenia
1 Cirrhilabrus solorensis
1 Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis
1 Cirrhilabrus exquisitus
1 Bodianus mesothorax
1 Halichoerus melanurus

2 Amphiprion ocellaris
2 Pholidichthys leucotaenia
1 Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus
4 Pterapogon kauderni
1 Ecsenius bicolor
1 Corythoichthys intestinalis
1 Amblygobius phalaena
1 Canthigaster leoparda

I recently sold my Paracanthurus hepatus and my Heniochus acuminatus as they both proved to be not so reefsafe. The Paracanthurus loved all my Trachyphyllia's just a bit too much and the Heniochus used my flower for breakfast.
Just a few pics of three wrasses out of my small collection:


Thanks Euler!

I'm ideed a wrasse-fan and have been lucky so far in how the animals interact so far. No sign at all of any aggressivity.

Still on my wishlist: a couple of Cirrhilabrus laboutei...