Thanks you all for reacting. It has been very silent from my side but that's not because nothing happened here. In fact a lot has happened and I will describe shortly the events over the past year and a half...
October 2010 I started having issues on Fish health... Fishes started to breath too quickly and basically stopped eating. This was a slow process and I couldn't identify at all what was causing it. Some fishes (eg. my foxface and mandarins) were very hardy but for instance all my tangs and shrimps quickly died. New additions were even worse; they died sometimes within the day with the same symptoms.
I have really tried everything to find out and correct all possible causes but nothing worked. All in all it was a very slow process until at a certain point even my foxface died (after not eating for almost 8 weeks).
By that time it was already
June 2011 and I think I lost almost 50 fishes over that timeperiod... :worried: The only survivors were two Pholydichthys leucotaenia's.
What to do? STOP or????
I decided differently and I completely disabled the tank (
July 2011). Took out all the live rock and left it in the backyard to dry.
Cleaning the tank was done by pooring 180L (almost 50 Gallon) of natural vinegar in the tank together with tap water. I had it running for almost a week after which I did the same twice with only tapwater.
180L of Natural Vinegar:
Also the background had to go to be replaced by blue foil so I would see more depth. All in all, the tank got cleaned very well; alot of work!!