Dutch Built-in 240 Gallon tank

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the compliment!
There are actually three Tunze Streams (6101) linked to a 7095 Tunze Multicontroller. Given the set-up of the Multicontroller, I think the three Streams are on average flowing at a 70% capacity (varying from 40%-100%)

This gives me 3 x 12'000 L/H x 70% = 25'200 L/H.

Next to this, I have my feedingpump (Red Dragon) with 6'500 L/H capacity. Have to correct that as it needs to pump the water +/- 1.5 meters up, which reduces the capacity to some 4'000 L/H.

In total 29'200 L/H divided by 750L of water (880L tank -/- rock) gives me almost 39 times current, which is more than enough. I think the guideline is somewhere between 30 and 40.

Sorry that I made the calculation in Liters...
Thank you Hans. I have no problem with thinking in liters. I see you put one of the streams in the upper left corner of the backwall. Is the second also in the upper backwall just riht of center? Where did you hide the third?

As a side note: My Wife breeds Friesian horses so we have had a chance to visit the Netherlands.

Hi Mark,

There is indeed one Stream in the upper left corner and one in the upper right corner. Both these Streams are somewhat built in my live rock but in such a way that I just need to remove one overarching rock (which is loose) to clean the Streams every once in a while. These Streams are pointed to the diagonally opposite corner, but at different heights, so the currents don't collide with each other fully in the middle.

The third Stream is also on the upper right side but behind my rock (accessible from the back of my tank). This one is directed a little downwards to the left side so it gives current behind the rock, alongside my backwall, preventing (at least I hope) dirt from piling up there.

Hope I made myself a little clear; difficult to explain for me in a non-native language... :spin2:
Couple of pictures from today....

Left side of the tank:

Right side of the tank:
Thank you Hans. You are very clear. While I can read a little dutch your english is far and away better than my dutch. :)


P.S. Your pictures are really increasing my need to get mine back up and running. The tank looks really nice.
Your pictures are really increasing my need to get mine back up and running. The tank looks really nice.

Thanks again Mark.
Pls do start your tank again. Nothing nicer than the start-up period (for you as well for people following your thread)
Thanks Elijaher !!

Bought this week some livestock:
1x Percnon gibbesi
1x Enoplometopus debelius
and some Corals (a.o. a pink Hystrix)

I like adding some of the invertebrates that are a bit shy (as the Enoplometopus) as it makes me (and my kids) spending time trying to find them: it gives a sort of thrill :bigeyes: when you finally do....

A few pics of the Enoplometopus when it was being acclimatized:



Very nice tank. I like the way you used a background rather then LR "islands", it gives depth to your setup.
And you take beautiful pictures!
The last fishpic it's of the Calloplesiops altivelis? Can you please tell me more about it? Is it hiding a lot, being aggressive with other fish, eating invertebrates?
Couple of pictures from today....

Left side of the tank:

Right side of the tank:

I love the pyramid butterfly fishes. How are they in the aquarium w/ corals? Are they the ones that you call "Shy butterflies?" I want to add one but have not seen anything on them.
OF Course, I Love your tank. It is a stunning tank and the behind the scenes (fish room) is so simple. I love it.
Beautiful tank and setup! And pics! It's hard to believe that this is your first tank - you must have done deep research to get it right - congratulations.
Nicely done! Looks very natural. Love the way you incorporated it to the room as well.
Hi Hans, well done on a superb tank! I have a sixline wrasse(great fish) I am thinking of adding one or two more, how do yours get on with each other?

Best wishes from England
Great tank, I have never tried Broccoli but have herd of people using it .. I have also herd of peas being served up too... First tank looks like it could of been your 5th.. Lol
Shame on me; have to blow the dust from this journal....
Will get back soon with an update (am at my work now) but in short: the tank is still doing great. Had some minor losses but also some additions but will get back to that.

@Irritans: The last fishpic isn't the "Calloplesiops altivelis" but the "Amblygobius phalaena". The Calloplesiops is virtually impossible to photograph well, as it shows itself rarely and is rather shy. With me reefsafe sofar but no guarantees... (although I lost both my cleaner shrimps, but don't have the "smoking gun"; I still have all my other shrimps)

@lilchris: Indeed the Pyramid or "Shy butterflies" are the same fish; just different "popular" names. They are the only 100% reefsafe Butterflies I have evr come across... Unfortunately I lost one last week after being more than a year in my tank.... :-(

@marc111: Just read your journal; looks great! How's it going now?

@paulmartin: thanks! According to me, multiple sixline wrasses is rarely a success. I started with four and ended with one and I've only heard similar experiences...

@CincyGida, Oldude and gtaylor67: Thanks for the compliments.
And last for now, a couple of overview shots. Pls note that the tank is running with water since December 23rd and still relatively young.
Always open for questions, suggestions or critizism...




what is the curly looking coral next to the toadstool in these pics? great tank btw!