dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......

My favorite has always been your Northern Delight :beer: With summer finally coming,... sadly tanks and mantenance seem to come up short on the things to do list :lmao: Hopefully next winter your aquarium will move back to the top of the list.
Honestly Darryl the information you shared on your thread,... I'm sure helped a lot of us reefers. It will be missed, but nice to see you still check the thread!---Rick
Those corals still look great! Hard you believe you have lost all interest, never thought I would hear that coming from you... that said, you are still in the game technically.
Well surprisingly my tank lingers. Bad news is I have lost all interest really (not doing much maintenance) and the live stock is being picked apart. I only have some of my more larger and common pieces left at this point and hope to have it shut down soon.

About 3 years ago I went through that with keeping reefs (Sps). I was bored with it, and wanted a new challenge. I had some unique ideas that I still want to follow through on that are more fish only setups related.

Anyways, my interest got sparked again after I had sold every coral off but a few of my favorites and started with just frags again with a smaller tank.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Those corals still look great! Hard you believe you have lost all interest, never thought I would hear that coming from you... that said, you are still in the game technically.
Hope you find interest in it again darryl:thumbsup:
Darryl I love your tank and corals I also lost interest in my tank after 6yrs I was just getting bored . Then I went to MACNA and found my new love.
I still can't believe that you have lost interest and are taking a break, but I wish you the best, Darryl. :) Your remaining corals under your "lesser" care, still look amazing. LOL You already know how much I appreciate you, your tank and corals, and your great dedication to the hobby, but I will say it again. You are among a select few I've looked to for inspiration, information, and support in the ways that you have pushed the limits of SPS/coral reefkeeping. You are a top reefkeeper IMO. Thank you.
Wow. That is a great compliment thanks.

Currently my tank is coral-free but I still have a few fish that I've got up for sale and are waiting for good homes.

I'm really looking forward to a summer off of reef keeping. This hobby is great but can be demanding as well.

After I'm rested up who knows what the future will have in store. Definitely no promises at this point though.

Again thanks everyone for following. I hope I have helped a few people out there achieve a goal, (like the people who showed me the way).
I just re-read this entire thread after picking up some of your old equipment (halides and skimmer). Started reading just the first couple of pages to see how you had the hardware setup, but then I couldn't stop! Amazing journey, still can't believe that you lost interest and shut down... but then again I don't have kids yet either, so I'm sure my time will come after they arrive :).

Hope you are enjoying your break Darryl.
I just re-read this entire thread after picking up some of your old equipment (halides and skimmer). Started reading just the first couple of pages to see how you had the hardware setup, but then I couldn't stop! Amazing journey, still can't believe that you lost interest and shut down... but then again I don't have kids yet either, so I'm sure my time will come after they arrive :).

Hope you are enjoying your break Darryl.

Know what you mean...this is one of my all time favorite threads. Darryl's keep it simple approach and his willingness to answer questions that other reefers asked of him was outstanding. I used a lot of his "how to" information on my setup . The TOTM award was well deserved,...and I miss not reading updates on his beautiful tank. Thanks Darryl !
Hey Daryl,
Didn't realize you were shutting it down. your tank was certainly an inspiration for me. I'm glad this thread is here so I can come back to visit it again and again.

Thanks....I love this question. The answer is yes.....like most people I've had my ups and downs. This tank has been mostly a success but prior tanks were hit and miss. I always had proper flow and lighting but I never could get the proper nutrient level. I think identifying the proper nutrient level in the aquarium is the hardest part and I believe in feeding a decent amount but also in heavy export with the use of a big skimmer, regular water change routine and I also use bio-pellets as an additional biological means. I know in past tanks I either was too nutrient poor or had excess nutrients that hindered coral color and growth. Experience helps me observe and monitor coral health and adjust the nutrient import/export if need be......it is a true balancing act but once you get a good routine that your tank responds too it becomes pretty easy.

Oh and a bit of luck never hurts either.......knock on wood.

Quoting way back in 2011. I am reading through this thread a second time to remind me of everything that was great about this thread. I do hope you start again and find inspiration in not only keeping corals but educating us saps that still need to learn. :)
Hey guys. Nice to see people are still using my thread. I wish some of the picture links didnt get lost. Anyway glad my experience can still be used as a reference. Happy reefing..
Nothing in the works yet. To be honest im still enjoying the extra free time. Spending it on new hobbies, more sleep, and more quality time with the family. My wife still needs to be softened up more before I start a new tank as well. I might wait till my kids are ild enough to actually help set one up and get into the science.

Also FYI my hydro bill was $150 CHEAPER in Oct. 2014 vs. Oct. 2013. Nice bonus. Next tank will definitely be more energy efficient.