Dwarf Angelfish Article


Premium Member
Hi Henry,
I enjoyed the article very much! There is a section that is double printed however :) .
I didn't see anything about the interaction with Tridacna sp. of clams. I know many angel species are hit and miss depending on the individual but are there any that are more likely to stay away from clam nipping? I have to say some of those pictures make me want to run out and buy one right away :D

hi kevin

I enjoyed the article very much!


There is a section that is double printed however

doh :eek: i already have my editor working on it ;)

I didn't see anything about the interaction with Tridacna sp. of clams.

clams would fall under sessile inverts.

I know many angel species are hit and miss depending on the individual but are there any that are more likely to stay away from clam nipping?

some try to say that certain dwarfs are more/less likely to nip at clams. i leave them all grouped together with the "chances are..." stigmatism.

remember this ;)

if you are not prepared to rip apart your reef at a momentââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s notice to capture your dwarf angel because it decided it liked the taste of your corals, it is best that you do not consider buying one.


No Henry that did not help! I wanted you to say the very nicest most colorful one was very clam safe :D :D :D

Best regards,
Hi Henry, great article as usual.
I have considered adding a pair of Centropyge argi to my 180 reef but was told these fish (as singles) spend alot of time swimming back and forth within the aquarium. Now after reading your ariticle I wonder if this behavior could be associated with the male looking for the female?
I also noted that you said their normal territory in the wild is about 5' x 12'. Have you witnessed or heard of anyone with a tank around 180 that has had a pair of these fish spawn, or would it require a much larger tank IYO for this behavior to occur?
Hi Henry, great article as usual.


I have considered adding a pair of Centropyge argi to my 180 reef but was told these fish (as singles) spend alot of time swimming back and forth within the aquarium.

i am also considering this same choice, though i am thinking about 3 argi. from what i've seen, these fish do not stop swimming.

Now after reading your ariticle I wonder if this behavior could be associated with the male looking for the female?

very possible, though i'm sure we will never know for sure.

Have you witnessed or heard of anyone with a tank around 180 that has had a pair of these fish spawn, or would it require a much larger tank IYO for this behavior to occur?

nope, do not know anyone or have not heard of anyone doing this in a 180g tank, but i cannot see why this would be out of the question. 180g should be enough territory for 3 argi - 1 male and 2 female. the tank should also be tall enough to allow for the ritual, so i see no reason why they couldn't/shouldn't spawn in a 180g tank.


Thanks Henry, I'll let you know if I run across anyone who has been successful with this.
Thanks for a wonderful article on the Dwarf angelfish. Certainly one of my favorite fish, and of course, hightly popular in the aquarium trade. I especially enjoyed the photo of the "C. boylei", or 'peppermint angel" as it was coined in a FAMA article about 10 years ago. That was a great article as well, as it detailed the diving expedition where a few of these were caught & sent home for personal tanks. It's a shame that they live so deep that they will never be a regular in the trade.
Thanks again for a well thought out & informative article.