Eco-Aqualizer (may fama article)

:rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
:rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
This is REALLY FUN. :D

You name it and it can be found.

increasing sexual attraction,

Well sort of. Bolding is mine (NO Boomer that's not that mine).

Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
Patent Number: US5800481
Publication date: 1998-09-01
Inventor(s): LOOS HENDRICUS G (US)
Requested Patent: US5800481
Application Number: US19950580346 19951228
Priority Number(s): US19950580346 19951228
IPC Classification: A61F2/00
EC Classification: A61M21/00, A61N1/40T, A61N1/28, A61N5/02, A61N5/06C3, A61N5/06C6

In man, autonomic and cortical resonances of the nervous system can be excited by inducing subliminal heat pulses in the skin by means of a resistive heat patch, laser, heat lamp, or microwave radiation, or through a slow air jet that carries a small periodic fluctuation in temperature. Deeply subliminal skin temperature oscillations of frequency near +E,fra 1/2+EE Hz induced in a subject by any of these means cause sleepiness, drowziness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, a tense feeling, sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise pulse frequency used. For certain higher frequencies, the induced subliminal skin temperature oscillations cause fractured thought and a slowing of certain cortical processes. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of tremors, seizures, and emotional disorders. There is further application in the form of nonlethal weapons, involving a pulsed infrared laser or a pulsed microwave beam, tuned to a sensory resonance pulse frequency.

Belt for promoting male sexual function
Patent Number: CN1092329
Publication date: 1994-09-21
Inventor(s): XIANHUI LU (CN)
Applicant(s): LU XIANHUI (CN)
Requested Patent: CN1092329
Application Number: CN19930104136 19930410
Priority Number(s): CN19930104136 19930410
IPC Classification: A61M37/00; A61K35/00; A61N5/06; A61F7/00
EC Classification:

The invented band sums up the medicinal action, infrared ray radiative action and the heating action of heating bag into an integral whole, and is composed of two medicinal bags and two sections of elastic cord. The medicinal bag is composed of out layer bag, medicine core and automatic heating bag. On the surface of the out layer bag the coating formed of ceramic infrared paint is printed. The medicine core is made with extra care from 41 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines. Said band is worn on the waist to make the medicine core aim at shengque, shenyu and mingmen acupoints. Said band possesses of the curative effects for such symptoms as lassitude and pain in loin and knees, cold limbs, intolerance to cold, impotence, old and infirm etc.


I know, that's what I meant by you are one sick person, you are so flippin' funny, take you meds and knock it off :clown:


Here's another:

Patent Number: US4657,87665432,658433
Publication date: 2004-06-20
Inventor(s): Sekha, Habib
Applicant(s): Sekha, Habib
Assignee: Salifert

:lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin:
:lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin:

You are getting just as bad a Habby:D Did you run out of meds ?
sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement

That is something that you'd need to be sure of. I can just see making that mistake with my wife. "Heh baby, wanna get lucky?.........eeeewwwwwww"

Hi all,

I somehow missed this thread until now. Sorry for chiming in late, especially since the thread has degraded to magnetically powered devices that produce Olestra like side effects, but this nonsense really sticks in my craw...

I read the review in question with quite a bit of disgust and hearthache. I was actually embarrassed to be reading it. Any shred of respect I had left for Goemans is now completely gone.

This article brought on terrible flashbacks to the Marc Weiss interview when Bob asked obviously canned questions and the replies were direct quotes from Marc Weisses advertising and website.

This kind of stuff is why Carl Sagan's "A Demon Haunted World, Science as a Candle in the Dark" should be mandatory High School reading. In it, Sagan repeatedly asserts the importance of a well honed "BS detector".

It will never cease to amaze me that people fall for such outrageous claims. Even if someone isn't educated in the sciences, you would think the language alone would just scream "snake oil".

Also, to reiterate a point that was already made.... I have never read a bad review from Goemans. How does anyone trust the credibility of someone who never has a negative word to say about a product???
Since when is Ron a product?

Well, I always thought Ronny thinks he is a product:p :D

sudden loose stool

I have laughted so much here my "stool" got loosse and have actually fell off it a few times now.

I have never read a bad review from Goemans

I beleive I have pointed that out a few times also.........there are no bad reviews by Bobby :mad: other than that bad review of a Salifert test kit:bum:
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I was teasing! :rollface:

I beleive I have pointed that out a few times also.........there are no bad reviews by Bobby other than that bad review of a Salifert test kit

:lol: not at the test kit but at Bobby!
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You know this type of junk science isn't just marketed to the masses. I'm a chem engineer at an oil refinery and I had a guy stop by trying to sell "BIG" magnets to treat industrial cooling water systems. I'm talking 100's of thousands of dollars here.

About 5 minutes into his pitch I actually chuckled out loud (for which I'm not proud) and told him we weren't interested... He even had a long list of references, but he never actually produced a name when pressed :D.
I'm sure you guys mistyped "Bobby", so I corrected it

Wssssssssu, yes Randy it was suppose to be Bobby and not whatever. Based on Jer's post I can imagine what I did type:rolleyes: I don't want to get in trouble again,once was enough:o

You was just thinking of something and typed that. You can't be blamed for that after you having reading some of the patents. :D
:thumbsup: :cool: :thumbsup:

Good thinkin' :D

So that means I can blame you and Randy, even :cool: 'er
Boomy ;)

So that means I can blame you and Randy,

You may blame me. No problem. :)
Hi all,

If Bob doesn't think too highly of Ron, perhaps he has some of my respect back .
