Aquarium (especially reef) product snake oil really upsets me. For, example, the other day I over heard my LFS tell a customer he could get rid of hair algae by dosing Marc Weiss's "Blackpowder". I was so #$$$ed off I felt the need to educate the customer when he was away from the LFS owner.
Sorry, I'm really mad. Snake oil reef products are not nearly as bad as health product snake oil. There are 10,000's of people who don't get proper health care for serious medical conditions because they think the magnet, herbs, and reflexology will cure their heart failure (or whatever, pick a disease).
Bob Goemans is a sneaky salesman. I met him in Salt Lake City about 2 years ago and listened to his "scientific" explaination of why a plenum is superior to all other forms of filtration. Total BS (but he did have all his books for sale on the table next to him). I have no respect for him (and I don't like his NOSE JOB, he really needs to sell more Eco-Aqualizers so he can afford a better plastic surgeon). Sorry for the childish remark, I don't like his nose job? Does that make me a bad person?