Ed Reef's Shallow Crest Inspired ART

D&D PO4 Test Kit

D&D PO4 Test Kit


What is a D & D Test Kit? Are they available in the U.S.? I like the resolution they apparently offer for measuring PO4.


Been a while since I added anything into my tank but over the weekend decided to bring this little friend back with me.

Centropyge acanthops(African Flameback Pygmy Angel):



This pygmy angel is one of the smallest of the Centropyge family. He's been in quarantine for over 8 weeks already and eating"¦. Hopefully he will get along with my Flame Angel



Nice addition, I think you should get one more for a pair. :)
I love this fish, I have two in my reef, they eat lots of seaweed.


Nice fish, but yours is a Brazilian Flameback Angel (Centropyge aurantonotus). Ed's is a African Flameback Angel (Centropyge acanthops).

You can tell them apart from their tail, Brazilian's have a blue tail, while Africans have a clearish tail.
Not the ‘Welcome' I was expecting….

Not the "˜Welcome' I was expecting"¦.

Well release my African Flameback into the tank and my flame angel immediately took to him like a lifetime-sworn enemy. However he stood his grounds against the flame angel and reinforcement was call in"¦..

This time my Purple Tang and Candy Cane wrasse gang-up with my Flame angel and my poor African Flameback have no other choice but to retreat under the rocks"¦. :eek1:

This is the picture taken before be was being gang up on"¦.



Looks like this is gonna be his home for a while"¦.


I've dimmed the lights to reduce the aggression in there but will see if he makes it by end of this week.

He looks great, that sucks he's getting ganged up on though, and I did not mean to sound like a fish snob, I was just trying to let everyone know the diference and let them know what kind of fish they got. :)
He looks great, that sucks he's getting ganged up on though, and I did not mean to sound like a fish snob, I was just trying to let everyone know the diference and let them know what kind of fish they got. :)

Well he seems to hold his own with the flame but when the Purple tang and Candy Hog join in, it was too much and he is wise enough to retreat :fun2:

Thanks for pointing out the fish difference as it benefit others :p
Away again for 2 days ….

Away again for 2 days "¦.

This evening I will be flying to HK again for a meeting and should be back in two days time"¦.

Meanwhile some pictures to hold things over till I'm back"¦.








Keep my thread warm for me, will ya guys??

You'll always have some aggro but I think it will work itself out. My flame angel is a *****. Probably the meekest fish in the tank. He squares off with the coral beauty every now and then but nothing major. Awesome fish though. A pair would be nice for sure.
You'll always have some aggro but I think it will work itself out. My flame angel is a *****. Probably the meekest fish in the tank. He squares off with the coral beauty every now and then but nothing major. Awesome fish though. A pair would be nice for sure.

Well I sit my flame angel down and gave him a stern lecture on "how to welcome new community" so will see how that goes :lol: and if not, then more drastic action will have to be taken. :fun2: