Ed Reef's Shallow Crest Inspired ART

Montie eating Nudibranch Trouble….

Montie eating Nudibranch Trouble"¦.

I’m back and have a quick look at the tank as the lights were still on.

I notice one of my montie was getting bald at the bottom and upon closer inspection found those…




I took out that piece of montie out of the tank for a better look



And did a dip with Coral Rx for 10 min and scrape whatever left of it out….

My Orange Cap does not seem to be affected (so far) so hopefully the damage is limited to just this piece….


By the way, I think this piece is identified as Montipora Nodosa for those interested
Latest fish inventory uypdate

Latest fish inventory uypdate

With my latest addition, I decided to update my fish’s inventory:

Wrasse/ Hogfish:
• Bodianus bimaculatus (Candy Hog Wrasse)

• Parapercis schauinsiandi (Sand Peacher) x 2
• Amblyeleotris guttata (Watchman Spotted Goby)

Dartfish/ Tilefile
• Nemateleotris decora (Purple Firefish) x 2

Dwarf Angel:
• Centropyge loriculus (Flame Pygmy Angel)
• Centropyge acanthops (African Flameback Pygmy Angel)

• Zebrasoma xanthurum (Purple Tang)
• Ctenochaetus strigosus (Kole Tang)

• Pseudanthias dispar (Dispar Anthias) x 3

• Ecsenius bicolor (Bicolor Blenny)

Continue sourcing over the next couple of months for the following:

• Ptereleotris zebra (Zebra Barred Dartfish) x 5 OR Ptereleotris evides (Scissortail Dartfish) x 5

• Cryptocentrus cinctus (Watchman Yellow Goby)
• Amblyeleotris randalli (Randall's Goby)
• Ambligobius rainfordi (Rainford's Goby)

• I Type of Fairy Wrasse:
o Cirrhilabrus lineatus (Lineatus Fairy Wrasse) OR Cirrhilabrus tonozukai (Tono's Fairy Wrasse)
• 1 Type of Flasher Wrasse:
o Paracheilinus carpenteri (Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse) OR Paracheilinus mccoskeri (McCosker's Flasher Wrasse) OR Paracheilinus flavianalis (Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse)
• Psuedochellinus ocellatus (Mystery Wrasse)

• Pseudanthias fasciatus (Red Strip Anthias) x 3 OR Pseudanthias pleurotaenia (Square Anthias) x 3 OR Pseudanthias bartlettorum (Bartlett Anthias) x 5

So far, all seems to get along with the exception of my flame angel sometimes do get friskie with my school of Anthias and my Candy Hog Wrasse do give my firefishes some run around, especially during feeding time but nothing too crazy. OOoh and my Sand Peacher can be aggressive with new comers….!!
Share Your Thoughts:

Another 2 alternative fishes I'm thinking of adding is a Marine Betta OR a Harlequin Tuskfish. Any thoughts guys?? Do you think either one will be suitable?? I can remove my gobies list to welcome either of those fishes"¦"¦..

I've always dream of having either one of them beauties but never dare try but after intense research, it seem both this fishes is quite tame and might take out a crab/ snail or two, which is fine with me!!


Someone from another site identified those things as some sort of snails...


Anyone with experience with this and if any wrasse species eats them??

So far I've scrap them off the montie (after the dip) so will keep everyone posted how it does...

They are montipora-eating nudibranchs. So far, there really isn't a cure for them although efforts were made by Eric Borneman a couple of years ago.
Harlequin tusk for sure. Get the Australian variety they are prettier. Marine Betta are pretty, but the one person I knew who had one you would never see it because it hid a lot.
They are montipora-eating nudibranchs. So far, there really isn't a cure for them although efforts were made by Eric Borneman a couple of years ago.

Thanks Marc - yeah I've read that article by EB. So far as of last night, no sign of their return yet but will do another dip in a couple of days to see if they come back.

Good thing is I don't have many montie in my tank but will hate to loose my Orange Cap, which is twirling quite nicely in the spot that I've place him in.... :hmm3:
Harlequin tusk for sure. Get the Australian variety they are prettier. Marine Betta are pretty, but the one person I knew who had one you would never see it because it hid a lot.

Hhhmmmm I've two establish skunk cleaner shrimp in the tank. DO you think the Harlequin will leave em alone?? I hear they are actually quite timid
Water parameter udpates…..

Water parameter udpates"¦..

And did my usual weekly 10% WC and check my water params as below:

"¢ Temperature "“ 26.5 degree C (light on for 1.5 hours)
"¢ Salinity Gravity "“ 34.5ppt (same as last week)
"¢ pH "“ 8.16 (light on)
"¢ NO3 "“ 0.00 (Salifert Test kit "“ same as last week)
"¢ PO4 "“ 0.008 (D&D Test kit "“ same as last week)
"¢ dKH "“ 7.0 (API test kit "“ same as last week)
"¢ dKH "“ 7.5 (Elos test kit "“ same as last week)
"¢ Ca "“ 450 (Salifert test kit "“ up from last week 420)
"¢ Ca "“ 0.000 (Elos test kit "“ ran out of test kit)
"¢ Ca "“ 460 (API test kit "“ down from last week 500) *
"¢ Mg "“ 1350 (Salifert test kit "“ same as last week)
"¢ Mg "“ 1250 (Elos test kit "“ down from last week 1300)
"¢ Potassium "“ 400 to 410 range (Kz Test kit "“ same as last week)

Pretty much the same params as last week with the exception of my Ca levels a little higher. My PO4 is holding stable.

However, need to fix my Ca and reduce the effluent a little to bring down my Ca reading to 420 levels to be inline with my dKH.

* As for API testkit for Ca, after using different testkit tubes, I find the testkit tube size of Elos provides the best result.
Nice work Ed. The rock mountain emerging out of the water is a nice touch! :thumbsup:

Whats new with you man? I have not been on RC often this summer.

Edddd!!! Hiiii!! haha!!! I love your tank and the array of colors you got going on!! Looks like you love colors as much as I do!! ;) As always,your tank amazes me every time I see it! Beautiful in every way!! :thumbsup: See you on the flip side ;)
Nice work Ed. The rock mountain emerging out of the water is a nice touch! :thumbsup:

Whats new with you man? I have not been on RC often this summer.


Hi Rob,

Not heard from you guys for a while now...nothing much in the tank, just letting things grow... :fun4:

How about some update on your end buddy??
Edddd!!! Hiiii!! haha!!! I love your tank and the array of colors you got going on!! Looks like you love colors as much as I do!! ;) As always,your tank amazes me every time I see it! Beautiful in every way!! :thumbsup: See you on the flip side ;)

Thanks Kat - you beat me hands down on colors :blown:

Need a couple of your pinks in my tank to live-ten things up a little..... :dance:
Darn Aiptasia…..

Darn Aiptasia"¦..

Found some pest today"¦.


Used my Salifert syringe and a cup of boiling hot water and shot directly into the mouth of the nem.

Will see in 2-3 days time to see if this kills em"¦.

I will ricky - in the past I always used boiling water and it has always worked for me.

The trick is to inject it into the mouth and usually this will kills it. if the first jab don't then the 2nd jap for sure will do the work !!
Never Invite Me To Your Home or….

Never Invite Me To Your Home or"¦.

This will happen!!

Over the weekend I also added 2 different colony of blue and Blue/Green zoa I frag off my friend's tank"¦

Blue Zoa - don't ask me for names lol

Blue/Green Zoa

Now my zoa garden is more colorful with the add blue in there"¦!! Now to find myself some lime green or bright yellow color zoa will be great.


I'm slowly pushing the sand around those zoa garden away as I want the zoa to start growing on the bottom of the tank. Most has started to takes off on the rock works"¦.


While I was in my friend's place, I also frag one of this montie :crazy1:


I think the actual name is called Montipora Meandrina, but not sure. Hopefully it will encrust over my rock works"¦.

In exchange I frag off half my Montipora undata and one of my green branching acro"¦.
