Edge/HOG regulators...???

By the way, Tim... Where are the photos of the 2" SPG?

Along the lower left edge of the glass, it reads in white letters, "Tempered Glass". Based solely upon a photo comparrison (left gauge in 2nd pic), I'm gonna guess that it is the same unit that Halcyon uses, but I paid $55 rather than $79 for mine! :D


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Yep, that's the same one.

I once contacted the company to get Deep South Divers on the face... But the designs had to be purchased in lots of 100. It simply wasn't worth it to me.

$59 is an awesome price for the gauge - I've seen them sold for $100 or more.
For those that are curious, here's a complete set of pics of the HOG 2nd stages, with a few pics of the insides...





Apeks through-and-through.

Oh yeah... Here's the link that I promised you about the Apeks regs... In fact, here's a link including ALL of the manuals that I have.

If you go to the Apeks page, you'll see a "slide show presentation" for annual service on an ATX200. You'll get a kick out of that, with how similar parts are with HOG regs.

Word on the street is that the next lot of D1 first stage regs that arrive (rev.3), will have a 5th LP port on the end for hose routing.

These just keep getting better and better!!! :D

Word on the street is that the next lot of D1 first stage regs that arrive (rev.3), will have a 5th LP port on the end for hose routing.

These just keep getting better and better!!! :D


I just noticed this thread and wanted to see how the Hog regs were performing for you. I've started looking at Apeks and Hog regs lately, but I haven't made a final decision yet.
It looked as though you were going on the DIR route, so did you have to relegate your first stage to a stage bottle due to the turret? Have you tested them out at deep depth yet? I was wondering about their gas delivery at very deep depth. I know that the Atomic first stages set the bar at gas delivery, but I am curious how the Hog first stage compares.
I have been to 96' with them, and there was no discernable difference between that depth and 25' where I spent a lot of time this past weekend.

My intent is DIR, but the turret tops should not be an issue for anyone other than SeaJay! :D

Hey, tgreene. I just noticed your in Jonesboro. Did you get them at J & T Dive shop? I used to live in the area and went to the annual scuba swap there years ago. Picked up a barely used set of US Diver Blades fins. I still have them.

P.S. That Hog emblem would do a Razorback fan proud. ;)
Nope, I bought direct... J&T didn't seem overly interested in carrying them even though the HOG logo would go like gangbusters around here.
I wasn't fond of that shop, but they were the only game in town.

I think I'll purchase one set of these to see how I like them, before trying them on doubles. I talked to a few guys in North Florida who use them for cave diving. One said they perform better than a Dive Rite 3000 that he was used to diving with.
Terry and Keith are kinda hard to read sometimes, but they are great guys once you get to know them... Also, being that I only live a few blocks away from the shop makes it really easy to stop in frequently. :)

The best places to buy would either be "Divers Supply" or "Dive Right In Scuba".

BTW: I like them enough that I currently have 3 complete sets, and will most likely be adding at least 2 more sets as soon as I can.

Sorry to necro this thread, but have any of you moved on or tried the newer D3 first stage, or Zenith 2nd stage from HOG?