I felt pretty good about the whole EDGE/HOG thing the moment you told me that the company sold parts (yeah, just TRY to get a part from ScubaPro... Or mail-ordering ANYTHING AT ALL from them...) and even better when you told me that EDGE/HOG has some kind of company-sponsored training to teach owners how to tune, maintain, or service their own life support systems. True - not everyone's going to want to be able to do that, but refusing to help those that do is really a disservice to the people they should be most taking care of, IMHO. When a company becomes more concerned about their dealers than the people who are spending the money, something's wrong.
...And yeah, I've heard them all say that they don't teach end-users to maintain their own life support systems because of LAWSUITS, but that's simply not logical - never once in the history of scuba has anyone ever been able to successfully sue a scuba manufacturer for bad servicing at the retailer! Scuba is widely recognized as an "at your own risk" activity - precisely the reason why the manufacturers NEED to be teaching the customers how to take care of their life support equipment. Even if someone DID try to sue someone, wouldn't they sue the person that serviced the regs, not the manufacturer? I mean, if Jiffy Lube forgets to put oil back in your car and the engine blows up, do you sue Chevy? Of course not... And if you change the oil yourself and leave the drain plug out, do you sue Chevy? That just doesn't make sense...
How 'bout this... Imagine if Ford or Chevy or Toyota refused to disclose how to change the oil in your car altogether... Then claimed it was for "legal" reasons! Baloney... It would be a case of just wanting the corner the market on service, that's all.
...Which is exactly what Aqualung and ScubaPro have been trying to pull for years relative to the act of servicing regs. I would like nothing better than to have a progressive, user-friendly company to set the scuba industry on it's butt.

Frankly, it's going to happen sooner or later - as it always does, in every industry... I would just love to see it happen now, with a product as good as what EDGE is apparently offering.
That said, I wonder when EDGE is going to make a one-piece first stage? Tell them to duplicate an XTX100 first stage (and call it the DSD100 for "Deep South Divers 100"

), and I'm in for a couple of dozen sets.
'Specially if they'll do them in that snazzy red and dark chrome finish. Please, EDGE, never anodize (Dive Rite) or "satin finish" your first stages... They just don't wear as well as chrome, which is what the tank valve is finished in anyway.
What if they offered the regs with your choice of hoses - standard, Hogarthian, Myflex, or any combination thereof? I hate getting stroke hoses with my regs, which I just paid for (and am throwing away) and now need to replace 'cause they weren't what I needed...
Didn't you say that your regs came without hoses altogether? That's really the ultimate right there... Ordering hoses completely separately, and allowing me to save the expense so that I can get only what I need or want...
And EDGE/HOG - if you're listening - please never, ever put a battery in your first stage. Thank you.
By the way, Tim... Where are the photos of the 2" SPG?
If it's the one I'm thinking of (and yes, it's built like a tank), it's the same one that is rebadged Halcyon, DIR Zone, and the like... Actually made by an Italian company called "Termo," they come without any kind of boot, a separate (and removable) little spool so that it can spin freely on a high pressure hose, and a beautifully chromed finish on the body only. For a while, Halcyon had theirs double-chromed (two layers), which was a bit special in the industry. Trying to tell a double-chromed from a single-chromed was pretty tough, though, and the double-chromed had some leaking issues at the high pressure hose do to it's thick chrome plating on the inlet. As far as I know, they're ALL single-plated now, and mirror-like and quite exciting to behold... One of those moments where form and function come together to make something that is more that the sum of it's parts... Like a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Also interesting about the Termo SPG is it's remarkably bright and efficient luminescence on the face... Enough to see other gauges by, it seems.
Take a photo and let's see it.
"Termo" may be the company "Thermo" (perhaps in Italy the "H" is silent?), who is the maker of the convertible valves I like so much.