Edge/HOG regulators...???

Hmmmm... Dunno about the ICE version of the HOG regs... My inquiries revealed that they're still not sealed, diaphragm regs, even though the ICE version plainly looks like it with it's large, red diaphragm underneath. Can anyone verify?

I would assume that HOG/Edge would mention it if they were sealed diaphragm regs. Everywhere I look, the literature doesn't mention it.

Tim, the idea of mixing and matching 1st and 2nd stages is traditionally a no-no, but over the past couple of years everyone seems to be using the same 120-140psi intermediate pressures... So it should work just fine. That said, my hope is that when you have them serviced, the tech is capable of working on BOTH brands. It'd be a pain if that wasn't the case.

That said, if you're doing to do all of your own servicing (it's good to know how, even if you don't do it yourself), then that issue is null and void. :)

If you're looking for an Apeks 1st, I recommend the DS4, which is the non-turret version of the DST. Both 1st stages are dry, sealed, diaphragm, coldwater regs for contaminated water... And rock-solid. :)

It's usually an option to elect for the metal DIN wheel - I recommend it if it's available.
I'm really intrigued by the HOG's, but you seem to despise the turret and neither of us is a fan of the non-sealed 1st stage, which is why I'm leaning towards using the DS4 in it's place. I'll make some more research inquiries this week...

There are just too damn many options, and not enough money to do what I really would love to do which is to clone Kym's setup.
Yeah, I got that for her our first Christmas together, four or five years ago. If I remember correctly, her mother and I went in together to get that setup for her. :) She was soooo excited. If I remember right, she slept with them by her bed for about a week. :)

The right regs aren't cheap - but then again, like most things DIR, they can be a work in progress. An Apeks DS4 first stage should run $150-$200, with the same for each of the second stages. From there, you'll end up wanting the right hoses and a 2" brass n' glass SPG, the right clips (3/8" stanless - get them from EE - one on the 7' hose - your 6' hose, IMHO, was too short for you - and the other on the SPG) and the right bungee (order about 6' of the 1/8" stuff here: http://www.divegearexpress.com/hardware/tubing.shtml#1778 ), adjusted properly so that you can just barely grab it with your teeth without using your hands when you're in the horizontal position.

These things will serve you amazingly well during your Fundies class, and do amazing things for all of your diving, no matter what "kind" of diving you're doing. Better yet, you'll end up a virtual expert on diving, as you master the basics, aided by the same, consistent gear on every dive. The coolest part is that you'll develop "muscle memory," which is to say that even in blackwater, you'll know exactly where everything is - 'cause it's in the same place every dive. :)

Doubles will change your rig slightly, but all of your muscle memory will remain consistent - as will your rig's fit and assembly. Right off the bat, you'll be in dramatically better shape to dive doubles without having to learn the hard parts all over again.

I'm really excited for you, Tim. :)
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Hmmm, would Kym's mom be willing to help ME buy them for MY Christmas..? lol

As odd as it sounds, after diving that rig for 7 days, I was already more familiar w/ where everything was than after months in a standard BC.

I'm really quite interested in trying a set of the Miflex hoses, and I too agree that the 6' was too short, but I'm not the one that picked it out, Doug did. On the otherhand, I do still have the rigid hose protectors at the 1st stage, so that would clearly take up several inches of hose that otherwise wouldn't be being wasted.

What you taught me about reaching back to locate that back dump on that Halcyon rig took all of about 3 attempts to master and was actually far easier than fumbling with multiple dangling balls that are tied to multiple dangling dump valve strings...

I'm also gonna strip my Gekko computer and SK7 from the console and wrist mount them both with the DSS mounts.

In regards to the necklace, I really liked the one that Steve has, and ordered one the other day along with a replacement mask that's dentical to my epoxy covered one.

Hi Folks,

Chris Richardson of EDGE/HOG here, thanks for the interest in my products.

The HOG D1 Cold is a sealed diaphram first stage. The seal is a dry seal, not a wet one.
Regarding the turret, I find the added versatility of the turret more than overcomes the additional "failure" point of the oring, in fact it is VERY rare to see them cause a problem, and I have yet to have a single complaint or report of it being a problem with a HOG reg (but give it time I am sure :-) )

Hope this help.
Wow, word travels fast these days. Thanks for the info Chris.

Really amazing actually, we're on a reef keepers site that happens to have a small forum for diving, with an even smaller group of tech divers and then we have the company (I think) owner- of the product we're discussing come on to give info :beer: Life is good.

Hmmm, would Kym's mom be willing to help ME buy them for MY Christmas..? lol

LOL... Doubt it. :) Might have to ask your own Mom. :)

As odd as it sounds, after diving that rig for 7 days, I was already more familiar w/ where everything was than after months in a standard BC.

No doubt! My guess is that it's because you had back-to-back hours of diving in the same rig, done the same way. There's a lot to be said about consistency, I believe.

I'm really quite interested in trying a set of the Miflex hoses, and I too agree that the 6' was too short, but I'm not the one that picked it out, Doug did. On the otherhand, I do still have the rigid hose protectors at the 1st stage, so that would clearly take up several inches of hose that otherwise wouldn't be being wasted.

Yeah, maybe... But there's value in the consistency, even through the team. The only time a 6' hose should be considered is if there's something wrong with the 7-footer Your 6' kept popping out of your belt because it wasn't long enough.

Tucking it into your belt isn't the ideal solution, though... Tucking it under something - a light canister, a pocket (Halcyon makes a hard pocket for this purpose), or even an ABC pouch or knife is my favorite way... It's just that we were diving without any of the above, so tucking worked okay.

...So long as your hose wasn't too short in the first place. :)

What you taught me about reaching back to locate that back dump on that Halcyon rig took all of about 3 attempts to master and was actually far easier than fumbling with multiple dangling balls that are tied to multiple dangling dump valve strings...

Cool, man! Yeah, don't bother to look for the string - it's always in a different spot than it was last time. Look instead for the dump itself, make an "okay" sign around it, close your hand and pull... The string will always end up inside your hand, even if you can't feel it. :)

I'm also gonna strip my Gekko computer and SK7 from the console and wrist mount them both with the DSS mounts.

Bungee... The same stuff that I recommended above for your backup. Lace it through the gauges creatively, and they're a snap to put on, take off, move around during the dive, and are depth-compensating. And cheap and easy to replace if you cover them in epoxy. :)

That said, I haven't done that for my D6, since I actually wear my D6 on a daily basis.

In regards to the necklace, I really liked the one that Steve has, and ordered one the other day along with a replacement mask that's dentical to my epoxy covered one.

Cool. :) I didn't get to see Steve's, but I look forward to seeing yours...
Wow, word travels fast these days. Thanks for the info Chris.

Really amazing actually, we're on a reef keepers site that happens to have a small forum for diving, with an even smaller group of tech divers and then we have the company (I think) owner- of the product we're discussing come on to give info :beer: Life is good.


No doubt! You know, that was the original formula that made a lot of dive companies work... Scott Zeagle, Jarrod Jablonski (Halcyon), the Dive Rite crew, Salvo... Great to be able to talk to the #1 man regarding products. Thank you so much for speaking up, Chris!

...So the red diaphragm is exactly that, hunh? I thought so... Looked too much like a dry sealed diaphragm to me. :)

Agreed about the turret - I have personally never seen one fail either, although I also don't see any advantage in them - so why have one there? Any plans to carry a first stage similar to an Apeks DS4? Better yet, one with the shape of an XTX100 first stage or even the Apeks TEK3?

Chris, can you verify whether or not HOG regs are "clones" of a major brand? Any affiliation with the same suppliers that supply Dive Rite or Apeks regulators?
Bungee... The same stuff that I recommended above for your backup. Lace it through the gauges creatively, and they're a snap to put on, take off, move around during the dive, and are depth-compensating. And cheap and easy to replace if you cover them in epoxy. :)
The DSS mounts are designed to use bungee cord... They are simply a cradel of sorts that the pucks snap into. https://www.deepseasupply.com/index.php?product=48

I didn't get to see Steve's, but I look forward to seeing yours...
It was longer, so the reg sat a good inch lower and didn't pull to the right.
As a heads up to everyone here, I just had a lengthy and amazing phone conversation w/ Chris in regards to his HOG products.

I think we talked about everything up to and including lollipops and kittens (but not kitten flavored lollipops!), and it was so cool that he was willing to take the time to answer a lot of questions that I had... Even more cool was that he asked me questions about my diving and certs, to be better able to answer MY questions and help me.

The DSS mounts are designed to use bungee cord... They are simply a cradel of sorts that the pucks snap into. https://www.deepseasupply.com/index.php?product=48

What's wrong with lacing the bungees through the pins? That's how I do my Vyper...

It was longer, so the reg sat a good inch lower and didn't pull to the right.

If you use the correct bungee, you can select whatever length you want... But having it "tighter" would be what you wanted... If it sits lower, then you can't pick up the reg without using your hands... Which as we all know, can be very occupied. :)

The reg sitting too far to the right or not is a function of the backup hose length, not the length of the necklace.
Dogfish are a shark species, so it's not really a mistake. Though I know what you mean. Someone sees a Dogfish's fins breaking water in the shallows and thinks a Great White is in the Sound :lol:
I just ordered a set of HOG regs & SPG from Divers Supply...
  • HOG D1-Cold 1st stage
  • HOG 2nd stage regs (2)
  • HOG 2" Brass-n-Glass SPG
I'm now going to order a full set of Miflex hoses from my LDS.

Merry Christmas to me! :dance:
