Eel selection


That is one awesome eel!!!!! I think it's the one I'll go for, at least in the looks department......I'll do some research on them, but they look great!
If you want something that stays small yet different and won;t harm anything in the tank...look in to a Ghost eel. They are a snake Moray. They look just like the ribbon eels but white and smaller. they stay just about 2'. I've had mine since may and it has never bothered anything in my tank. hardy too...he lived through 2 major hurricanes! Worth a look into...

Nice eel also......looking for one with a little more color to it, but it's a good-looking eel......I like the fact that it is not much of a fish eater, relatively speaking.
You might check into the banded eel also, alot like Dubbins, stays rather small, not aggressive, white with black bands around his girth, I can't post a pic right now, but if you PM with you email, i will send a pic!
Well, I have a SFE in the tank right now, and I'm getting a Zebra to go in there with him.....

I made a really bad decision yesterday (first day in the tank for the SFE).....I put a 2.5" purple lobster in there with him.....acclimated them at noon yesterday.....when I came home, I went to the tank and was going to point out the lobster to my wife.....well I found about 4 pieces.....his claws, head, and tail. The rest of him was gone. So I guess my SFE ate his first meal........I knew not to put shrimp or small crabs in there with him, but it never dawned on me not to put a lobster in there.....I feel really stupid.

What kind of scavengers would be safe in there with the eels, maybe a horseshoe crab?
Cool choice on eels man. Sorry for the lose of the lobster. I have snails and hermit crabs in my tank with my zebra and trigger. Neither one of them have any intrest in them. but i do keep them well feed. Also i added them when lights are out. Hope this helps.