Well, I have a SFE in the tank right now, and I'm getting a Zebra to go in there with him.....
I made a really bad decision yesterday (first day in the tank for the SFE).....I put a 2.5" purple lobster in there with him.....acclimated them at noon yesterday.....when I came home, I went to the tank and was going to point out the lobster to my wife.....well I found him....in about 4 pieces.....his claws, head, and tail. The rest of him was gone. So I guess my SFE ate his first meal........I knew not to put shrimp or small crabs in there with him, but it never dawned on me not to put a lobster in there.....I feel really stupid.
What kind of scavengers would be safe in there with the eels, maybe a horseshoe crab?