Electronic Ballast/Magnetic? SPS Frag tank


Been Reefin'
Hey everyone I just need a little input on this. I have a 250w aquamedic oceanlight with the original magnetic ballast. I just got a new bulb in today and put it in and broke the dang socket so I am gonna be ordering new ones and was wondering if an ARO electronic ballast would be better? Has anyone used it in a ocealight ballast case? Is it even worth changing over while the mag ballast is working (making an anoying whinning noise, but prolly norma)?

What do you think?


BTW I guess my corals will be ok while they are not in light for a fwe days? Maybe a little losing color, but...
I like my ARO Electronic ballasts. What bulbs were you using? I run Hamilton 14ks, which put out about 100 more PAR on electronic ballasts vs. magnetic ballasts.
I had one magnetic ballast some time ago and when I bought a second hilide I got the ARO electronic ballast too, I liked it so much that when I bought a third just receantally I bought another one.

Electronic ballasts will increace bulb life, and pull less power, add less heat, but some bulbs will burn slightly different colors or decreace/increase par. Check Sanjay's sight to see what your bulbs will do.

The XM20k put up about 40 more PAR on an ARO Eballast over a PFO Mag ballast. If your ballast is very old some parts could be wearing out as well (capacitor, etc). I don't think this is going to be a night and day difference, but if you're looking to try something new its a valid idea :)
That's what I am thinking. I am gonna have to replace it in the near future, I can just feel it, lol. Would it be an easy fit in my box you think? What are the demintions? Also would it be able to run the fan in the case as well?

Thanks for the info wiskey I am checkin' it out right now. I also have the electronic 20ks on my main tank which is a pfo m80 ballast and I love it. I have found that ballast too for like $89. The info on advanced aquarists says the m80 runs the 20k xms than the icecap, but nothing about the aro?

The HQI ballasts will run bulbs brighter, but also consume more power in the process. Efficiency is about the same as the normal magnetic.

The ARO and IceCap put out similar PAR numbers. Maybe a little bit lower on the ARO.

ARO eballast is 8 1/2" x 3 3/4" x 2 1/8" (LxWxH)
(according to hellolights)
Honestly the best value considering par/color/cost is the xm20k on a magnetic ballast. Use the wattage calculator, you may be shocked how little extra the 400w xms cost to run. IME I never found a 250w bulb that gave me the growth and color.
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running the20 K XMDE on the magnetic ballast (M80) will give you more par then on an eletronic ballast

just do the comparisons and see for yourself


did you break the bulb end or beak the sockets inside the pendant? im sure they can be replaced if its the peice in the pendant

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After looking around and reading I think for now I am gonna stick with what I have just fix my pendant. When that ballast burns up I am gonna do what you are saying REEF-DADDY and get the 400wrs. If I could go back I would have got 400w's to start with.
Hey Charlie it is the prongs inside the ceramic socket. I have the parts already pulled up so I am will just do that for now. I was thinking the m80 was an electronic ballast, but guess not lol.

I sure do like the pfo electronic ballast on my 20ks though.