Elegance Coral Eating Turbo Snails?? Now Shriveled?


Anyone ever heard of a Elegance coral killing or eating snails??
I found 2 dead snails in my elegance coral last night, and 1 of them it had its tentacles in... When I pulled it out It wreaked of death so not sure how long it was liquefying its inards..

But heres the troubling part... It has been all shriveled up (the coral) since I took its meal away?? really WEIRD huh.. any thoughts or opinions as to whats happening here??
My elegance has ate a few sea hares and one turbo snail. I think they fall into the coral and then they try to move again and get stung.
Thanks Gary.. Good news is he made a comeback today.. Was a bit nervous I might have lost her as she one of my favorite corals... Man I bought 10 of these turbo snails between the crown conch and now the elegance Im down to like 6..
be glad it's not the other way around

be glad it's not the other way around

a lot of gastropods prey upon corals!

snails are a heckuva lot easier to replace than elegance corals.
Yeah prolly a blessing the damn Turbo snails just mow **** over Woke up this am to an emergenct clean up... Rainbow Lobo on top of my weslophelia (severe burns) my colony of trumpets all knocked over.. My new banana split uposide down in the sand.. Like as soon as the lights go out they are on a spree to know **** down :( they did their job though.. had a green algae spree on the back wall and its all but gone completely :)

Monti (my mantis shrimp) want some snacks down in that fuge? :)
Try not to keep the Elegance coral close to the front glass. They will reach up to sting snails passing by on the glass and once the snail falls into the Elegance's body, it's food.

I used to keep a large one in my 265 right by the glass until I kept seeing piles of empty snail shells around it.

Had the same issue with a large Scolymia AKA Acanthophyllia. Would find empty shells all around it's base.

And lastly, I had a Cynarina coral for years in my home system. I used to feed it small pieces of krill. A day or two after a feeling I noticed it was having difficulties regurgitating it's meal. I used a pair of tweezers to pull the food out of the mouth, without touching the animal at all. It died 3 days later. Not sure if it was my fault, but I'm guessing it was. The food was turning black, which in the coral world is a bad sign. (Necrosis) So it could have been the decaying food that killed it, or me pulling it out of his mouth.
I had one that ate conchs. They are predatory corals that may eat what they grab. I remember some time ago there was a goofy idea to get elegance corals to combat aiptasia. They will kill them if they can reach. There was a video with an Aussie guy giving suggestions about reef tanks, who mentioned Cataphyllia corals are aiptasia eaters.
Try not to keep the Elegance coral close to the front glass. They will reach up to sting snails passing by on the glass and once the snail falls into the Elegance's body, it's food.

I used to keep a large one in my 265 right by the glass until I kept seeing piles of empty snail shells around it.

Had the same issue with a large Scolymia AKA Acanthophyllia. Would find empty shells all around it's base.

And lastly, I had a Cynarina coral for years in my home system. I used to feed it small pieces of krill. A day or two after a feeling I noticed it was having difficulties regurgitating it's meal. I used a pair of tweezers to pull the food out of the mouth, without touching the animal at all. It died 3 days later. Not sure if it was my fault, but I'm guessing it was. The food was turning black, which in the coral world is a bad sign. (Necrosis) So it could have been the decaying food that killed it, or me pulling it out of his mouth.

Damn man you are good! Its it exactly He sits in the front corner of my tank and he can hit both corners with his stingy lil tentacles lol.. Till you just pointed it out I was actually wondering how these snails were getting into his mouth as they dont like cruzin the coral bed much :) Thanks for the tip I'll pull him back a lil further.. He has gotten soooo big in the past few months.. I turn off my MP40's for an hour or 2 every night just to let things settle and boy does he just explode in size when theres no current hitten him :)
Thanks for the advice bro...
No problem Vic.

I hear ya on how big they can get. My Elegance opens almost twice as big when I leave the MP-60 off.
went to push him in a little bit to back him off the glass and came to realise my tank is too small.. It is time to rebuild the 380 gallon... Ive been itching for months.. Funny how these little things spark bugs :) thinking this weekend not sure if I should go with clear silicone like the last time or move into black silicone ? Any thoughts??
Dude if you run for president in 2012 You got my vote :) Never even thought of that and the black does look stylish too top..