When are you going to start adding corals and fish? Looks like a nice tank.
Very nice setup you have. Do you have pics of the skimmers?
Hey elias!!!
Nice try! Hope that you have an outstanding result!
Looking forward to see more pictures!!!!
Greetings from Greece!!!
p.s μιλάς και ελληνικά ή μόνο αγγλικά;
Τα λέμε
Nice tank
Looks like it's from coberg .... Am I right
What's your dimensions on that 400? I'm about to inherit a 400 gallon acrylic, 78" x 36" X 36" this will be my first large system and may take me a year to get everything together. Looking at FOWLR at first. Any words of wisdom to help me along? By the way, Great looking tank elias123!