Emster's no powerheads allowed reef

What camera are you using? Your pictures are amazing.

Thanks I'm using a canon 40d with a 100mm macro lens but you can get nice photos with a point and shoot, I have in the past. Sometimes I think it's easier to just grab the point and shoot, I have a canon A720is it takes great pics
A few acro's.... Paletta's pink tip stag

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/56433817@N06/5425876668/" title="IMG_1045 by emmett4th, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5256/5425876668_c84f9f574b.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_1045" /></a>

Aquascene Ice/fire

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Tyree Pink Lemonade

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Great tank and even better pictures. I am going to have to look into a macro lens. I love sea swirls. I think they might be the most underrated tools that are in the hobby. I am going to use two of them for my returns on my 400 and I use one now on my 210. Great random flow. I still use the Vortechs just because I do not like that much flow through the sump.
Great tank and even better pictures. I am going to have to look into a macro lens. I love sea swirls. I think they might be the most underrated tools that are in the hobby. I am going to use two of them for my returns on my 400 and I use one now on my 210. Great random flow. I still use the Vortechs just because I do not like that much flow through the sump.

Thank you very much!

I'm going to try and get some updated full tank shots within the next two weeks so please bug me so I will do it:spin2: I get lazy sometimes:(
wow, great tank!! One after another.. Need more photos to drool over, haha.. Your Tyree Pink Lemonade, has alot of green on it. You sure it a pink lemonade? They are usually more yellow than green. Look more like a shade of falls, or raspberry lemonade.

wow, great tank!! One after another.. Need more photos to drool over, haha.. Your Tyree Pink Lemonade, has alot of green on it. You sure it a pink lemonade? They are usually more yellow than green. Look more like a shade of falls, or raspberry lemonade.


I'm sure it's the PL, it is more yellow in real life. I also have the shades of fall, they are very similar. Funny you should post about more pics. I'm going to be posting some more pics probably tomorrow or very soon. The tank is doing very well BTW.
Here is my before and after 3 months growth with most everything fragged many times.


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I'm sure it's the PL, it is more yellow in real life. I also have the shades of fall, they are very similar. Funny you should post about more pics. I'm going to be posting some more pics probably tomorrow or very soon. The tank is doing very well BTW.

Yeah, maybe its the photo than..

I'm speechless... Of the 3 months growth is amazing.. if only mine grow half as fast as your..
Thanks! here's some more close up pics. Left side....

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/56433817@N06/5638909683/" title="IMG_1082 by emmett4th, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5638909683_db3afb009e_z.jpg" width="640" height="427" alt="IMG_1082"></a>

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Some more up close pictures....

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simply amazing!! I would love to know more about how you run your system. Are you using the zeo-vit method? The colors are incredible!! Share some secrets!!!
simply amazing!! I would love to know more about how you run your system. Are you using the zeo-vit method? The colors are incredible!! Share some secrets!!!

Thanks! No zeo here. This tank is run just like my old one in the TOTM article. I did make a couple changes. I no longer run carbon or dose kalk in the top off, don't even notice a difference. This tank is still young, growth should pick up around the 1.5 year mark.

I have a bunch more macro shots to upload soon:)
Some more pictures and more to come. Enjoy

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More pictures.....

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