Equipment & Livestock FS


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Wife and I split up a couple of years ago. She kept the tank and had been maintaining it rather well until recently. She no longer has the time to care for the tank, so it has to go. A lot of the livestock is already gone, but the following stuff remains.

Iwaki MD55RLT
MyReefCreations MR2 Skimmer
2x EVC 250watt ballasts
2x 14K bulbs (dunno how old they are)
heater 300watts
You have a 4 stage RO/DI unit
The Reef Aquarium Volume 1 by Delbeek and Sprung
The Reef Aquarium Volume 2 by Delbeek and Sprung
Complete Encyclopedia of the Saltwater Aquarium by Nick Dakin
The Complete Idiots Guide to Saltwater Aquariums by Mike Wickham
A Practical Guide to Corals For The Reef Aquarium by Eric Borneman and Ed Puterbaugh
drilled 75g tank
live rock
small Ocellaris, at least 6 years
Royal Gramma, at least 6 years old
Yellow Watchman Goby, at least 9 years old
You have the Diadema urchin, at least 4 years old
Chocolate chip star, at least 3 years old

The livestock has to go before the hardware does. Questions, drop me a line at Tank is in Phoenixville, Chester County.