Eric's Red Sea Reefer 525XL Build

Great job Reefer525XL. You got amazing photos and stunning corals. What are the settings when you take the photos? Thanks.

Thanks... I shoot RAW in manual mode. When shooting under just blue I keep the shutter speed between 40-60, ISO 1600 and f stop at 6. I then import into Lightroom and adjust the white balance and exposure. I also set the white balance on the camera at 10k.
Wow!!! One of the best builds I've seen in a while. Love the light you've got running. Sps collection is amazing. Can't wait to see everything grow out into colonies.
HUGE Update!!! :)

I've been a long time Apex user, however when I was planning this build I decided to steer away from Neptune and try something new. I decided to give GHL a try for a couple of reasons. First, GHL USA (Fort Myers) is 20 minutes away from my home and I know the people that run it so if I ever had any issues it would most likely be a quick and easy fix. Second, GHL had announce their KH Director and it seemed like it was going to be released soon. Not knowing if the KH Director would be a stand alone unit or it would need to be connected to the ProfiLux I went all in with GHL. (hint... I was obviously interested in the KH Director)

Those were the two main reason why I decided to switch. I have never had any problems with Neptune so that was not a reason for the switch.

So you can probably guess by now that this update is about Neptune & GHL, Well you are right! :lol2:

Let me start out by saying that Im by no means bashing GHL, this is just my personal experience with their product, specifically the ProfiLux 4.

Fast forward a bit to a few weeks after getting the P4 (ProfiLux 4) online. The controller worked fine but out of the box it was missing a few features that were very important to me and that I did not know they weren't going to available at launch. Notifications and the ability to use contact and float switches like you would on a breakout box. These features were made available a few months later after launch via Firmware updates. So that issues was fixed. The one thing I had the most problems with was keeping the P4 connected to the internet. The controller is WiFi only and it would constantly connected and disconnect. I have two ethernet connections behind my tank but unfortunately the P4 does no have a network card so no ethernet port. After many firmware updates to the WiFi module the connecting became more stable but it would still disconnect from time to time. This meant that if I needed to make any changes to my programing I needed to connect my laptop via a USB cable to the P4 and if I was away I could not access the controller from myGHL cloud service. I ended up buying a WiFi range extender which I connected to one of the ethernet ports behind the tank. This solved all the issues. However, I feel like the problems I was having weren't related to my router being too far from the P4. My router is only 15-20 feet away from the controller. My smart TV which is roughly 50 feet away stays connected and Im able to stream HD movies just fine.

I guess most of you reading this, thats if you even read the post up to this point are assuming that I went back to Neptune and you are correct!

For the reasons mentioned above I decided to rip out the right side of my stand and redo the whole thing. Most ProfiLux user like to make fun for lack of a better term of the way the apex is programed and the "code" but let me tell you the Apex is far easier to program than the ProfiLux. I consider myself tech savvy so its not like I don't know what Im doing. I literally felt like I had gone from using the latest version of Mac OS X to Windows 97 when I switched from Neptune to GHL. Again this is just my personal opinion and Im in no way bashing GHL. Their hardware is excellent and so is the software but I think the UI could use a bit more work. Im still using the GHL Doser 2.1 and will continue to use it because it is simply AMAZING! So Im not HATING :p

Ok so I promise Im almost done :D. I went ahead and ordered a 2016 Apex with an extra EB832, WXM module and Breakout box. I still need to order the FMM kit but haven't made up my mind yet as Im not sure if I really want/need to keep taps on my flow... Maybe @Terence can help.

I also added two more MP40's to the tank for a total of 4. This has nothing to do with this update but it was done at the same time so I figured I mention it.

Now lets show some pictures for the people that scroll to the bottom on a super long post like this one.

Before w/ the P4:

and now with the Apex gear. I know this design is often used on Red Sea Reefers but it works very well for this type of installation. Shutout to @Broadfield for coming up with the idea. Wish mine looked as good as his though lol.

Don't mind all the holes on the side walls, those will get covered soon. They are the aftermath of me changing my mind on lighting 3 times (holes were made to mount the different types of ballast and a shelf for the old controller)

If you read this entire post, thank you! :)
I had the same experience Apex > GHL > Apex. MyGHL needs an upgrade and the connection issue needs to be addressed before I would recommend GHL. I might keep my doser 2.1 because I like the size but currerently I am using DOS.
I had the same experience Apex > GHL > Apex. MyGHL needs an upgrade and the connection issue needs to be addressed before I would recommend GHL. I might keep my doser 2.1 because I like the size but currerently I am using DOS.

I agree. myGHL is another thing that needs work. I didn't want to make the post any longer so left that out.
So did you build a box, per se, and place inside the stand or are you using 3 pieces placed in with magnets? I'm working on a design for my electrical side on my 750. Is prefer not to cut any of the factory cabinet or drill it. I'll probably have an ato behind it as 7.5g isn't enough fun Red Sea factory form. So I'll have to have a place for a 15-20g top off box.

Looks good!
So did you build a box, per se, and place inside the stand or are you using 3 pieces placed in with magnets? I'm working on a design for my electrical side on my 750. Is prefer not to cut any of the factory cabinet or drill it. I'll probably have an ato behind it as 7.5g isn't enough fun Red Sea factory form. So I'll have to have a place for a 15-20g top off box.

Looks good!

I built a frame and attached the 3 pieces of wood to it. I got a pump pulling water from a tank in the garage for my top off as the ato reservoir on the 525 is even smaller.
Some new pictures from tonight. These are under the T5's and LED's. MH get too hot to take pictures under them haha

WWC Pantera Rosa

ASD Rainbow Mille

Jason Fox Sour Twist (was getting a bit too much light so it was moved down today)

CB Fireball

CB Maleficent


Good old green cap

Sunny D's

TSA Blackbeards Treasure

UWW Starburst Monti plus Sunny D's & Rastas
Well its only been a few weeks since I came back to Neptune and EXTREMELY happy I did.

In my previous post where I gave some reasons as to why I switched back, I mentioned that the P4 still had no way of sending text alerts or any other type of alert if I was away from the tank. Well this past weekend I took a short trip with the family up to Siesta Key in Sarasota which is only about 90 minutes from my house (thank god we didn't go too far). I normally check up on my tank once a day and also on my AC via the NEST app. Everything checked out fine Friday and Saturday (I normally check on the evening). Sunday we spent most of the day at the beach and headed back to the hotel around 5pm. I obviously didn't have my phone on me all this time so we got to the hotel, showered and ordered some food. After I finished my meal I grabbed my phone and I see two alerts from Fusion. One came in at 4:55pm and the second one at 5:48. It was 6:20 when I grabbed my phone. Long story short there had been a really bad storm back home and somehow the AC condenser tripped the breaker and my AC was not running. The tank had reach 83.4 Degrees. First alert was when it got to 82 which is what I have it set to notify me and second alert was almost an hour later. My tank does not get above 79.5 even with the MH on so I immediately knew something was wrong with the AC. I opened the nest app and the house temp is at 88 and the AC is running but only blowing hot/room temp air as the condenser is not running. I turned the A/C off, packed my stuff and headed back home.

When I got home I reset it the breaker and the temp inside the house started to come down. I had 10 shipping ice packs that I put inside a ziplock bag and floated that in the tank to help bring down the temp. All lights were off so I grabbed my royal blue flash light and inspected the corals. They all seemed fine and the fish were ok too. Corals still look fine today which the exception of my WD which is a bit greener but Im sure the color will come back. One of my tangs have a few white spots which he didn't have before I left. He is still eating so hopefully it doesn't get too bad.

As of now I think everything will make it as there are no signs of stress other than the WD turning a bit greener and the white spots on the tang. If it had not been for those two text Alerts I probably would have lost my entire tank as I was not planning on heading back till 8 or 9pm plus 90 minute drive time.

Moral of the story: Make sure you check your phone more often when you're away and make sure your controller can send you text alerts :)

I will also be lowering the alarm temp from 82 to 80.5 so that I have more time next time something like this happens.

Lastly, this arrived in the mail today. I couldn't be happier with my decision to come back to Neptune!!


Thank you @Terence