Eric's Red Sea Reefer 525XL Build

Things have been moving slowly with the tank. Had a brown algae outbreak from getting to happy with Reed Roids *totally my fault* I did a 3 day blackout plus GFO and 90% of its gone now, still a few patches here and there but nothing major.

I ordered a Building An Obsession camera tube so I decided to get some top down shots of some of the nicer frags. Colors are starting to come back now, they did get a bit dull from the 3 day blackout.

All pictures taken under 100% Royal Blues!

Corals -5-01-2017 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-2 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-3 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-4 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-5 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-6 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-7 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-8 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-9 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Corals -5-01-2017-10 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr
Things have been moving slowly with the tank. Had a brown algae outbreak from getting to happy with Reed Roids *totally my fault* I did a 3 day blackout plus GFO and 90% of its gone now, still a few patches here and there but nothing major.

I've learned my lesson the hard way a few times with reef roids, I'd feed then not long after have GHA outbreak. I used very little each time, but I think a little to often. I use it now maybe a few times a month.
What are 2,3, and 7?
MattV Alias, UC Strawberry Shortcake and RR Pink Floyd.

I've learned my lesson the hard way a few times with reef roids, I'd feed then not long after have GHA outbreak. I used very little each time, but I think a little to often. I use it now maybe a few times a month.
I was adding some every night for 2 weeks. It was a small amount each time but over a 2 week period it was just too much for the tank to handle:blown:. Never doing that again
Short clip under blues! Make sure you watch it in HD :)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Can you show me how the reefbrites are mounted to your spectra? I've been thinking of doing the same to my spectra.

Sure. There are two ways of mounting it. You can straighten the "L" brackets included with the LED strips then remove the screw on the end plate of the fixture to attach the bracket to it. At first I was going to do it like that but then I realized that every time I took the end plate off to change the bulbs the strips would need to come off too. This is only done once ever 9-12 months depending on how often you change your bulbs but I really did not want to be taking the strips off.

Here is a picture I found only from another person who installed it the way I mentioned above.


and this is the way I did it on mine. I drilled a small hole right below the Giesemann logo and attached the "L" bracket with a bolt and nut. Some people might not want to drill their fixture so the first option is the way to go but a little hole on each side of the fixture doesn't bother me at all.

this is just my opinion but I think the way I mounted mine looks nicer :)

Spectra -5-23-2017 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

Spectra -5-23-2017-2 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr
I've always wanted to try MH but was always scared of the heat it might add.
Very nice build you have going. Keep up the amazing work.
I guess I should update this thread since its been over a month.

New light is performing well. However I have not seen much growth since the change. I think it mainly due to the time Im running the lights. LED's are 12hrs. I have not gotten any par readings of the XHO's but I don't believe they put out much par. T5's are 6hrs and MH 3hrs. I originally was planning on running the lights for 12, 10 and 3 hours (LED -> T5 -> MH) but held off as I did not want to bleach anything. Today I increased the T5's from 6hrs to 10hrs. I'll be keeping an eye on the higher frags to make sure nothing gets stressed from the extra 4hrs.

These photos are from yesterday night right before the XHO's turned off.

Green Slimer

FHC Rainbow Lust

JKR Rainbow

WWC Grafted Cap



$500 Efflo & TSA Rainbow Sherbet

RRA Pink Floyd

CB Maleficent

PC Superman -> WWC Pantera Rosa -> ASD Rainbow Mille
a few more!

Jason Fox Razzmatazz

TSA Blackbeards Treasure

Red Planet

PC Rainbow

WWC Dragon Slayer

Inland Corals Poseidon

RRC Pink Cadillac