"euro brace" mounting for Stream 6100


Premium Member
Hey Roger,

Well my Stream is finally on its way...I haven't received it yet but its en route! In anticipation of mounting issues I'm contacting you for advice. I have a glass tank with 1/2" thick perimeter bracing that will require a special mounting configeration. I believe that the right mounting kit is 3000.26 which will allow the pump to be placed closer to the back glass. Is this the correct one? If so, do you stock it or have you supplied the vendor's with it? THanks as always!!
Unfortunately, I am out of this bracket. Before anyone gets too exited I had them sent 2 day from Germany and anticipating a slight delay from customs they will go out Friday or Monday. It is my fault, up until recently we had very little demand for this part, while the Streams are a hot seller, the 7410 has sold more units and we had very little call for this article then so I did not have sufficient stock on hand. Germany was behind as a result of low demand from its vendors and they only had 5 available to put on my last order, anyway it will be resolved shortly and I will get a bracket out to you ASAP. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and if it is an emergency I can try to make a bracket but it takes sometime and even my parts bins are abit low on the rails and required parts.
Well, the 6100 is installed and.... ah...... I'm sending it back. Too bloody powerful!! :eek1: No, just joking but wow does that thing move some water. I have it turned down to 50% on the driver and then running at 30% on the multicontroller as I don't have the time tonight to start tinkering with flow rates and direction. There is no question however that this design produces an amazing flow that gets all over my 120G and my initial conclusion is that these pumps are truly designs for larger tanks. Probably larger than mine-at least until the corals start to block most of the open water. My Tunze 2002s have trouble pushing through that flow even at the lower rate!

No question that I'll need that flush "euro" bracing attachment as the pump has the tendency to face down due to the force it exerts on the horizontal attachment bracket that was supplied. I need the Stream to face horizontally or with a slight tilt up.

Roger, thanks for all the input and assistance. It was worth the wait! I'll be looking for that brace in the mail. Cheers - Kelly
One more thing, you cannot adjust the driver and the multicontroller. The signals cancel each other. Use either or, not both. I would adjust only with the multicontroller. Another tip try bouncing the flow off the glass pane and not directly blasting your corals, this will substantially diffuse the flow.
Thanks Roger, can you elaborate on the signals cancelling one another? If the driver is set to 50%, what is the multicontroller's signal sending to it?

P.S. when that new bracket arrives then I can get the Stream set up to blast over the coral heads and onto the glass.
The multicontroller is doing nothing or working intermittently, to connect any controller the driver has to be at full power. Basically your pump is at 50% power at all times. The multicontroller is not doing its job.
Understood! Will correct this evening. Thanks again Roger for all your help. Don't be put off by any negative commentary by some people on the boards (some comments on that other thread were ridiculous!) You have been really helpful all through this process and answering all questions diligently, no matter how inane they might be. Thanks!!!!!
A question on the euro bracing mount (3000.26)...that metal washer part to connect the horizontal bar to the vertical bar...saltwater safe? It's not quite in the water, but I'm sure is getting constant spray. Also, my stream "bobbles" a bit on the mount, though the mount is rock solid. Is that normal. Finally...WOW that thing is powerful. My butterflies and tang just camp out in front of it and really dig it. Certainly I've got mine set to alternate between the low cycle and only about 50%. 100% was ridiculous!
My 3000.26 brace arrives today but the existing brace is stuck against the glass for now and my stream "bobbles" too. I think its normal due to the way it just rests on the swivel. Roger can speak to it. Once I've got my stream in its permanent position I'll likely use something to tighten it down on that swivel a little. Not sure what yet. Perhaps a small sliver of a plastic toothpick? And I'm finding so far that I might be OK running the pump at 100% on my 120...the problem I'm finding is that at even at 30% I'm getting too much flow in the same direction because my two 2002's simply can't push through the flow effectively and get water flowing the other direction. Geez, what a great problem to have!! :)
The washer is Stainless steel, it may corrode but the iron will do no harm. Regarding the bobbling, if this is front and back this sis normal and is the result of the increase and decrease in thrust. If it is swiveling make sure it is firmly pressed down on the mount. A suggestion based on the mount for a new 5000gph Stream we are working on is to drill the pump bracket and tap it so you can put a plastic screw through it to clamp it down.
Hi Roger, any idea how long til the 5000gph Streams come out? I am looking for 8-10 of those.


Probably in November, quite a bit more development is needed for this pump, the holder has to be reinforced, the pump is 25% larger and a new casting has to be made, it is a ways off yet, it is going to be part of a series of much larger pumps we will be producing.
brace came in as promised and has really made a difference to the stability of mounting the stream on my 3/4" thick perimeter bracing. Looks a lot better too since the pump is a little more recessed in the tank. For those doing research on the Stream, my initial assessment was this pump may be too much for smaller tanks. (I have a 120.) However, I'm changing my tune as I'm finding that I can use all the flow this pump generates without too much sand stirring etc. I think the important thing to note with the Stream is that you need another powerful pump that can effectively offset the flow even at 30% on the multitimer if you want to have random flow. I'm using two 2002s (630 gph ea.), one facing the Stream's flow, and the other at a 90 degree angle to cut off the flow and create turbulence. Its working well thus far.