New member
What is this stuff?
Not sure what is going on, everything was going perfect...
Smails keep dying, tried buying sea hares, they didnt eat it and ended up dying... abalone wouldnt eat it and ended up dying.
I've lost 50% of my corals, the ones that remain are doing great.
All my fish are doing amazing...
Not all snails are affected it seems. Crabs are also doing well.
Anemone is doing great.
What is this stuff?
Not sure what is going on, everything was going perfect...
Smails keep dying, tried buying sea hares, they didnt eat it and ended up dying... abalone wouldnt eat it and ended up dying.
I've lost 50% of my corals, the ones that remain are doing great.
All my fish are doing amazing...
Not all snails are affected it seems. Crabs are also doing well.
Anemone is doing great.