Everything was going so good... and then...

Green hair algae. I used Fluczanole when treating this and Bryopsis and it went away in about 2 weeks time.
I'm not saying this will work for you, but it worked for me when I had serious green hair algae issues:

1) I have an all-in-one tank, there was a lot of crap in the back compartments. I used a siphon hose and sucked most of it out.
2) I changed from using filter-pads to using a 200-micron filter sock.
3) I dosed 0.5mL NoPoX everyday.
4) I have a Tang and would feed him Nori, which some would float around. I started using seaweed pellets instead.
5.) I got some trochus snails.
6.) I did a 25% water change.
7.) Used a plastic turkey-baster and blew the dead algae out of the porous live rocks.

I scraped all the algae off the back wall and used a net to pull most of it out. After a few hours, I pullled out the filter sock and replaced with another.
By the next day, the water quality looked so much better.
By the third day, the GHA on the rocks started turning a lighter color.
Using a soft-bristle toothbrush I brushed the faded GHA off the rocks.
After a few hours, replaced the filter sock again.
Each day the GHA was was getting lighter in color and falling off the rocks.
I would say after 1 week I was completely rid of the GHA and it hasn't come back. What little appears, the snails will eat it.

I bought my tank second-hand and the person I bought it from did not do a good job of maintaining it. There was so much sludge and grime that had settled in those back compartments, which I attributed to most of my problems. So even though I was doing weekly water changes, my problem with green hair didnt go away until I cleaned all that crap out.
If you test then we don't need to "bet" anything..
Test your source water for nitrates/phosphates
Test your tank water for nitrates/phosphates
I wouldn't want to rely on someone to test my water. You should have your own test kits for nitrates and phosphates especially with issues like this.

I would suspect the cause of this to be bad water. Invest in a RO/DI unit asap and be in control of what your putting into the tank. I can't imagine transporting water from a LFS is fun.