EvolutionZ's Floating Reef

Very nice. This is just like a mini version of MR.Kang's reef tank.

Thanks! I hope my sps will look as good as his!

Nice so far I would have added the copapods when the lights went out. They will still multiply in time and your tank is looking reLly nice. I like the lighting as well looks so natural to me.

I also add Biodigest and also add Bioptim as well to feed it.
Hope this helps

Thanks! i have tons of pods now! i see alot on the glass wall too.

Today is day 14 of set up. I have measured all of my parameters (all using salifert test kit)

No3 - 2ppm
po4 - 0.001 - 0.003
Ca - 400ppm
kH - 7.8dkh
Mg - 1320ppm
Potassium - 370ppm

Also added 3 dispar and 2 blue eye anthias, was planning to get only 3 - 4 anthias but they are simply too beautiful to resist!

Getting ready to swim in their new home

Just went in..

The next day, all 5 started feeding on live brine shrimp just hours after adding into the tank, the blue eyes were particularly stable.

Show casing some other fishes, Midas blenny, bought this piece as a risk during my "blue tub" period and im glad its doing exceptionally well.

Fire goby, beautiful finnage, a pity it hides most of the time

Also bought 8 of these interesting spiny star astrea, first time is see them and was recommended by a friend to be very effective in algae eating!

Also brought back some zoas that were kept in a friend's tank, amazing growth and color in his tank!

Brought back this radioactive bn to 'test water' too

As well as this aussie duncan
Bought these 2 sps frags to try out as well. Blue stag

Blue tenuis

FTS, sorry for the messy sand bed!

Thanks for viewing

Today is Day 25, and its almost a month!

Decided to upgrade to a bigger skimmer and got my self a Bubble Magus Curve 7, the curve 5 was my first initial choice but after researching decided to go for the Skimz SN123, its a good skimmer with DC pump, but not enough for my needs IMO. Went straight up to Curve 7 which produces 520L/hr and is rated for 700-900L, Definitely overkilled! I also changed my reactor to the JNS Omega 1 as the JNS Alpha 2 were way too big and was wasting space. At 700l/hr the pump were dead silent and were spinning the AIO biopellet really well!

Managed to set up my jebao dosing pump and is currently dosing kH and Ca together with Fauna Marine Balling trace elements. I had no idea why but my tank were sucking 0.5 dkh almost daily!

Amazing skimmer producing skimmate 5 minutes after washing the cup. Though it is a china brand, but i believe it does not lose out to Skimz or even Deltec. Time will tell how long the rock pump will last (i bought this 2nd hand!)

Moving on to the main tank,

All fishes are doing great! 3 Dispar and 2 Blue eye anthias are feeding very well on pellets 4-5 times a day (Small amount)
My midas blenny loves to swim together with the anthias

Potential alpha male?

Just got myself this big boss emerald crab, Its 2" big with huge claws! Damn its scary..

Hanged my Aquazonic 2ft 2-tube fixture and running D-D Actinic + (AKA ATI Blue plus) and ATI Purple plus. The addition of the T5 fills up all the shadow and the disco effect cast by the razor.

FTS: Bought some more SPS and the majority will be taken back soon, will update on the corals soon!

Thanks for viewing!

I finally got most of my SPS back! Special thanks to my friend again for housing my corals! All of them grew and colored up even better! Now i hope i can hold the colors.

Updated water parameters after dosing pump went online :

N03: 2ppm
Po4 : 0
Calcium : 420ppm
kH : 8.2dkh
Mg : 1380ppm
potassium : 400ppm

Today also starts my dosing of Zeovit basic 4 (not using zeostart 3 as im using AIO Biopellet), which are zeobak, coral vitalizer as well as Sponge power. I am also currently dosing Cyano clean to battle cyano issue and Bio-mate too. For Fauna marine products, im using Color elements, Balling lites (Dose into dosing bottles) and ultra organics. Hopefully using this hybrid system will bring out the best of both.

Picture time!

Experienced great growth from my radioactive birdnest!

Purple Bonsai

Blue tenius, color did improved compared to 2 weeks ago.

My surviving frag of the tabling acro, which STN-ed when it was inside my old tank.

Lovely bi-color blue tenius

Aussie blue tenius

Sunset Monti

Red millie

Red Planet

Blue Millie, i had no idea how it turned red inside my friend's tank.
Purple millie, Also turned reddish!

Sunset millie

Top view, as you can see im currently battling both brown and cyano algae.


Im still lacking cultured colonies! Will be slowly hunting for good ones as i have limited space left, And i have yet to collect my SSC & ice fire back from my friend.

Thanks for viewing!
Fantastic job on the scape. The tank setup looks incredible, its already looking tremendous!

Thanks! I hope after loading sps, it dosn't destry the scape!

+1, really like your scape, its awesome!

Thanks !

Very nice setup! I'm jealous of your setup, tempted to redo mines....

Its always fun to rescape/ reset -up a tank!

If my downgrades were that terrible, I would just quit.


Brother once done i gonna go see the real thing! Amazing engineering at work!!

No engineering! Just tons of rocks and patiences:lolspin:

Cool aquascape!

Subscribing this one.

Nice choice on the skimmer. I have a 150G system, and chose a Curve 9... It is overkill, almost too much actually, heh. The only difference with the Curve 9 vs Curve 7 is the Curve 9 is LOUD, the pump is. I'm OK with it as it has been running for almost two years, but that's my only complaint.

For a Chinese brand, I had several people knock it initially, but two years in, it produces a LOT of nasty skimmate.

Beautiful 'scape and love the blue tenuis.
Nice choice on the skimmer. I have a 150G system, and chose a Curve 9... It is overkill, almost too much actually, heh. The only difference with the Curve 9 vs Curve 7 is the Curve 9 is LOUD, the pump is. I'm OK with it as it has been running for almost two years, but that's my only complaint.

For a Chinese brand, I had several people knock it initially, but two years in, it produces a LOT of nasty skimmate.

Beautiful 'scape and love the blue tenuis.

Indeed! I Heard many reefers who had the Curve 9 hated about the noise and swore my curve 7 will be noisy. But, it turns out reallly quiet and the only thing i can hear is the sucking-air noise!

Looking great man. :beer:

Indeed! I Heard many reefers who had the Curve 9 hated about the noise and swore my curve 7 will be noisy. But, it turns out reallly quiet and the only thing i can hear is the sucking-air noise!


Noise aside, honestly, my Curve9 works great... I can actually hear it on the main level from the basement, but the tank is directly at the bottom of the stairs, so it just travels right up the stairway. Overall, works great. The instructions were awful, which caused me a little hiccup for the first few months, as I realized that the bubble plate was put on wrong...... once I figured that out, it started really doing its job.

Today is an exciting day! I got back my last batch of corals!

Consist of 3 SSCs, 1 Blue dragon frag and 1 Ice fire colony!

My lovely unique SSC, grown from a tiny 1" Frag, it grows much much slower then all my other SSCs too.

Another SSC, same species yet so different..

Yet another SSC, Bought as a 1" Frag, it grew and encrusted much faster compared to the one in the first image.

Ice Fire echinata, Color is not there yet. Hope i can bring out more blue!

Legendary Blue dragon. Simply love the blue..

Lovely bi-color blue tenius from a friend.