EvolutionZ's Floating Reef

Looking great mate, good to see you back. Corals look very colorful under the T5's :thumbsup:

Thanks man! indeed! the colors are awesome!

Looking good, perhaps a bit high on the PAR. If you see the tops of the corals go pale I would suggest switching things around so only two bulbs(ideally blue) are on for 10-12 hours and then the remaining four go on for 6-8 hours, and raise the lights to 8-10 inches off the water. T5 are super powerful, but don't typically burn or bleach corals the same as LED that are too intense. Many times you will see darkening with too much T5 light.

I have always loved this reef, the design is so cool!

You're right! the PAR is abit too high but i guess since my corals are doing fine, they should be ok. thanks for the advice!

Agreed with mhucasey! I thought the same thing. Pushing some powerful PAR there Forsure.

This tank however, is just absolutely stunning. It looks amazing!

How's you're gyre treating you? I can see with your aquascape probably quite well?

The gyre's great! with my scape, a single gyre is actually enough since i only runs it at 60% now. but i still added a RW4 for more randomised flow.

Looking great. Love the aquascape and great to see another on the ATI team!

Thank you!!!
That's serious light!
Very cool!
Things are looking great

Thanks man! loving this light!

Great update, that's a lot of PAR. :)

yes its alot of par! check out the video, its only 3CP and 1 BP turned on and its still pretty bright! with just these 4 tubes, im getting 400-500 par on the main rock scape.

Grats on the new light. The par numbers are perfect, i really need to get a par meter.

thanks man! the par meter really helps me understand the light more!
Just go to Youtube, click the "Share" link, the "Embed" sub section, and copy the link and code there. Paste it into the RC post:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZZQesHab09w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You still running 3bp, 3cp for bulbs?
That phone does a good job of removing the excess blue.
Nice quality from that phone.
Just go to Youtube, click the "Share" link, the "Embed" sub section, and copy the link and code there. Paste it into the RC post:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZZQesHab09w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thank you so much!

You still running 3bp, 3cp for bulbs?
That phone does a good job of removing the excess blue.
Nice quality from that phone.

Opps! Forgot to mention that the video shot with only 3CP, 1 BP on.. thus the blue isn't that bad. will try to shoot one with all 6 tubes to see the diference!!

Nice video [emoji106]

Here's a video with all 6 tubes on.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Iw5f1kXicHY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here's a video with all 6 tubes on.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Iw5f1kXicHY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Such an awesome setup! The GSP on the overflow would make me nervous:p. They are pretty cool looking but I hear horror stories about them all the time. Years ago the best reef store in the area has a huge display tank with the bottom completely covered with them like a lawn - that was super cool to see, but it and the massive leather coral I that tank probably impacted the stony corals they had in there.
Update: Sorb4 had successfully dropped my po4 from 0.1 to 0.06 in just 5 days! added 25g more of sorb4 today to see whether it can further drop it down to 0.03ppm. Also added more frags and colonies!

pink lemonade


Ice fire, cant wait for this to grow big!

Pearl berry, cant capture the color, hopefully color will comes out more prominently!

Tri-color valida

Pink birdnest turns pink (from green) almost immediately after po4 drops

Water melon frag and red stag frag also regaining its lost pink/red color

Thats all for now!