Feeling Cubish? My new 50g cube

Other Inverts

Lettuce sea slug

More clams

Interesting. Blastomussa and Clams together. That puts all the theory that Blatos are low light creatures. Nice pictures by the way.
Thanks again, RJ. Blastos will always be my favorite coral. I hope to one day get a purple/orange one, but that certainly won't be overnight with my budget and resources.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6732166#post6732166 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tomenugen
Interesting. Blastomussa and Clams together. That puts all the theory that Blatos are low light creatures. Nice pictures by the way.
I did have to carefully acclimate my blastos to the MH, but now that they are adjusted, they're loving the light.
Thanks again everyone, but I must note that Josh (majesticangelfish) is the person to thank for the creation of this tank; he worked out the plumbing and construction, and without him, this tank probably wouldn't even exist! Please send the praise his way as well. :)
Nice tank Kayla!

You never cease to amaze me!

Curious as to what type of frogfish that is?

Careful he doesn't get too big, may try and snack on that mandarin.
Josh did do a excellent job!

Duhh.... of course it is a lionfish. Wow, I cannot believe I didn't recognize it. I was looking at it like like it was a frogfish for some reason. Thanks for catching that!
i swam at swim atlanta too! The only coach i can remember off hand was Maria. Maybe you know who she is? Which location did you swim at?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6714947#post6714947 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Flipturn88
That's awesome! I was big into competitive swimming until a recent shoulder injury halted any of my growing dreams. If you remember, who were your coaches?

There is one union in the piping that leads to the CL Sequence Dart. All other piping has multiple ball valves, mainly due to a lack of need for the unions, although they certainly wouldn't have hurt things. HTH
Time for an update!

Time for an update!

The tank is continuing to mature very well. All of the corals are coloring up have adjusted to the lighting and tank conditions. Here are some more pics:

Full shots




Misc Coral





Stay tuned...fish are next!
One fish, two fish...

One fish, two fish...

Copperband Butterfly (a model citizen thus far)


Dwarf Lion (thinking he looks intimidating)

Mandarin and Blastos


Anthias in action

That's all for now. As always, take care, and enjoy!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6735294#post6735294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by broe33
i swam at swim atlanta too! The only coach i can remember off hand was Maria. Maybe you know who she is? Which location did you swim at?
Very cool! It's a small world.

Yes, I remember Maria. I swam at John's Creek (and trained with Chris Davis, the founder, during the winter), so she was never my coach, but sometimes we went to the same meets.