Feeling Cubish? My new 50g cube

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6818158#post6818158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjwilson37
Sweet, very nice Kayla, I'm loving it!

Does that Dwarf lion pack a good sting, or it is miniturized like him?

I believe they have the full blown sting, however I'm not game to test that theory...:eek2:
I had read two different stories about people that have been badly stung from there Lion Fish and almost died. They no longer have or keep Lion Fish, and they said something about never wanting to go through that experience again being as painful as it was. I am alergic to bee stings as of this past year having my first reaction to one, so I am sure I would probably have a bad reaction if I were stung by a Lion Fish, so I will never one myself.
I agree with RJ, to me, it's just not worth the risk. But I feel that way about anything poisonous, like fish,spiders, snakes etc. It's like, are you keeping the animal because you truly love the species, or because you want to tell someone you own something that can kill you.

Of course I know that in Kayla's case, it's for the love of the animal!
great tank like usally :eek1:

josh hope to talk to u when you get back to aus about the sps shipment i hope to get it be4 you arrive :D never know might need some help at the *wink* hahaha
Amanda and RJ,

I believe that the dwarf lion's sting can have an equally potent affect if the victim has an allergic reaction. But as Josh said, I don't plan to verify that claim! My dwarf has no interest in causing a problem; he does a better job of avoiding my hand than I do of him.

Now, as for my opinion on keeping venomous critters, I personally have no problem with people keeping animals simply due to their "risk factor". I mean, why do we invest so much time and money into our tanks? Most of us would agree it's for our enjoyment and the pleasure of ensuring the animals are given an ideal life. People find enjoyment in a variety of ways, one of which includes the thrill of keeping a dangerous pet. Is this the case for me? No, but I can see where they come from; take roller coasters as one example (well I can relate in that case, at least).

As long as the animal is well cared for and all of its needs are met, AND the owner is aware of the risk and takes all necessary precautions to prevent a potential problem (including being prepared if an accident does occur), I say let him/her love a pet because simply because of its liability.

(Maybe this is just the kid emerging from me, and in 20 years from now I will deny making this post! ;))

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ciaolong, Josh is back in Australia now. :)
Hi , nice pictures, but I'm confused. Do you really have a Copperband, Dwarf Lion, Yellow Tang, Anthias, and Mandarin in a 50 gallon tank? Isn't that a little bit of a tight fit or did I not understand something along the way. I've been thinking of a dwarf lion for my 50 cube but a little worried that it might eat my male percula who is pretty small.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6850208#post6850208 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by darcitananda
Hi , nice pictures, but I'm confused. Do you really have a Copperband, Dwarf Lion, Yellow Tang, Anthias, and Mandarin in a 50 gallon tank? Isn't that a little bit of a tight fit or did I not understand something along the way. I've been thinking of a dwarf lion for my 50 cube but a little worried that it might eat my male percula who is pretty small.
The tank has two 30 gallon sumps underneath, allowing for a higher fish load. Regardless, the bioload is elevated, so I don't plan to add any more fish, especially since corals are my main focus in this tank.

As for your clown, a lion will eat anything it can fit in its mouth, so depending on the size of the fish, it could be at risk. Once the fish is lager, however, predation won't be an issue. HTH

More pics to come soon. :)
That setup is just awesome. Kayla, it looks like you and Josh went through some major planning the tank out. Especially with all the close loop. I noticed that the your new tank is BB, how do you like to BB look compared you your sand bed?

RJ, How's your new 90g tank coming along. If I recall, you switched from T5 to MH - how do you like you MH so far? Sorry Kayla for plugging in RJ's tank...:D