few clam pics for ya


New member
hi guys just a few pics to show you guys off my clams i have 4 clams i have had for about 3 yearsi have had a lot off success with my clams ime a bit embarrsed to there id i presume they are juvenile giants because they are the only clams that ive ever seen in the wild i live in a very remote location and have never had access to a local fish shop so its a matter of collecting my own when i travel to the coast eg Dampier archipelago
big blue

big blue

this baby is about 2 years old and has grown a lot and has had to be relocated from a smaller tank she is rooted down on a lot off live rock so its was very difficult moving
grandad clam

grandad clam

This over 3 years old and has grown about 3 times in size and weight its small really compared to some off my others but it was a weener when i got it its almost grown into the rock
Very Cool! I think the clam in the first pic is a Squamosa. If it is a Squamosa it is a very different color pattern.