Fighting and beating AEFW w/Bayer

I was lucky to have just upgraded my sump and skimmer on my DT when I found the AEFW. So I had a 20L sump and a SWC 160 cone skimmer for the QT. I had about 50 gallons of total water in my QT, and did 3-4 gallon water changes twice a week for the entire time. I also tested my parameters and dosed accordingly with 2 part. Depending on how much coral you have, the WC's should keep up with the demand, but in my case they didnt. I also added fish to the QT to keep nutrients in the tank, to help feed the coral. I started with a sixline wrasse, but it jumped, so I added 4 chromis.

Any live rock? What did you do for biological filtration?
Just wanted to say thanks for documenting your treatments. I had AEFWs and think I got them beat. I documented my journey here, and later gave kudos to this thread. Thanks again. //Dave

Awesome to hear. This is the reason I posted it.

Make sure you keep a close eye on everything and at any point you think you see less PE or some color loss, pull them and dip them just to make sure.

I think I have AEFW as well.

I have seen the eggs before and always thought that it may have been the asterinas or something as I have seen them munching on polyps and what not.

What if the main tank is fishless? Could I treat the entire tank? Or does this treatment kill everything?

I also looked into dosing some flatworm stop from KZ. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Bayer can't be used in a running tank as it will kill most everything. Many have had negative effects if the corals weren't rinsed after dipping and before being placed back in the tank.

I don't have any experience with the KZ product but my understanding is it helps limit the damage but does not get rid of them.
Yeah I thought that would be the answer.

Good news is I just busted everything apart recently to arrange my system to house a magnifica anemone.

I can just take all of the acros out. They havent encrusted much in a months time.

The challenge will be finding all the other encrusted areas that they came from and nuking them with kalk paste.
I used bayer with germ killer for the first time yesterday to treat aefw on a lokani and another misc frag. I used 10ml per 4oz tank water for 5 min. aefw was gone. the next day I look at the lokani and the tissue was completely stripped. i'd say it would take a miracle to bring it back. i'll keep hope that the miracle will fall on this one. the misc frag is doing somewhat ok and still under review. will try again but with 5ml per 8oz and on a frag instead of a colony. =/
I used bayer with germ killer for the first time yesterday to treat aefw on a lokani and another misc frag. I used 10ml per 4oz tank water for 5 min. aefw was gone. the next day I look at the lokani and the tissue was completely stripped. i'd say it would take a miracle to bring it back. i'll keep hope that the miracle will fall on this one. the misc frag is doing somewhat ok and still under review. will try again but with 5ml per 8oz and on a frag instead of a colony. =/

Why did you use such a strong dose? Especially on a lokani?
Just a final report that I'm sure they are gone. 6 months after the last treatments and I look all the time and they are gone.
Any updates?
Finding out I have about everything this week. Bryopsis, Red bugs, Planaria and AEFW.
I have stuff in the mail for everything except the AEFW. I will probably set up a QT for that and future frags.
Today I dipped a couple corals in Bayer with 10ml per cup. Killed everything. The other day I used a weak solution (about half) that didn't kill flatworms but did kill redbugs. I could see the planaria swimming around.
I have only seen one AEFW in tank and that was at night. It's hard to find them but easy to see bite marks. I actually stabbed it with a dental pic and it still ran away. They're fast.
What I do so I can see the worms is just pour out the milky water very slowly until not much left. Then inspect whats in the bottom.
Ya for me, I followed this thread (although read a lot from a lot of other sources) and I have them beat. If you follow what's highlighted here (outside your main display) you can beat them. I've never had red bugs but from what I hear, AEFW's are worse. Good luck, this will be a trying part of the journey.
I have a 10 gallon qt tank and was thinking of dosing the tank and letting it circulate for 20 min or so. Then I'd drain the tank and fill with new water. This would require 1600 ml per dose though if my math is correct?
I have a 10 gallon qt tank and was thinking of dosing the tank and letting it circulate for 20 min or so. Then I'd drain the tank and fill with new water. This would require 1600 ml per dose though if my math is correct?
That's basically just one big dip.
I've read elsewhere that people have had success dipping 2.5 ml per 2 cups. I guess what I'm looking for is 10 ml per 2 cups necessary? When dosing a whole qt tank that makes a huge difference in usage and cost.
I've read elsewhere that people have had success dipping 2.5 ml per 2 cups. I guess what I'm looking for is 10 ml per 2 cups necessary? When dosing a whole qt tank that makes a huge difference in usage and cost.
At 12 bucks a bottle cost is nothing compared to typical dips available. I wouldn't risk that low of a dose when it comes to aefw.