Fighting and beating AEFW w/Bayer

Have any reefer lived with aefw? I really don't have the luxury to have a QT tank.

I suspect I've got aefw in my tank, so far sps are doing ok I won't say fantastic, just that some don't show polyp extension in the day.
Have any reefer lived with aefw? I really don't have the luxury to have a QT tank.

I suspect I've got aefw in my tank, so far sps are doing ok I won't say fantastic, just that some don't show polyp extension in the day.

Yes, plenty of amazing tanks have managed them by basting their corals with a turkey baster and having a decent population of wrasses.

As for lack of polyp extension during the day, that's not really a clear determination of having AEFW. Closely look at your corals with a flashlight when the lights are off, it's easier to see the bite marks. PE is not always a sign of a corals health; sometime other factors come into play, like the fish in the tank.
I wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing my tank had AEFW. And my only line of defense was blasting my corals with a turkey baster. I have 5 wrasses in the tank, and they didnt seem to help once the population reached a certain number. I saw them pick at things just like they always do, but they just cant reach into and up under certain acro colonies.
Great thread. Are you still AEFW-free, Dowtish?

Completely AEFW FREE!

I have been kinda paranoid too. So I have dipped a couple of pieces that were not having good PE, and nothing was there.

I inspect at night, and use a magnifying glass a lot.
2 gal is 32 cups. If dosing at, say, 10 ml/cup, that's 320 ml which is about 1 1/3 cup. Adjust per your dosing level. Given the ranges documented, from less than 1 ml/cup to 30 or more, you could probably randomly pour in some amount and call it good...
Thanks for the all the help, don't have them thank god but will all the purchase I will be making this month and next I will be using it as a dip.
Hi Dowtish,
I added 10ml of Bayer to 2 Cup of saltwater but it is just like milk. I can't even see the coral clearly once I drop them in the bowl. How can you see if there is a aefw fall of the corals or not?
Hi Dowtish,
I added 10ml of Bayer to 2 Cup of saltwater but it is just like milk. I can't even see the coral clearly once I drop them in the bowl. How can you see if there is a aefw fall of the corals or not?

Sounds like you are adding to much to too little water
Hi Dowtish,
I added 10ml of Bayer to 2 Cup of saltwater but it is just like milk. I can't even see the coral clearly once I drop them in the bowl. How can you see if there is a aefw fall of the corals or not?

The color of the dip is definitely an issue when it comes to trying to see what is falling off the corals. This is the easiest way I have found is to use a sieve. I had one for hatching brine shrimp.

here is what you need:"-SIEVE-STACKABLE-LOW/Detail.bok

You can pour the dip water through this and see exactly what falls off.

Until you get something like this, let the dip water settle after you baste the coral. very slowly pour the dip water out. Once you get close to the bottom of the cup you should be able to see if anything fell off.
Thanks for the quick replies.

I did just that. I waited for it to settle and slowly pour water out of the bowl. At the bottom I saw some pod and other white flat stuffs but don't know for sure if it is a aefw or not. This is driving me crazy. My corals have some round pale spots. The skin just pale compare to other part of the corals but not completely eaten. It doesn't show the skeleton at those spots at all. I looked all over the dead skeleton but definitely didn't see any eggs or anything closely resemble that in shape or color.

10ml in 2 cups of water is the right dosages right?

Does anyone else know of anyway I can tell for sure if I have aefw before it is too late?

What did you use as filtration I'm planning on using a tempary QT what would I need

I was lucky to have just upgraded my sump and skimmer on my DT when I found the AEFW. So I had a 20L sump and a SWC 160 cone skimmer for the QT. I had about 50 gallons of total water in my QT, and did 3-4 gallon water changes twice a week for the entire time. I also tested my parameters and dosed accordingly with 2 part. Depending on how much coral you have, the WC's should keep up with the demand, but in my case they didnt. I also added fish to the QT to keep nutrients in the tank, to help feed the coral. I started with a sixline wrasse, but it jumped, so I added 4 chromis.