Finally My Custom Miracle Build with Fish Room

eonflux123 - The back of the tank is also starfire so I do not plan on painting it. I figure when I am in the fish room I can look at the corals too :). On my last set up my drainage was on the back side and it was painted. The only time I could look at the tank was from the front and side. One of the cool things about having people over is showing the fish room and now they can see the corals and fish from three sides. Another great thing about it being able to view into the fish room is my wife can see I am not ignoring her and actually busy in "my" fish

Very cool! Im one of those OCD fish people that likes plumbing tanks, but not looking at it! Your build is so fun and loving all of it!

Also I may have missed it in all of the posts, but are you running only the return for circulation? or are you using powerbeads or closed loop?
Very cool! Im one of those OCD fish people that likes plumbing tanks, but not looking at it! Your build is so fun and loving all of it!

Also I may have missed it in all of the posts, but are you running only the return for circulation? or are you using powerbeads or closed loop?

eonflux123 - I am the opposite of you I hate plumbing...I was working on a bit of plumbing on the main tank today along with my platform idea. I plan on using some pumps...for flow inside the tank. I have on hand three MP40s. I am an SPS guy so there will be tons of flow in the tank. Hopefully I can finish up plumbing in the next day or two. I have to figure out my plan for a manifold and where it will be located.

Subscribed, look forward to following along.

SurfCastinRI - Welcome aboard.
General Updates

10/26/2017 - Expandable/Dynamic Manifold

While trying to solve an flow issue on the frag tank I decided to make a manifold to bleed off some of the water before it entered the tank. Long story short the pump is just too strong for the frag tank...that or my plumbing sucks...(that can't be the case...LOL). I am still having an issue with the overflow so I am going to to reread the Herbie thread again and see if I can tweak anything. Since I am not sure how robust the frag tank will be I wanted a way to expand the manifold as I needed. I came up with the idea that each manifold section should be its own unit and with that I can increase or decrease the number of manifolds units as needed. The proof of concept worked and I will also be using it on my main tank.

Two Unit
Dynamic Manifold by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Three Unit
Dynamic Manifold by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

11/02/2017 - Control Panel For Main Tank - WIP
By dumb luck I managed to make my hinged panel not hit the side of the tank. Because some of my cords were shorted than expected I moved the panel over a little bit. During design I thought I would have the panel swing open but after some thought decided to use hinges at the top since I am not sure how many Apex modules I will add and how much weight it will be. Rather than side mount and deal with sag I chose top mount. I am waiting for some hydraulic/gas hinges. Once they get here I will be able to not worry about it falling on my If you notice the frag tank is cloudy as the cycle is well under way.

Control Panel
Control Panel by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

11/02/2017 - Rock Platform - WIP

I have mentioned this a few times but my goal with the main rock structure is for it not to sit deep in the sand and become a detritus trap. My plan is to make a false sand bed platform. I plan on covering the the platform with epoxy and sand. The height of my real sand bed will be under 3 inches and my platform is roughly 2-1/4 inches right now with the egg crate on top. I added the foam under the underside of the platform to help fill in some gaps. I am hoping the foam does not make it float too much and the weight of the rock will hold it down. Before adding the rock I plan to silicone the platform to the bottom glass then fill the tank with sand.

Rock Platform by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Epoxy by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Platform with Legs
Platform by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

11/05/2017 - Under Tank Light - "The Blinder" - WIP

I was doing some plumbing today and while under the tank realized I will need some extra light so since I hate plumbing I "accidentally" got sidetracked. About two weeks ago or so I was tinkering with my soldiering iron and decided I would need a light eventually under the tank. Today I created a little prototype enclosure for the what I had nicknamed the "Blinder". For anyone that has ever looked into the sun by accident when you look away even with your eyes closed you see "one" bright white spot. When I was testing out the "Blinder" when I first plugged it up there was a delay so I looked at the lights less than 1.5 feet away to see if it was wired properly and they popped on. Imagine 14 - 3W LEDs on full power that close to your eyes. For a about 45 seconds I could not see anything but bright white! I laid in the floor thinking my retinas were burned and my wife would come home and find me in the floor blind. After about a minute I was still seeing bright spots but I could tell I was not blind. It may sound funny now but I was really thinking all my sight was gone a few weeks

The "Blinder"
Light Protoype by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Awesome ideas for under tank lighting! I did that same thing with my old lights too, total blindness... Any updates?

Also how'd the rock work foundation turn out!? I've always wanted something like this but wasn't that creative!
eonflux123 - Sorry I have been busy lately so I have not really made and progress with the tank. I am so behind. My target date of making Thanksgiving failed miserably! My family (20+) was happy to see all the progress at Thanksgiving with the room but seemed mystified that there were no fish or water in the main tank. My niece was like " Uncle what is the purpose of the empty tank with water in it and no pretty fish?" non hobby people do not I told here the frag tank will have frags in it after I cycle the To which she said " Your bicycle is in the garage and I am not sure how it will fit in there!". I just smiled and laughed and her face was like I am

My rock foundation is not turning out how I would have liked it too and the epoxy I brought was really expensive so I am going to have to make the best of it. My design and impatience got the best of me. The blinder is in the garage under some other projects I am working on.

Awesome ideas for under tank lighting! I did that same thing with my old lights too, total blindness... Any updates?

Also how'd the rock work foundation turn out!? I've always wanted something like this but wasn't that creative!

Linkfalcon - Thanks for the offer of help.

Look good if u need a hand I'm in nova

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Shown_nuff - Welcome back. Thanks for the offer to help as well.

Hey... I am back on here after a while. If you ever need some help let me know. I will be glad to come and help.

I will try to get around to updating this week. I have been really slacking as this time of the year is filled with family gatherings and the Honey-Do list seems to go non stop. I have been working on tank stuff indirectly. I have been building cabinets for my walk up bar. I need to run some tests on the rock that has been in the trashcans. I will at least do that this week. I might even finish or start over on my rock base. I also need to order some components for the frag tank like a new skimmer and some more Apex modules...I'm so behind :(.
General Updates

12/05/2017 - Failed Rock Stand
Well not too much to update really. After looking closely at my rock stand I think I am going to start over. It did not meet my creative standards. It was more error than It took a little bit of practice to get use to how the sand and epoxy would need to be mixed. Some spots are shiny and some are OK but the coverage on the sides is using too much epoxy with the approach I used.

Inconsistent Coverage
IMG_9813 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Inconsistent Coverage
IMG_9821 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Inconsistent Coverage
IMG_9823 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

12/05/2017 - Brown Film in Salt Water Container

I was using the cheap IO salt for cycling the rock and my frag tank and making batches in my new salt water station. I had forgotten that IO had the brown film issue. I am not sure if its the way I am mixing the water or if its the container but I will get to the bottom of it. I think it may be that I am using a heater in the container or mixing for days at a time.

Brown Film Floating
IMG_9818 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Film on the Sides
IMG_9819 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

12/05/2017 - Cycling of Rock and Frag Tank Updates

So the rock in the garage I think is pretty much done. I have not be changing the water or anything on a regular basis. I did some water tests and here are the parameters
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Phosphate - .30 ppm
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrate - .05 ppm​

I added a Two Little Fishes Phosband 150 reactor to one of the containers and will check tomorrow and see if it has removed any phosphate. Normally it does a good job of removing phosphates fast. Next week I will do a big water change throw in a half of shrimp in each container and let it go through the process again to help build up the bacteria colonies.

The frag tank I am pretty sure is cycled as well. When I perform water changes in my temp frag tank I have been throwing any little critters I find in the filter sock into the new frag tank. This week I noticed that a tiny brittle star fish and some amphipods were still alive. A good sign that I need to get into a regular routine again. I added a temp Bubble Magnus skimmer to the tank and it has been pulling out some grey stuff. I suspect its related to the products I used to cycle the tank.

Can you please tell me where all your stuff came from for your "œblinder light". I love yours and would love to make one for under my 200 gallon tank

Thanks, and your build is INSANE
Looking good, great build here. I will be following along. I had the same issue with IO and RC salt after the new labels and formula change happened a while back. Did not use it after that.
Rjvb87 - Thanks for the kind words. I am so behind but hopefully will get back on track. I am person that loves to tinker and occasional fall into the deep hole of E.b.a.y. Can I say that? I will pm the info on each item but basically its three parts you have to by.
  1. The individual LEDs
  2. The Base Plate (mine holds 14) - I also have one that does 7
  3. The Ballast

You will have to solder the LED's to the board and I found a good set of fine tips help along with a good soldering iron. You will also need to an old end of cord.

Can you please tell me where all your stuff came from for your "œblinder light". I love yours and would love to make one for under my 200 gallon tank

Thanks, and your build is INSANE

DesertReefT4r - Thanks for the kind words. I am coming along slowly :(. Glad to have you aboard. I am done with it as soon as I run out of it. I use to use Reef Crystals and did not have any issues but then again like I said I have never mixed up 60 gallons in one pop. Hopefully my new Fritz salt will not have the same issue once the main is up and running.

Looking good, great build here. I will be following along. I had the same issue with IO and RC salt after the new labels and formula change happened a while back. Did not use it after that.
General Updates
12/07/2017 - Main Tank Updates

I have made some prototypes for supporting the main tank return lines. I may make some adjustments once I have water actually running in the main tank based on any vibrations. They were pretty easy to make too. I used my contour gauge to get a profile and then some of my never ending supply of PVC scrap deck boards. The end result turned out pretty good. I also finished some of the plumbing from the return pump. I had been waiting for some more Cepex 1" ball values (they seem to stay on back order) to arrive and I am finally getting back to doing some plumbing.

Since I plan on having a various wrasses in the main tank I went ahead and ordered some netting for keeping the wrasses from jumping out. I will be making a few removable covers that will be supported by some acrylic lips I plan on building that will attach to the lip of euro-brace. My netting came in so this is one more project in the queue.

Once I finally get water in the tank I will be using a combination of different approaches to help cycle the tank faster. My goal will be to introduce a variety of bacteria into the tank and then the strongest strands will prevail. I will use Seachem Stability, Micro Bacteria 7, and my latest purchase my old faithful a bag of live sand.

Pipe Supports
IMG_9835 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Contour Tool
IMG_9837 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Pipe Supports in Action
IMG_9838 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_9846 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Live Sand
IMG_9848 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

12/08/2017 - Base Cabinet Updates - WIP

I have to work on the spacing but this is how the base cabinets for the walk-up will look. I still need to work on the drawer fronts and the doors but I am very happy the way things are turning out. A few things I am seeing is the floor is super un-level (I knew this) and my walls are not Hopefully I will be able to "fix" this when the counter is installed. I still have to work on my wall cabinets but I have been thinking about having doors that have frosted or smoke glass wall cabinet doors. So far my adventure into cabinet making is very fun. I has allowed me to by several new tools (new table saw, new router and router table), various new clamps, a pin nailer, and various router bits.

24" Base Cabinet, 30" Sink Base Cabinet, and 18" Base Cabinet
IMG_9825 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Drawer on 24" Base Cabinet
IMG_9826 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Drawer on 18" Base Cabinet
IMG_9827 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Testing the Alignment of 24" Base Cabinet and 30" Base Cabinet
IMG_9828 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

18" Base Cabinet
IMG_9829 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

12/09/2017 - Cycling of Rock and Frag Tank Updates
The Phosband is really doing the trick. The pump I was using to run the Two Little Fishes reactor died so I had to replace it. I think the the levels should be lower but I will check in a day or so now that I have replaced the pump. I noticed weird sound the other day but paid not attention to it. My guess is old pump has not been working for for a few days. Sunday I will throw in the shrimp and let it go a week and see where things are. The latest levels in trashcan 1 is listed below:

Nitrite - 0 ppm
Phosphate - .08 ppm
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrate - .02 ppm​
Fellow reefers.....I post this today with some troubling news and ask for your help. Henry aka NightOwl, has lost his way and is thinking about shutting this build down before he finishes it! He made the fatal mistake of thinking about what he has spent on the build and how much he thinks it will cost to finish this build. Henry sold me my first corals when I got back into the hobby back in 2010 and ultimately it is his fault that I upgraded my tank to a larger tank in 2011. We all need to show him support and make him realize what a fatal mistake this will be and how much he will regret shutting this build down before he even gets it finished!!!!
Fellow reefers.....I post this today with some troubling news and ask for your help. Henry aka NightOwl, has lost his way and is thinking about shutting this build down before he finishes it! He made the fatal mistake of thinking about what he has spent on the build and how much he thinks it will cost to finish this build. Henry sold me my first corals when I got back into the hobby back in 2010 and ultimately it is his fault that I upgraded my tank to a larger tank in 2011. We all need to show him support and make him realize what a fatal mistake this will be and how much he will regret shutting this build down before he even gets it finished!!!!

Oh no! I really hope he can get back on track, I have just read the whole thread and was in awe of the whole build and the time and workmanship he has put in so far.
Really hope he finds his way again!
Best wishes from England.
Rjvb87 -DesertReefT4r - Thanks for the kind words. I am coming along slowly :(. Glad to have you aboard. I am done with it as soon as I run out of it. I use to use Reef Crystals and did not have any issues but then again like I said I have never mixed up 60 gallons in one pop. Hopefully my new Fritz salt will not have the same issue once the main is up and running.

Use either HW Marine Mix or Reef or TMPR. You will thank me later, best salt mixes for sure.
Any updates man?? I'm dying for some updates on your absolutely amazing build!!

Wrangy - Updates will be coming today if not tomorrow there is a lot to catch up on!

Fellow reefers.....I post this today with some troubling news and ask for your help. Henry aka NightOwl, has lost his way and is thinking about shutting this build down before he finishes it! He made the fatal mistake of thinking about what he has spent on the build and how much he thinks it will cost to finish this build. Henry sold me my first corals when I got back into the hobby back in 2010 and ultimately it is his fault that I upgraded my tank to a larger tank in 2011. We all need to show him support and make him realize what a fatal mistake this will be and how much he will regret shutting this build down before he even gets it finished!!!!

Steve - My snitch friend...thank you for using the "nuclear option". I have seen the error in my

Oh no! I really hope he can get back on track, I have just read the whole thread and was in awe of the whole build and the time and workmanship he has put in so far.
Really hope he finds his way again!
Best wishes from England.

paulmartin - I'm back on track with a greater focus than ever. Trying to get all the small details finished as I went alone was very tiring.

Oh man. Let's get this going Henry. I have a whole bunch of frags just waiting for you.

Francis - I will be taking you up on your offer :)

Use either HW Marine Mix or Reef or TMPR. You will thank me later, best salt mixes for sure.

DesertReefT4r - I had purchased a large amount of Fritz salt. I may have to give your suggestions a try once I use up the Fritz.

Updates to come but the short story is I am back for good!
So now it's time to get everyone up to speed on what's been going on. First off Steve (SPotter) is a snitch but a great friend :). Secondly I am back in the hobby for good after a few talks, emails, and texts, calls from quite a fellow hobbyist. I would to thank everyone for the encouragement and support. November and December are busy months for me and it was hard to focus on the tank like I wanted to. We also had a solar system installed in December so I was getting tired of spending money. I have tried to quit and sell the tank twice since then but this hobby is sorta like the mafia at times"¦easy to get in and hard to get out. Also fellow reefers are bullies and almost like drug dealers. They hide in the shadows and offer free or discounted frags and before you know it your hooked"¦lol. So with that I am back and more focused than ever.

Below is a timeline to get everyone up to date one where we are since 12/09/2017. Not much happened after 12/09/2017 up until Jan. I basically became a cabinet builder in my spare time. We also had solar installed and vacationed in St Lucia for our 10 year anniversary. Even though I was not working on the tank I kept my making entries in my planner.

01/08/2018 - Main Display Updates
The process was slow an it took a while to fully fill the tank. It took me 8 days on and off to fill the tank and the sump in order to get water circulating in the tank. In the second picture you can see the frag tank was up and running with my HOB skimmer. After the display was filled I learned I had a small leak on one of the drains that was later resolved by tightening the bulkhead.

Let the Water Flow
IMG_1172 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Almost There
IMG_1177 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

01/16/2018 - Cabinets Installed

My cabinet project was almost complete. I still needed to finish the cabinet doors but because of cheap router bit I spent a whole Saturday trying to make the doors with out success. This was resolved by buying a Freud Router Bit! The white piece of drywall is my fridge place holder.

Installed Wall Cabinets and Base Cabinets in Place
IMG_1180 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

01/18/2018 - Wrasse Screen Holders

Wrasses will be the star of my tank once things are up and running. In order to keep some of the more expensive and timid wrasses a screen top is a must. Over the years I have learned the hard way that they are jumpers and very good at it. With the euro-brace tank this presents a small problem for the screen top. After some thought I came up with my own supports. They are adjustable via a nylon screw to secure them in place. After my first prototype I built a jig to help me make more faster. It's very similar to the bracket I built for my Sea Swirl except I did not bend the plastic. I welded it together with weld-on #4 and tapped the holes with a combination drill and tap bit.

IMG_1183 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1188 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1190 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Final Product
IMG_1194 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr