Finally My Custom Miracle Build with Fish Room


01/19/2018 - DIY VorTech Holders

The VorTech's come with some velcro to place the controller in a certain spot. Due to the way I have things laid out my VorTech pumps are on the end of the tank and based on where I have the outlets a small issue arouse that I may fix later. In the mean time I did not want to stick them to wall so when I put them in place temporarily I needed a holder for the power brick and controllers.

IMG_1196 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Power Adapter Holder
IMG_1197 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Power Adapter Holder In Place
IMG_1198 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Controller Holder
IMG_1249 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Both in Place
IMG_1251 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

01/24/2018 - Frag Tank Updates

Frag tank by this point was completely cycled.

01/26/2018 - Flooded Basement

My temp set-up flooded before I left for New Orleans. I cleaned up the best I could but this was when I decided I was done with the hobby.

01/26/2018 - New Items Arrived

I placed a small order for a new skimmer for the frag tank and also ordered a few items for the main tank. My buddy Richard gave me some old MP40's so I ordered some parts so I could use one on the frag tank while I decided what pumps I would buy for it. I ended up ordering
2 - EB8's
2 - EB4's
2 - MP40QD controllers
2 - MP40QD wet sides
1 - Simplicity 120 skimmer
1 - WXM
1 - Temp probe

Items for Main Display
IMG_1252 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

MP40 Drivers and Wet Sides
IMG_1264 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

New Skimmer
IMG_1258 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/01/2018 -Frag Tank Updates

I placed an order with Richard for a clean up crew but was unable to pick it up on the day it arrived. I placed the items in the tank and most of the cerith snails died but the other critters seemed to make it. I also added the new skimmer on the tank and ran into an issue right away. The outlet from the collection cup does not allow for a piece of hose to be added to drain. I also brought over my corals from the frag tank. I reached out to Simplicity and I will keep you guys posted on I hear back from them. I think they may have to make some changes in the production run to resolve the issue.

The frags were in pretty bad shape in my temp set up since I had not been taking care of the tank. Below is a sample of what they looked like after being transferred to the new frag tank.

IMG_1319 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1651 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1679 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/03/2018 -Assembled Cabinet Doors

I assembled my cabinet doors and they ended up coming out very well. For the wall cabinets I choose to go with glass instead of a wood panel. I also finished my drawer fronts for the base cabinets.

From This
20180203_094628 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

To This :) - Base Cabinet Doors
Message_1517677300371 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Initial Side Profile
20180206_144043 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr


02/11/2018 -I Quit the Hobby

I decided I would quit the hobby and try to sell the main display. I completely drained the tank and started to entertain offers on the tank. One of my neighbors made an offer to buy the main tank from me. I also had a guy stop by but his wife would not let him buy the whole set-up. The main reason I was quitting was due to LED’s. I think they are public enemy number one and hated them. They pretty much killed all my corals I had transferred over and they were not even running at full power in less than 10 days. Most corals were fully bleached and I even threw some away. Later I would regret throwing them away. My new LEDs created a new hot coral called the WLR (White Lab Rabbit)…white flesh pink eyes…lol.

White Lab Rabbit
IMG_1707 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Recessed Flesh
IMG_1686 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/17/2018 -Cabinet Door Updates

I ordered a new router bit to give my doors a little more character. The door profile now matches the profile that are on my kitchen cabinets upstairs.

Initial Edge
20180206_144043 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Decorative Edge for Doors
20180217_105823[1] by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Drawer Fronts and Base Cabinet Door
20180217_124931 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Panel Up Close
20180206_144150 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Base Doors and Drawer Fronts Installed
20180219_154411 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/27/2018 - Main Display Updates

After coming back from a short stay in the Dominican Republic and not being able to snorkel I realized one of the reasons I love this hobby is because of the peace and tranquillity it offers. I started to add water to the tank and realized quitting was a dumb idea in the first place.

02/28/2018 - Cabinet Updates

I added cabinet knobs to the doors and drawer front and started trying to get quotes for how much glass would cost to install in the wall cabinet doors.

Almost Done
IMG_1738 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Rain vs Frost
IMG_1760 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/01/2018 - Frag Tank Updates

After realizing you can't just turn LEDs for 14 hours without modifying the program to ramp up and ramp down I am starting to get use to LEDs. The corals are starting to adjust somewhat two and I am noticing a few have started to regain some color. I am still learning how to take good pictures under the LEDs but figured I would share a little of the progress I am seeing. Also no tank would be complete without some nuisance algae. The last pictures are whats growing on the returns. Also for some reason I am having a mold issue in the sump. I am not sure how this is possible but it growing.

Frag Tank
IMG_1756 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down SPS
IMG_1673 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down Zoas
IMG_1675 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down ?
IMG_1676 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down Monti
IMG_1708 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top down Digi
IMG_1712 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down Chalice - Notice Missing Flesh
IMG_1716 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Top Down Various
IMG_1720 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Side Profile
IMG_1684 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr


03/09/2018 - Main Display Updates

I started cycling the main tank. I added one bag of live sand, Seachem Stability, Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter7, and Brightwell Aquatics Reef Biofuel Liquid. I figured this cocktail would get bacteria colonizing underway quickly.

Main Display
IMG_1755 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Check out out the temperature of the power adapter. They get to hot in the wooden box?

Greetings Torben

Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
Great update Henry! I'm glad my bullying worked!!!! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Steve - LOL I'm glad too. I have to get this show back on the road.

Check out out the temperature of the power adapter. They get to hot in the wooden box?

Greetings Torben

Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk

Achilles Torben - I will check this out later tonight. I may have to add some type of passive air flow or vents for the power bricks.
General Updates

03/15/2018 - Display Tank Updates

As mentioned earlier I started cycling the main tank. My ammonia levels are starting to rise so the cycle is well underway. I am still not seeing any Nitrite yet but the tank is putting off a very strong smell. I have been dosing Seachem Stability as directed and my two shrimps are breaking down pretty good. One is pretty much gone as it somehow keeps "swimming" to the VorTechs. Currently pieces are stuck to two of the three Vortechs. The VorTech pumps are much stronger than I thought. Even when I put the shrimp at the opposite end of the tank within minutes they "swim" back to the side of the tank the VorTechs are mounted on. The tank smell is pretty bad at this point but my Simplicity 540 skimmer is working well. The skimmer is dead silent and my only issue is it requires 10 inches plus of water. The the bubbles are so fine and the skimmate stinks! I am really loving this skimmer. Simplicity has a great price point and outstanding customer service. Hopefully the tank cycles fast. I am already starting to make my fish list and have been looking at frags the past few days.

03/15/2018 - Cycled Rock Updates

I have two bins of rock that have been cycling for a long time now. The bins are in the garage and as such have really been getting a lot of dust and the occasional wood chip in them. Both bins measure no Ammonia and Nitrite so they are cycled. I need to measure for Nitrate this weekend. The Phosphate of bin one is down to .05 as I have started dosing LC this week. This weekend I plan to do a full water change and see how much Phosphate leaches out. The second bin is really high. I have not dosed with LC and when I tested earlier this week it was .38 or something high like that. It is also the container that I found some wood chips and it had sawdust in it as well. I thought I had the lids tight on both containers but they have been getting dust as well as wood Bin 1 this week measured .05 for Phosphates and hopefully means I am getting closer to adding rock to the tank. It will be done in two phases but I am trying to make sure the phosphate levels are non detectable before adding to the main display.
more pictures would make this more exciting!!!! :spin1::spin1::spin1::lol2:

Steve - I will try to make sure future updates have pictures"¦lol.

Great to see you back my man!

eonflux123 - Glad to be back.

Nice! Very exciting.

iced98lx - Thanks! Did they resolve your thread issue?

General Updates

03/18/2018 - ATO Updates

I made some modifications to the ATO for the main display. I added a cord slot to the lid area, installed a new 12V DC pump, and the bulk head for the top off water. For the bulkhead that will used for topping off with new RODI water I added a acrylic tube and two float switches. This will also eliminate the splashing sound when water is added. One float switch will let me know when the water in the reservoir is low and the other will notify me when the water level is getting high in the reservoir. The other bulkhead I used the acrylic tube to "œhard wire" my pump. I ran a little test tonight and it is working as I expected. I know the little pump has great head pressure as I used it to empty the tank when I was trying to sell it. Finally I ran the line from my RODI unit along the wall to so that I can add water to the ATO reservoir directly from the unit since it will be hard to reach the reservoir where it is placed.

ATO Project
IMG_1763 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1765 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Cord Slot
IMG_1768 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

12V DC Pump
IMG_1769 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Hi and Low Sensors
IMG_1772 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr


Tubing Run
IMG_1791 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Tubing Run Over Door
IMG_1792 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Tubing Run Under Stand
IMG_1793 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/18/2018 - Cycled Rock Updates

I performed a 100% water change on bin one on Sat 3/17. The Phosphate levels had been holding at .05 after my initial dosing of LC. The water looked pretty clear but once I started removing the rock it must have stirred up a lot of loose debris and the water became very murky. I am going to give the first bin a week or so and see what happens.

I updated my Two Little Fishes reactor to use some cotton coil to help when dosing the LC this week. Hopefully the cotton will help trap the precipitate that is created while dosing. If it does not work as expected I will just go back to using a filter sock.

After Removing Rock
20180317_163443 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Cotton Coil
IMG_1775 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Two Little Fishes
IMG_1777 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

After Dosing
IMG_1781 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/18/2018 - Main Tank Updates

The main display is still cycling. Ammonia levels are still rising but I have yet to detect any Nitrite. The swimming shrimp seem to have disappeared. I guess the VorTech's have shredded the shrimp to small bits. I checked the filter socks for any parts but did not see any pieces.

I also added a black background for days when I do not want the fish room to be seen from the main viewing area. I used some pieces of black foam board and in combination with the black overflow area it is going to look like a continuous back background. So far It is made of two parts that fold up nicely. Once I figure out how I will keep it on the back of the tank I will post some updated pictures.

I emptied the skimmer collection cup tonight as well. This the second time I have emptied since I started cycling the display. The skimmate by far is the nastiest I have smelt. I think it may be related to using multiple cycling products.

IMG_1782 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Inside of Lid
IMG_1783 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Chunky Skimmate
IMG_1784 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
Keep it going Henry! The attention to detail is awesome!

Thanks Steve.

How's it going Henry!?

eonflux123 - It's been coming along slowly. I have been plugging away.

General Updates

03/19/2018 - Frag Tank Updates
My cheap EBay pH probe finally died. I thought it would last a bit longer but this cheap crap did not last long at all. For weeks it was giving off bad readings finally when I checked I realized it was dead. I guess you cannot expect much for $6.85. I replaced it with a new Pinpoint pH probe. The LED lights are still proving to be very challenging for me and the corals are not adjusting well.

Pinpoint pH Probe
IMG_1802 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

03/24/2018- New Equipment
I like Simplicity products and as a result purchased a new Simplicity dosing container. The craftsmanship is amazing and the price is great too. Not too long after I placed my order I found out that they offered an accessory kit for it and since I have loads of float switches I added three to mine. I was thinking of building one of these but this price was too good to pass up.

I caught a good sale on two BioTek media reactors. I like the design but was not thrilled about the color. I ordered the red and black ones and plan to use them for carbon and GFO. They might even work as bio-pellet reactors.

Since the rock was still leaching phosphates and my tests were old I brought a new ultra low phosphorous tester. My goal was to get the phosphates in the single digits on the ultra low and then just hope for the best.

Dosing Container
IMG_1795 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Float Switch
IMG_1933 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

New Media Reactors
IMG_1801 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1940 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Ultra Low Phosphorus Tester
IMG_1797 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

03/25/2018 -Main Tank Updates
I pulled the trigger and added some of the rock to the main display tank. I tested the phosphate levels before and they were 0.00 ppm over night and they were reading .05 ppm. I decided that I would wait a few more days and see how the tank reacted. I loaded up one of my new media reactors about 3/4 with GFO and hoped for the best.

First Batch of Rock
IMG_1822 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1913 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr​

03/25/2018 - Cabinet Updates
My local glass shop was able to cut my glass order and I installed the panes in the cabinet doors. I must say they look they really turned out nicely. I checked prices for granite and I am weighing the option of just adding a regular counter top from Lowes or Home Depot and be done with them. I picked up a bar sink so the sooner I get the counter top figured out the better.

Finished Cabinets
IMG_1824 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1825 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/27/2018 - Cycled Rock Phosphate Updates
Pukani rock is pretty but this stuff leaches phosphates like no other. I have been doing 100% water changes every 4- 5 days or so and dosing with the LC. Once the readings read zero on my old tester I wait a few days and when it starts to rise a bit I do a 100% water change. The numbers were staying at zero for over a week and when I last tested with my new tester I was reading something like 8 which when converted was not bad at all. Phosphates also were in the main tank but very low. I order Cheato to help reduce the phosphate as I figured the rock would keep leaching for for a while in the display. I am down to only one bin of rock and the last few pieces are my really huge pieces. These were neglected while in the garage but now I have all the remaining rock in the fish room I can give it the proper attention. One thing with LC it works great but this stuff is rough on the equipment. I am using a two little fishes reactor stuffed with cotton and Seachem PhosGuard to catch the particulate and its really nasty. The cotton was bright white and after less than 10 days of use it is a dark grayish.

Phosban 150 Reactor
IMG_1929 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

04/03/2018 - Main Tank Updates

I did not have any algae cleaning magnets on hand that would handle 3/4 glass and after a little research I fond that Tunze had a magnet that would work for me. They arrived and the design is different from my mag floats but it gets the job done nicely. These magnets are strong and are not finger friendly. I ordered one for the display and the frag.

My Cheato I ordered form jtrasap arrived after some issues with the post office none on the shipping by him. It was shipped as promised but the mail man did not deliver all the mail on the route. Sometimes our mail comes as late as 7 or 8 PM EST. If they are running too late they just deliver it the next day. It just so happened they delivered it a day late and some had started to die off. The bag was packed though and I had an old Avast Marine media reactor laying around that I had to modify after it had cracked. I cut it down by about 2 inches or so and glued it back together with some Weld-on #16 and #4. I made a Cheato reactor added some to the refugium area and set it up to run 4 hours on 4 hours off. Before adding the Cheato reactor the phosphates in he tank were reading around .03 ppm. The BRS buld GFO was working but not as well as I had hoped. I added more rock and crossed my fingers.

Thinking long term on the potential phosphates from the pukani I also ordered some Phosphate Rx after watching some videos on reducing phosphates on You Tube. I ran across a video by melevsreef and I was sold. After seeing how the LC worked I wanted something I did not have to dilute and could dose without issues. GFO could get expensive over time and this seems like a cheaper solution in the long run. Hopefully one of these approaches will keep the phosphates under control.

I also got introduced to SPS AB+ lightening by Francis after complaining about my LED's issues. I set it up on the frag tank.

Tunze Magnets
IMG_1920 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Cheato Reactor
IMG_1921 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Phosphate Rx
IMG_1916 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

04/08/2018 - Main Display Updates

I finally got around to making some changes to my sump like using my router to add a cord relief slot to the refugium area and modified my 1/4" bulkhead holes. To do this I drained the sump completely and made the modifications. I also added my miracle mud to the refugium chamber and some of the rock pieces that did not go in the main display. I also added the rest of the cycled rock to the tank. Before adding it I rinsed it off under running sink water. I figured any killed bacteria would quickly come back once it was back in the salt water. The miracle mud made the tank cloudy for a bit but it cleared up pretty quickly.

Miracle Mud Cloudiness
IMG_1935 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1938 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1939 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

04/10/2018 - First Coral Order Arrived

This was one a great first order. I ordered from Adam at Battle Corals and I could not be more pleased about his service and quality of the frags. I ordered a battle box and this a great way to get some nice gems. So this is where the excitement ends I was a little off on my measurements for my dipping formula and between that and the new SPS AB+ lighting schedule most of the corals below I am hoping will make it. Since then I have adjusted the lighting and really bring the intensity down. I have now given my self the moniker "Coral Killer" :(. In a few weeks if any are left I will take some new pictures.

Rainbow Stylo
Donkey Kong - dead
Battle Corals Secale - loosing flesh
Leprechaun in Pergatory
Jared's Red Devil Naustra - dead
Snipers Blue Something or Other

04/13/2018 - Main Display Updates

Phosphates have been reading zero and holding. I need to take a new picture of the Cheato reactor. I guess there is phosphate in the water because the reactor is getting full. I also seeded the tank with some pods from Algae Barn and these pods really look like they may take off. I ordered a 10560 pod package with 32 oz of Ocean Magik. I have been throwing in a few critters from the clean up crew I got for the frag tank. So I think the dwarf cerith or nassarius snails have laid the eggs.

IMG_1991 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_1993 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr