Finding Dory announced for November

Look at it this way. The industry has 2 years to figure out how to mass-breed blue tangs. And with the $$$ that this movie will bring, that should be plenty of incentive. Then it will be inexpensive <strike>blue</strike> tangs for everyone, just like it is now with t.r. clowns.
When I watched the 1st movie way back when, it never bothered me that there were plastic plants in the tank - maybe I just didn't really notice it, but I didn't have a reef then. Now, it bothers me in a silly kind of way when I rewatched it recently (but talking fish are perfectly fine ;). Still love the movie and I'm looking forward to the next one!

And I refuse to name my clownfish Nemo!
The best story I ever heard "Guy walks into my fishstore right after seeing Nemo. Wants to pick up a clownfish, no questions ask and he leaves. Comes back two hours later complaining and wanting his money back because his Oscar ate the clownfish. He argued they should of informed him that clownfish should not be added to a tank with larger fish! Sometimes you can't fix stupid! After that they let people know which fish in the store were saltwater and which were fresh. I guess the guy did not realize the ocean is full of saltwater?
I've pointed out to customers which tanks were salt water and which were fresh, and had them ask me if table salt was OK :eek2:
Nemo got me interested for sure and now I'm an experienced reef keeper that has kept everything from a peacock and zebra mantis to long tentacle nems. The biggest mistake I ever made was putting a small naso tang in a hundred gallon tank and I will admit that he stayed in there for almost a year until I first went to A.T.M of Las Vegas (tanked)for the first time and met Nick and Jacky who are expert reef keepers so yes people will make the mistake of putting blue gangs in 40 breeders and 55's. I do not believe it will be a big saltwater craze like when the first movie came out though. With shows like fish tank kings and tanked and even another one I've seen and commercials like that velveta one with the tanks in it I think the word has been out for awhile about reefing awesomeness ( I know that's not a word) lol. So relax people... it'll be okay. Happy reefing.
Why do people that have been in this hobby for awhile think there so much better then the newbies? Do you forget you were once a newbie as well and didn't know everything about the hobby? I'm pretty sure your still learning as well. I know I didn't know what fish went in what size tanks or could be kept with corals and other fish, or even that there was special salt for a salt water aquarium. I never knew you could make your own salt water until I started looking into the hobby. I bought my first tank with a hippo tang in a 55 gallon tank now I have a 210 that I have it in because I did more research and found that the fish I wanted to keep required a bigger tank. I say if you see or hear someone that is new and about to make a newbie mistake inform them with your knowledge so they can learn the right from wrong. Now if someone's been in the hobby for ten years and come in and buy a hippo for there nano tank then by all means slap the crap out of them.
They miss a bet in not emphasizing that the original Nemo tank was designed to be as horrible as the little girl in braces and the wicked dentist... Bubbles has gone insane, Gil is doomed and dispirited, and it's not just that it's in bad condition, it's that they're all confined in 20 gallons. People, unfortunately, didn't 'get' it. They saw that little tank as something that would be just hunky(pardon me)dory and affordable---and of course they would just keep it clean and nice and everything would be wonderful. The power of a visual image to override common sense is why traps work.
The tank in Finding Nemo sure looked bigger than 20 gallons to me.


I'm sure a spike in both interest and irresponsible pet onwership may happen after a new film, but it's -- to be honest -- not the biggest deal in the world. Their habits are being destroyed by regular commercial fishing and climate change at rates that make the aquarium trade seem like the tiniest blip on the radar.

We can try and get Hollywood to put some cheesy education into their film to serve our own interest, but it's not going to happen and it steps in the way of their own art anyhow. I'm fine if they just concentrate on making awesome movies, which "Finding Nemo" was.
I'm weary of excusing everything Hollywood wants to do, because it's 'just entertainment.' We collect and sell way too many of this type of fish and we don't breed these in captivity. That doesn't entertain me.
The point of the educational campaign would be to help cut down on the number of irresponsible noobs getting a fish that they are not prepared for. Anything is better than doing nothing.

I have too many devices with Tapatalk!
I'm weary of excusing everything Hollywood wants to do, because it's 'just entertainment.' We collect and sell way too many of this type of fish and we don't breed these in captivity. That doesn't entertain me.

this ^ regardless if we know the right way or not. most lfs employees dont and even less of the mindless sheeple masses do. and those are the ones that are ignorant and impulsive and will run out and get the same "set-up" like in the movie because they think it's "cool"

i am the saltwater guy at my lfs and i hear 99/100 people regardless of age call clownfish nemo (any clownfish mind you, tomatos, maroons, clarkiis) and literally EVERY fish that has a blue/purple/dark body and yellow tail is dory to them. its disgusting how uneducated and unobservant people are. and the two of those combined with impulsiveness are bad news for any animal that might end up in their care.

The point of the educational campaign would be to help cut down on the number of irresponsible noobs getting a fish that they are not prepared for. Anything is better than doing nothing.

I have too many devices with Tapatalk!

If that was true there would be fewer threads on RC asking why a tang cannot be kept in a small tank long term and 20 people with 100+ years of experience explaining why and the one person with four months of experience saying go ahead because it works and the OP listening to the one and not the 20.

You can replace tang with elephant, tiger, chimp or venomous snake btw and it would be the same debate.
Well, golly.

Let's make sure NOT to get people excited about saltwater fish then. We don't want to attract any idiots.

Those dastardly Pixarians and their irresponsible portryal of exactly how awesome coral reefs are. Have they no conscience? For shame.

Everyone who gets anyone excited about coral reefs should also by law required to proselytize to them about fish compability, cycling with damsels and proper tank size for tangs. Just in case they should want to keep a clownfish or regal tang.
We have plenty of time, but I think a centralized petition to Pixar for a PSA (being organized by Anim8me2) is a very good start. I have connections at MASNA and will pursue a statement from them to accompany the petition.
Funny thing is Finding Nemo is the movie that made me take the plunge into saltwater.
But not before i spent over a year pouring over books and online sources.(Bob Fenners book being my primary source of information.)

Today I maintain 4 nano's and have kept fish, corals, inverts, macro's and stomatopods.
I have an about your LFS get's a few of us to go talk to management. I know it won't do anything but it will make everyone on here ranting and arguing with each other to feel like they are accomplishing something. And then when the LFS sells the fish to the noobs (read "me") we can rant and rave some more. Sadly, your local LFS is interested in only one It's a business and no amount of us arguing and ranting and fist waving will make them 'not' sell something to a customer regardless of if they are prepared to care for it.

I admit I also got into this hobby because of Nemo and the fact my daughters love fish. I, however, was smart enough to go out and research salt water tanks before I did anything. I have been at it for two years and guess what, I don't even have my tank set up yet! Why? Because I could have spent a modicum of money and had a tank running and then I would be posting in the forums asking why oh why are all my fish dead?!?!?!

So, everyone please do me a favor...stop for a second and think intelligently for a moment. This movie may, I repeat MAY, cause a spike in interest for putting Dory in a fishbowl. I agree LFS's need to have some more responsibility in selling things to customers they can't handle but this goes way back before Saltwater aquariums were even readily commercially available. People have dogs, cats, mice, gerbils, chinchillas, reptiles, birds, horses, children etc. etc. that have absolutely no business having them.

We can't change that. All we can do is our best to make sure our friends and family, who might actually listen to us, are responsible and hope enough of us talk to enough people we know to limit at least some of the impulse Dory/Nemo/Fish purchases.
