First anemone


New member
Okay so my tank is cycled since last week, so I started last week to populate my new tank (40Breeder).
I first added a CUC, a pair of clown fishes, and this week I went looking for a rose bubble tip anemone that I promised to my wife as a first coral! (you know to get her buying in the passion... vain try.)
gatoralum told me then that LadyBug at had a niiice BTA but not rose... it was a deal breaker for me as I needed something rose for the wifey.
It turnt out to be a rainbow BTA and I did not know what it was but when I saw the picture I was OMG!

So here I am with that magnificent fluorecent rainbow BTA in my new tank. Hopefully more coral will come!
Thank you LaydyBig for all the advices too, you're awesome!
"Nothing good happens fast in a reef"

You're trying to go way too fast. Anemones need stability, something that can't be provided by a tank that only last week was still cycling.
A new tank needs time to adjust to every new addition. 2 fish, a cuc and an Anemone is asking a lot, I fear it's asking way too much.
Oh sorry for the confusion, my tank started cycling effectively in December ;) I added a CUC in February, last week the first clown fishes, and today the anemone.

I did not had lights that whole time, that why I did not populated it before.
Here is a shot of it.
It acclimated pretty well to the its environment and water parameters.


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That is a super nice BTA! if you want alot of colors as well, check out some Rock Nems, they have Beautiful colors, easy to take care of and best of all.. sexy shrimp / Nem crabs will live on them.
"Nothing good happens fast in a reef"

You're trying to go way too fast. Anemones need stability, something that can't be provided by a tank that only last week was still cycling.
A new tank needs time to adjust to every new addition. 2 fish, a cuc and an Anemone is asking a lot, I fear it's asking way too much.

Now, do you think I can add a fish or a coral once a week?
What are your parameters? Is this your first tank? In my opinion.. A rainbow bta as a first coral takes balls. :)

What type of lights did you go with?
What are your parameters? Is this your first tank? In my opinion.. A rainbow bta as a first coral takes balls. :)

What type of lights did you go with?

Yes my first tank.

pH = 8.3
Temp= 80.5
Light = 2 x Dimmable Onyx (Blue 50 White 20)
Apex, MP10WES (Reef Crest 30%), GFO/Carb BRS reactor, Red Sea Coral Pro Salt.

I am quite concern to loose it yes... but hey that was the deal with the wife and so far so good.

Is it reasonable to add a coral or fish every week? or that pace is too high for a 40 Breeder? I would like to add a young yellow tank next week, anyone sell one? :)
Yes I have been 40% water changes every week in for two weeks. I intend to do another one next week-end too and on until the Nitrates are below 3-5ppm.

Phosphates are at 0.042ppm
What do you mean?

Take it easy Frenchie;) The general rule is you need an established tank for a nem, and the tang police will put you in jail if they catch you putting a tang in that small a tank.

Just messing with you, and trying to help at the same time. Good luck with your tank. Let the addiction begin!:beer:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Tang-Police-2.gif"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo TANGPOLICE3.jpg"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Tang-Police1.jpg"/></a>


lol I also have a tang in a 40... not to worry upgrade soon.. haha