First SPS arrived today!

Brock Fluharty

New member
Orangish-brown monti cap frag arrived today (2 days late...). I think it's fine. It was slimy when I removed it from the bag (doesn't sound good for an SPS) and the water it was in in the bag was orange. Other than that, he looks fine, lol. Not sure which way is up, but I assume its the orange part, with little ridges on it. 3 frags total, along with a "Radioactive start polyp" frag. Pretty cool. Pictures when the parents get home with the digicam.
actually the cap having slime on it is a good sign,meaning its still alive.Most sps when stressed a little or removed from the water will "slime" up to protect their flesh.

The orange water is from oxygen pellets.
I don't think there were oxygen pellets, because I recieved another frag (the star polyps) and it didn't have orange water. The cap water also stunk horribly. Taking pics right now...

He is more orange than that. This pic makes it look greenish yellow.
it will make it as long as your params are pretty good...prolly the most hardy of all sps is monti family. The polyps will come out when it's done being mad at fed x or whomever
well...they should be the same color as the cap...I have a few caps that have different color polyps...but mostly they should be the same
Apparently...I used to own an online SW fish store, and I tried to sell frags from my 75 mixed reef, and I got put on "Probation"...