First Tank with Intelligent Design / Natural Filtration


INSPIRED from: Intelligent Design / Natural Filtration : All Natural self sufficient tank

hi all,
this is what i am planning as a staring point....

180cm Long x 75cm wide x 65cm tall tank (roughly 6ft L x 2.5ft W x 2ft T) with a Bean Animal overflow system. with a sump tank (multiple sumps possible) underneath being 160cm Long x 60cm wide x 65cm tall (roughly 5ft L x 2ft W x 2ft T).

At this time this is only an information gathering thread.

What I would also like suggestions on is....What should this setup contain as a self sufficient reef tank. I would love to make the sumps to be a display as well if possible.

List of equipments would also be nice to have.
No budget is set yet. But I can say I have lot of patiences and budget is provided to be successful but not for unnecessary gadgets
this is going to be my first marine tank so i will appreciate if i can get some basic info.

Few things from my reading......
1. Live Rock (1kg per US gallon?)
2. Aragonite Sand (how much?)
3. Sump Design? - for natural filtration
4. Skimmer Size?
5. Return Pump size?
6. Wave Make?
7. Tank examples to get some ideas?
8. any other Equipment?

and tons of advise

Basically every modern reef tank is an evolution of the Berlin method which relied on large quantities (1-2lbs/gal) of live rock for biological filtration and protein skimming for mechanical filtration. This usually looked like a 'wall of rock' in the tank and the sump jammed with rock as well. You can totally still do this and it works.

Modern approaches reduce the live rock in the tank to facilitate elaborate designs (negative space) for fish movement/hiding/enjoyment and surfaces to mount corals. Ceramic bricks with vastly more surface area than live rock can be neatly assembled in the sump to facilitate the bacterial population that the 'wall of rock' used to provide.

So let's establish a trajectory for your tank. Do you want to be oldschool? - wall of rock, skimmer, macro algae in the display or sump? Or are you willing to implement some modern approaches - ceramic media in place of live rock, refugium, algae scrubber? There's so much more but you specifically are saying natural filtration so I'm leaving them out.

Wall of Rock



Negative Space




If you would like some more inspiration (and humbling) check out these TOTM's. They usually have very detailed descriptions of their setups.

Previous Tank of the Month Awards
amazing, photos.

I like the Negative Space style but my tank is going to be against the wall and the sides will be covered by cabinets so only can be viewed from the front. So may be the wall would be a better idea, but i am open to hear opinions on Wall vs Negative Space.

For the natural filtrations and self sustainability (food etc.) what are the thoughts on the DSBs and miracle mud etc?

The link i have posted shows the miracle mud idea but i need to understand a bit more about it. Also would like to know what are the cryptic zones and how can we achieve this,

Can old school and modern methods be combined to achieve the best results for a self sufficient tank?
Negative space is better for overall flow and allows for cleaning behind the rocks and less trapped detritus in general, and frankly looks more like a real outcrop IMO.

I've never ran a DSB, in fact I've never had a sand bottom ever, always bare bottom. You can find lots of threads on here arguing for and against DSB's ad nauseum I'm sure.

You can definitely combine old and new, it's your system. The goal is to achieve a balanced in and out and that will take some trial and error since every tank is unique.
i would love that Negative Space aquarium for sure. The Sand i would like to have to let various life form to form and thrive in there. As mentioned above i would like this tank to be as natural as possible.
Few Questions
1. Size of the skimmer for this size tank?
2. size of the pump (return pumps)
3. No of power heads and amount of power heads
4. 2 sumps or 1 sump?
5. Sump design proposals?
6. Evaporation rate calculation methods and auto top off recommendations
7. And any other low or maintenance free natural filtration suggestions such as miracle mud, DSB etc etc etc.
The measurements spec out to 149.6 gallons. You will be less because that's outside dimensions & any tank does not run filled to the top.
Size your skimmer on tank volume alone, sump NOT included. IF you plan on a roller filter in the sump downsize the skimmer 1 size because of less stuff in the water. You will need a heater, I prefer Titanium heaters but you need a controller with them, can be bought as a set.
Pump - I prefer DC models except when you have a basement sump. DC pumps do not like head pressure, there are 2-3 that would work but $$$$.
When you know your head pressure you check the flow chart for the pump & see if it is capable. Some like dual pumps in case one goes down but a spare of the same model can work too. Just make sure you have easy access.
Sand depends on the depth. There is a sand calculator here on RC. Rock can be supplemented with ceramic blocks or spheres like Polyp Rock or Marine Pure for a more open look.
So I'll throw a couple things your way. First begin to find local reefers in your area. Discussions will need to be done and communication will need to happen to keep it going. To use this method, it is benificial to have a couple sumps. The first is used as a fuge. It will supply spores, bacteria and microbes that will cover some things, but the next is the bomb.

The second should loaded with live rubble rock. This is where the local guys come in. This is where a closed system that we run comes in. In a closed system, different things tend to disappear This will affect different tanks in different ways. Some tanks will consume things other tanks don't because of it's inhabitants. The live rubble in the second sump helps cover this. Exchange pieces of rubble with others in your group. We also kept live sand and used that also. Most snails that breed in our systems do it in the dirt.

I'll come up with more. Just remember I'm old and things may come out of order. :ROFLMAO:
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Great guys thanks for the head start.
So i basically need a skimmer for approx 200US gallon volume.. I have considered half inch thick glass so the actual fill volume is based on 71"L x 29"W x 22"H.

The dual sump idea is attractive. So if one becomes Fuge it will have Miracle Mud with macro algaes, rock rubbles and what else?

I am not planning to use the foam roller because I am worried that it will also remove some live food from the system along with other macro debris.

So the other sump will have Skimmer, return pump, Heater and what else?

How would the plumbing goes around two sumps?

First if you haven't read this yet, read it.

aw thanks for recommendations, do you mind me asking for the purpose?

by the way i was thinking to have an approach of an Aquaphonics system where i would like to use mangroves in the main tank as floating plant and the sump have macro algae as well.