first time for everything


New member
well when assembling a frag rack from some scrap eggcrate, i supper glued my eye shut, using liquid super glue not the gel pushing together 2 pieces that were a bit snug poped shut and i watched the drop of glue go right in , out of reflex i shut my eye and presto 1 eye glued shut . i got it apart and got all the glue out still just a few little spots on the outside of my eye lid, there should be warnings on the tubes lol ( use safty glasses ) :lmao:

but all in all all is good and no harm done except about 2 minutes worth of pannic thinking f#*@' n A !!! and a little bit of irratation

:dance: at least i can still see
Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are. LOL. Thanks for sharing your awkward moment with us. We all go through that crazy stuff sometimes. Great news that everything is ok.
Crappy Outlook

Crappy Outlook

OMG JIM!!!!!! That's awful!

Indra says that's somewhat common for high school girls, working on repairing their nails. So, I guess you've got that in common. Tee-hee-hee-hee!!! Oh-Ma-Gawd, Like, Totally!!!! :p

Glad You're okay. An an HVAC guy, you KNOW how to safegaurd your eyes. Protect them! You ONLY get ONE pair.
:lol2:Glad to know youre all right and did not do any damage to your eyes.

I have used the stuff a lot to "suture" cuts together and once glued my finger to the side of my nose when I had an itch, but that the first I heard of anyone glueing there eye shut!!
My daughter once had a boyfriend who wore contacts. He thought he was putting eyedrops in his eyes, but used superglue instead. Ouch!!!
i was just thinking the same thing reading this OMG
after i found out you were ok i would probably laugh myself silly
well sillier than i am already
now that would be a good one for jacka$$ III
only my better half .. up there can glue his eye shut lol ... unfortunately I was at work when this happen ... and Jim gave me a call saying Huny .. you may have a husband for a one eye jack ... I didnt know how to react .. Um laugh i was keeping it in .. but fet sorry for him .. of course .. still .. the Glue was the winner for this round lmao hahahahahahaha !!!!!!!