Fish aggression. Exquisite wrasse.


New member
I have an established exquisite wrasse that is being a bully to a newly acquired pin tail wrasse I just added. I added the new wrasse in an acclimation box the first day. Day two the wrasse was released and lights were turned down/off. There was some aggression which I attributed to pecking order. Day 3 now and ot seems hes not letting up. I see no torn fins, but mostly flashing and bumping. Should I give it more time or should I try to yank out the exquisite and maybe banish him to the sump for a few weeks?

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I had a similar issue recently and reduced aggression towards new fish by placing a mirror up against tank glass on one side. This took the aggression towards the reflection of the aggressor and after a few more days it all just settled.

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I had a similar issue recently and reduced aggression towards new fish by placing a mirror up against tank glass on one side. This took the aggression towards the reflection of the aggressor and after a few more days it all just settled.

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I placed a mirror on Sunday as well. Hopefully your right, and after a few more days the exquisite will lose interest. They are known to be on the peaceful side so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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I would think that, in that huge tank, it would be okay.

In hindsight, the new wrasse probably should have stayed in the acclimation box a little longer...maybe a few days instead of one.

I know that doesn't help much. Good luck!
The aggression should subside/lesson after 4-5 days and be completely gone in 2 weeks. If the new wrasse is not being injured, I'd let it play out (I have).
The aggression should subside/lesson after 4-5 days and be completely gone in 2 weeks. If the new wrasse is not being injured, I'd let it play out (I have).
Was just gonna post. Seems like the aggression has subsided substantially. I'd say less than 50%. The pintail is mixing up in the fold during feeding time and is getting his share of mysis and bloodworms.

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In the future, you can leave the new wrasse in the acclimation box for longer so that the current tank mates can get used to him/her. I've left wrasses in an acclimation box for a week with no issues.