Fish game plan...


New member
I want my first fish to be clowns:

An adult or large B & W Osc.
Juv or small Nemo Osc.

Or the other way around. Just want to introduce them together. Also to avoid aggression conflicts. If you see a place to acquire the B&W Osc. or even Saddleback. Plz PM.


Yellow or Purple Tang (Yellow Probably)
Black Cap Basset

Where to go from there? We will see. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'd think about a nice flame angel. I've always wanted on and haven't gotten it yet, they remain fairly small and if added after the clowns should not pose any aggression issues. I would be careful with a tang in a 55g. or at least telling anyone I have it. Most people feel that keeping a tang in anything smaller then a 75 is not good as they ike to swim, and with 90lbs. of rock I would think it may be a little cramped.

You should be good for a while if you get it as a juvenile but be prepared for it to outgrow the 55 in a year or so. Which isn't always a bad thing...I always like a good reason to upgrade.
i still dont think its 90 lbs...its looks very he will be fine....and hey he could always add it to my 125!!!!!!!!!! im about to get!!!!!!!!! (i cant fricken wait!!! can ya tell)

but keep an eye on even email them and see when they are getting a new order and when im in town ill swing by and get the fish u want (if i remember to get the money lol)
I like purple tangs a lot more then the yellows, but it's a matter of opinion and price. As far as the clowns, you might think about picking up a book on them and consider getting mated pairs. Mater pairs of clowns can be an awesome addition to a tank and leave you the possibility of collecting there eggs in the future if you really get into the hobby and would like to displace the need for wild caught animals. They may be more aggressive though, so I would read up on it a bit.

Since you’re just starting off something that might be cool to do is trying to get all animals that come from, or at least are found in, the same areas of the world. If you want to find out where a fish is found check out which has fairly detailed info about where just about all of the fish you find in the hobby can be found in the wild. Just a though.

Or you could ask Dr. Mac to order them in for you and check out his retail outlet while your there. (<A HREF=""></A>) Perhaps a little closer, though might be equal distance from Dover, would be Newark Premium Aquatics. The owner, Charlie, can order most things in, so I would or stop by sometime there sometime.

I've been reading for like 2 hours... =P I might want to get a mated pair... but I'm torn between what type. My wife is considering me starting a whole new tank just to have her Nemos... Well at least she is on board fully now.

I might consider settling for my B&W Osc. Mated pair. Get hers later when i get another tank... (Might be soon: Emo is gettin that 125g hopefully)

Also i read you should get more than one compatible anenome in the tank so the Female and Male won't fight for territory as much...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11831295#post11831295 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SnEaKyPoLoCk
I've been reading for like 2 hours... =P I might want to get a mated pair... but I'm torn between what type. My wife is considering me starting a whole new tank just to have her Nemos... Well at least she is on board fully now.

I might consider settling for my B&W Osc. Mated pair. Get hers later when i get another tank... (Might be soon: Emo is gettin that 125g hopefully)

Also i read you should get more than one compatible anenome in the tank so the Female and Male won't fight for territory as much...

Most places sell pairs, but not mated pairs. If someone has a pair of mating clowns and wishes to sell I want to know. Like I said most will be pairs that have not mated. Of course they may eventually mate. Clowns will host in may different things and sometimes won't host in an anemone at all. You wont need 2 anemones for a male and female for terrritories because Whats Hers is Hers and whats His is Hers. She Rules if he doen't give way she will kill him.
Skip the anemone in favor of a soft coral, like a colt or some star polyps, they'll host just as readily, and you won't have to wait a year to get them. I say try the black and white with the regular osc. and see what happens. They may hit it right off. Different strokes for different folks. Or different thrills for different gills. Haa, I kill me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11831716#post11831716 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jocephus
Different strokes for different folks. Or different thrills for different gills. Haa, I kill me.

Lol, nice one!
This is true i meant just pairs. The more than one anenome was just a suggestion from an article.

Joe i will try to 2 diff. color Osc. in my main tank but for my wifes. I'm thinking of starting a reef tank... I know its gonna be expensive but i got you all to help me! Heh, jumping head first again... But i think a pair of Perculas in that tank for my wife wouldn't hurt. Who knows maybe i'll get lucky with the diff. color Osc. in my main.

My 55g has a rock/flower anenome in it atm. (Not sure which) I know the clowns won't bond with it but should i get another carpet or bulb anenome? I am aware the clowns don't need it but would look awesome.

Last ? is would this affect the other fish i want diversely? Depends on the anenome i guess?
I would go for a bubble tip anemone, they seem to be the hardiest of anemones for clowns to host in. The perculas don't naturally host in them, but they should in an aquarium. The different colored clowns sounds like a cool idea, but I don't know if it would work? Unforuntaley only one way to find out.
Just make sure you do your research before buying an aenome... even the hardiest need very intense light and pristine water conditions to thrive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11835571#post11835571 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by a1amap
All 3 of those are not really well suited for hosting clowns. The condy will do ok under CF.


All should do well with your lights, but none will host a clown. THough I have heard that a Tomato clown will host in a condylactus, maybe someone has some experience there.

Your best bet is a hardy soft coral that looks like an anemone. Google Euphylia, and Torch coral. The coral won't be quite as accomodating to the clown(may close up more than you like) but the clown will be every bit as happy. And a nice torch will be fine with your PC's.

My method of getting a mated pair of saddle clowns was to buy 5 young clowns at the cheapest price I could find, and throw them into the tank.

Six months later, three survived, the other two were beat up so bad they didn't survive.

Of the three remaining, one became the dominate female, and she selected one of the other males to mate with.... they layed eggs on a regular basis, and the three lived almost happily ever after, until I broke down the tank and sold the mated pair.

The other male lived with them but was constantly chased when eggs were layed.

The process was amazing to watch over the course of several months.

I paid about $14.00 a piece for the 5 of them.

Much cheaper way to get a mated pair, but no guarentee they will pair off.

tank stocking

tank stocking

I would nix the anemone! I just lost my foxface to 1 Sunday. I got rid of the killer yesterday (not to worry he want back to the lfs).
I bought a coral beauty yesterday and he looks great in the tank and does'nt bother the other fish. Also a cleaner wrasse is a good pick too.