Fishboy's 24g Zoa garden


New member
Nothing really special here, just a smaller collection of zoas packed into an 24g Aquapod. I took the hood off and Im running (4) 24w T5's. The color is absolutley amazing with these. :smokin:

Anways, lmk what yall think. Any identifications on photos with a ? would be awesome too. Thanks for looking. :spin3:

Full Tank Shot



LA Lakers :spin2:

?? Some type of paly...


Just take the colony out of the tank and remove the anemone with a butter knife.
I would prefer the use of predators instead any other type. Perhaps the peppermint shrimps would be my first choice.
Best is to prevent them to come into the system and get stablished.
Hmm I dont know about that. For one, I have several of them on various frags and they are embedded within the zoas. Taking a knife to it might result in damage to the zoas. Also, I hear that if you dont get rid of all of it, it will just grow back.

I have a buddy local that has luck shooting the mouth with liquid calcium. Anyone here have luck with that?
Nice FTS and I love the variety, what is the name of the one's in the middle of the last pic on your first post? I LOVE the color!