Updated list as of now:
Ironman2: $25
Red zoas
Ocd mariner: $110
Red/blue-tip prostrata
Palmer’s blue
Red mille
Pink selago
Red cytherea
Hugo’s red stag
Aussie A. horrida
OG rainbow coral’s red stag
Pelagic7: $161
PM (this will be a small frag)
Sunset monti
Forest fire monti
Rainbow monti
Black hole sun ($8/polyp, got you down for all 2 polyps)
AOG ($5/polyp, got you down for 2)
Devil’s armor ($5/polyp, got you down for 2)
Pink divaricata
ATL cyphastrea
Shanealanbeaty: $35
Palmer’s blue
Pokerstar monti
Ameares8: $70
Palmer’s blue
Pink lemonade
OG rainbow stag
Mystery zoa or paly
GT jacket: $88
Pink lemonade
Black hole sun, 6 polyps
Mystery zoa or paly
Lori13: $15
Tubb’s blue ($3/polyp, 5 polyps)
Gflat: $80
Pink selago
Aussie simplex – probably carduus
Aussie echinata
Acro. Rambleri
Acro tenella
Orthokardia: $50
Hugo’s red stag
Jedi mind trick
“Mystery” blue
undercontrolj: $35
Acropora loisettae
Atlantis cyphastrea
Fcamdog: $155
Acan echinata “orange crush” colony
3X Miami Hurricane chalice
LA lakers (4 polyps)
Mystery zoa or paly
Pickupman66: $35
Pink lemonade
Cfrobin: $110
Pink selago
GARF bonsai
Pink lemonade
Pink divaricata
Jedi mind trick
Aussie blue tenuis
SmyrnaReefer: $55
Rainbow monti
Yellow mystic
Casas’ reverse sunset
Mystery zoa or paly
PensFan05: $35
Miami Hurricane chalice (1 eye)
Poolkeeper: FREE
Pink selago
Jhutton: $35
Sunset monti
Pokerstar monti
Inthesea: $20
Montipora undata
H@rry: $155
Red/blue-tip prostrata
Palmer’s blue
Red mille
Pink selago
Pink divaricata
Acropora loisettae
Beige tenuis
Blue/green acro
Yellow tenuis
Acropora austere
Commodore: $20
4X Mystery zoa or paly
LawmanRob: $20
Montipora setosa LE
Mystery zoas or palys are "grab bag", so if you visit early you will have best selection. I'm not even going to go to the trouble to label the bags. There ARE some duplicates.
Let me know if the totals or requests are wrong. I've tried to keep very careful records, if for no other reason than to maintain my sanity LOL.
Thanks all and see you next Saturday.