Fishfreak2009's 187 gallon Reef Build


Swimming in the School
So I plan on turning my tank into a reef tank. I currently have been running it as a FOWLR, but I am starting a new job in the next couple of weeks and should be able to afford some new lights. I've been picking up some new powerheads (Koralias and the look alike Aqueon version from petsmart), and have been picking up some new fish as well. This was my tank as a FOWLR:

Recently (i.e. within the last 2 weeks), I had an outbreak of dinoflagellates. Not only did the filefish, bariene tang, and high hat drum (the fish that ate the dino) die, but when cleaning the tank I actually got violently sick (vomiting and headaches almost as bad as a migraine) for a few days afterward. The yellow tangs (which had eaten some of it) had horrible septicemia. I removed them from the tank (along with all the other fish and the inverts) and put them in a 75 gallon tank temporarily. I also set up a 30 gallon quarantine. Within 48 hours of being in the 75 gallon, all the fish acted normally again, and the septicemia was completely gone. My tank has been sitting lightless for a week with the pH at 8.5 to hopefully kill all the dinoflagellates. I have no idea why I got the dino, or how it even got that bad, but it covered everything. My nitrate was 10ppm, no nitrite, no ammonia, perfect magnesium, perfect alkalinity, pH of 8.3, no measurable phosphate.

Anyways, the remaining fish are doing better in the 75 gallon along with my red spined tuxedo urchin, my halloween urchin, and about 50 astraea snails. In the 30 gallon quarantine I have a 3 inch coral beauty and a 4 inch niger trigger.

Hopefully in september I will be tearing out the wall behind the tank and building it into the wall (with an electric fireplace underneath). The sump will be plumbed behind the wall for better ease of maintenance. Thank God my dad is quite the accomplished carpenter (he actually built the stands for my other tanks, as well as finishing our basement, and building our previous house).

Any other suggestions while I turn this tank into a reef?
The animals in the 75 gallon:
2 Yellow Tangs
1 Sailfin Tang
2 Yellow Tail Blue Damsels
1 Blue Devil Damsel
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Papuan Toby
1 Arc Eye Hawkfish
1 Blue Head Wrasse
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 Dragon Goby (Amblygobius phaelanea)
1 Halloween Urchin
1 Blue Tuxedo Urchin
25 Astraea Snails

In the 30 gallon quarantine:
1 Niger Trigger
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
Looks good, the coral beauty could eat some soft corals but every fish is different. Not sure if the blue head wrasse is reef safe but it looks like a nice semi to aggressive reef in the making. I would buy a phosphate test kit and start getting that down with GFO and w/c's as most FOWLR's usually have high phosphates
Looks good, the coral beauty could eat some soft corals but every fish is different. Not sure if the blue head wrasse is reef safe but it looks like a nice semi to aggressive reef in the making. I would buy a phosphate test kit and start getting that down with GFO and w/c's as most FOWLR's usually have high phosphates

I have a phosphate test kit. Both with my kit and having it tested at the LFS, I have absolutely no phosphate. The bluehead wrasse is safe with everything but hermits and shrimp (and any snails that get stuck on their back).
Changed out almost all of the water today (making sure I got all the algae. I also redid the aquascape and rewired the powerheads in the tank to make as little wire visible as possible while achieving better flow. I plan on leaving the tank lightless until next Thursday or Friday and then adding my 3 damsels and some of the snails. If they seem fine that night, then I'll be moving all the other fish over the next day.

Pictures comparing the different rockscapes to come.

Edit: I discovered 2 surviving blue leg hermit crabs today when I tore the tank apart. They somehow survived the arc eye hawkfish, the bluehead wrasse, and the papuan toby.
How's this sound for a fish list?

1 Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa)*
1 Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula)
1 Blue Devil Damselfish (Chrysiptera cyanea)*
2 Yellow Tail Blue Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema)**
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)**
1 Sleeper Banded Goby (Amblygobius phalaena)*
1 Bluehead Wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum)*
1 Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)*
1 Yellow Candy Hogfish (Bodianus bimaculatus)
1 Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki)
1Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus)
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lyukyuensis)
2 Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)**
1 Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)*
1 Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
1Matted Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus)
1 Niger Triggerfish (Odonus niger)*
1 Blue Spotted Toby (Canthigaster papua)*
1 Arc Eye Hawkfish (Paracirrhitus arcuatus)*

Each * counts for one specimen already owned.
In my opinion that would be to many u would have to feed a lot and change a lot of water to keep the water quality and just kinda would be to many fish in a 187 its just my opinion but I think what u already have is on the high side like I said just one opinion I find it easier to maintain with less fish in a reef tank. Oh and be careful I have had quite a few damsels eat some of my soft corals so be careful lol
Went fish store exploring today and picked up some new fish: a fathead anthias hand caught in Vanuatu, a female square anthias from Vanuatu, and a diamond sleeper goby. All are in the 75 gallon quarantine.

Also, I moved all the fish that were already done with quarantine into the main tank. The coral beauty angel and niger trigger are still in their 30 gallon quarantine being treated for velvet (thank God I quarantined them).

I also put a ton of temporary lighting (borrowed the lights off of all my freshwater tanks) on the display because I picked up one other animal; a beautiful, very sticky, fully colored sebae anemone that had been doing well at the LFS for the past 3 weeks.
So much for the diamond goby... I found him across the room from the quarantine this morning. I tried to put him back in the water, but he was gone. He somehow managed to fit through a hole in the eggcrate, even though he was twice as wide as it.
I came downstairs to the coral beauty dead on the bottom of the 30 gallon quarantine covered in spots. The niger trigger isn't looking so hot either, no spots, but cloudy eyes, and very inactive. No measurable nitrite, ammonia, or nitrate. Cupramine is at .35 ppm
Niger trigger was dead when I woke up this afternoon. I guess I am going to sterilize the 30 gallon quarantine. I am going to set up a 10 gallon quarantine for the 25 astraea snails and 2 hermit crabs that survived the full dosage of copper, and keep them with no fish for 10 weeks.
Alright. Here's the new planned stocklist:
2 Yellow Tangs (already own)
1 Sailfin Tang (already own)
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Coral Beauty Angel
2 Yellow Tailed Damsels (already own)
1 Blue Devil Damsel (already own)
1 Bluehead Wrasse (already own)
1 Melanurus Wrasse (already own)
2-3 Fairy Wrasses (different kinds)
1 Dragon Goby (already own)
1 Diamond Sleeper Goby
1 Fathead Anthias (already own)
1 Squarespot Anthias (already own)
1 Niger Triggerfish
1 Seagrass Filefish
1 Blue Spotted Toby (already own)
1 Arc Eye Hawkfish (already own)

1 Sebae Anemone (already own)
1 Blue Linckia Starfish
1 Tuxedo Urchin (already own)
100 Astraea Snails (already own 70)
Various corals (colt, hammer, frogspawn, bubble, xenia, leathers, duncan, etc.)
As you can see, I constantly am changing my mind. Here is a new stocklist plan. I will try to get pictures of some of the fish up, but seeing how they just got transferred over from quarantine and are still shy it might be difficult).

2 Yellow Tangs (already own)
1 Sailfin Tang (already own)
1 Purple Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Flame Angel
2 Coral Beauty Angel (already own, both are about an inch long. I'm trying to pair them and so far so good.)
1 Lemonpeel Angel (already own)
2 Yellow Tailed Damsels (already own)
1 Blue Devil Damsel (already own)
1 Bluehead Wrasse (already own)
1 Melanurus Wrasse (already own)
1 Green Coris Wrasse (already own)
1 Lubbock's Fairy Wrasses
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Dragon Goby (already own)
1 Diamond Sleeper Goby
1 Fathead Anthias
1 Squarespot Anthias (already own)
1 Niger Triggerfish (already own)
1 Seagrass Filefish
1 Blue Spotted Toby (already own; he might be moving to the sump if he doesn't stop nipping the tangs fins though)
1 Arc Eye Hawkfish (already own)

1 Sebae Anemone (already own)
1 Rose Bubbletip Anemone
1 Blue Linckia Starfish
1 Tuxedo Urchin (already own)
100 Astraea Snails (already own 70)
Various corals (colt, hammer, frogspawn, bubble, xenia, leathers, duncan, etc.)
Added a beautiful 3" $99 purple tang to the tank today as well as a 5" $30 orange shoulder tang! To make it even better, both fish were pre-quarantined at the store in cupramine and prazi-pro, and there were no aggression problems at all between them and the existing tangs! All the tangs now move together in one big group.
I dig the tank. The tank looks busy with all active fish.

I'll clue you in. No SPS, no care from this forum.

Thanks, I really like all the active fish as well. For me saltwater is all about color and movement.

As for the no SPS thing, I plan on some easier SPS (montipora caps and birdsnest, maybe some green slimer) along with LPS like hammers, torches, frogspawn, and duncans, and some xenia.