Fishfreak2009's 187 gallon Reef Build

Well, this is a sad update but here it goes,

The toby decided to go on a killing spree 2 nights ago. He gutted my lemonpeel angelfish, killed the orange shoulder tang, shredded the fins on the yellow tangs, chewed the fins on the sailfin and purple tang, chewed the clowns and damsels, chewed the tail of the niger trigger and the coral beauties, bit a chunk out of the side of the anthias, and along with the hawkfish, was chasing the wrasses and the goby. Both the hawkfish and the toby have been removed.

Lesson learned: never trust a toby. :thumbdown
Update: I picked up 2 new fish today! They are fully acclimated to the quarantine and are doing very well so far. They seem at home.

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Well, I put some clams in the other day to tempt the regal angel to eat. I then went to bed because I work 3rd shift. I asked my parents to take them out within 3 hours. 10 hours later I woke up and the tank was white. It reeked of ammonia. The sweetlips was dead and the angel was gasping at the surface and darting about. I immediately moved him to the display. He seems to have suffered no ill effects, and is feeding on frozen mysid, nori, pellets, and flake food (although he only eats it if it is floating on the surface). I added prazi pro to the display just in case, and I am thanking God he didn't die, as well as that he had been treated with cupramine at the LFS for a week before I got to pick him up.