Flame angel nipping


New member
Well ive been noticing my flame angel swimming around my three clams for about a week now, Today when I came home from school I noticed the clams were closed shut, After a few minutes of look at the activity in the tank the Flame angel finally went to town on my clams.

For the time being I made a cage for the clams out of egg crate, but I dont like the look of the egg crate in the tank,

now Im in a dilema, I have three options I can think of right now and I dont know which one to go with. I love the clams,

1. Buy or borrow a fish trap and try to catch the angel and then trade him or sell him,

2. Get rid of the clams, which I really dont want to do

3. Tear the tank down and have probability of loosing lifestock in the process, not to mention will not look the same when I put it back together.

I would rather try the trap first, if somebody has a trap I can borrow I would greatly appreciate it.


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Dang that sucks!! Hey at least you know you can catch the clams!! LOL. Ok, on a serious note. This is what a good friend of mine just told me to do and showed me his fish trap. It was brilliant. Follow along.

1. Buy a 2 liter or 1 liter bottle of cola of your liking.
2. Chug it down till completely empty.
3. Remove all of the wrapping and get as much of the glue off the bottles body.
4. Once clean, rinse the bottle with very hot water and probably a little vinegar. rinse again with ro water.
5. Here is the tricky part.
6. From the top, go down about 2-3", cut the circumference all the way through. Or the opening to be just bigger then the fish going in.
7. From the body of the bottle to where it tapers up, cut right about that point all the way around. So now you should have 2 separate pieces--the tapered portion (top) with 2 holes and the body portion with one hole.
8. following me yet?
9. The top piece, you are going to fit that inside of the bigger piece with the small opening on the inside of the bottles body. So where you made the second cut (on the body before it tapers up), this is where the 2 pieces will meet up. The difference is that now the smaller piece is going to fit inside of the bigger piece. Following me still?
10. punch a couple of holes on the outside with a hole puncher.
11. insert clear zip tie lines to lock the 2 pieces in place.
12. insert piece of favorite food for angel.
13. submerge new fabricated bottle in tank.
14. wait for fish. fish checks in, but it can't check out.
15. viola, you have made your self a fish trap!:dance:

I hope I was able to explain well. I will post pictures tomorrow of the contraption. I would "fabricate" one now but a little under the weather. It's actually a pretty easy fish trap to make. Very inexpensive as well.
I have this which is supposed to be a trap too.

Never tried it as a trap yet but you’re welcome to borrow it if you like!

Hope you get to feeling better deehz!!

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Deehz, i lost you around number 7. haha, but i would try it out, the only fish i tried to get was my trigger, he no joke went into the net to grab food himself. easiest fish catch ever. haha.
when i had a striped damsel that was a terror to get out. i tried the bottle, the food in the net, and anything else i could try. the only thing that worked was the spotlight at 4AM. stunned him and i just netted him. pretty easy.
Hope you get to feeling better deehz!! Jay
Jay--Thanks. Its allergy season here at the Zamora household. So everyone of us is feeling the New Mexican seasonal change.

Deehz, i lost you around number 7. haha, haha.
Pedro--When I re-read my post and instructions, I lost myself too :lol2: I guess the meds kicked in really hard last night!

I did this trap last night and caught everything but the flame. It is still in the tank. Ill see whats in it when I get back home.

Mistaflicksta--that is the one. See it works! Just have to put a clam in the trap to get the flame angel in! :lol: Well one from the grocery store anyway. Good luck!
I got him!

I got him!

My wife just called me she gave me the good news. I didnt feed them this morning all I put was sinking shrimp pellets in the trap this morning and it was too tempting to resist. my wife told me there were 4 chromis three hermits a nassirus snail and the angel cramed in the trap. sounds like a winner to me!

The angel has to go now. it is now in my frag/ qt tank.
If anybody wants him and has something to trade let me know before I put him on craigslist.

Jay thanks for offering the trap but I no longer need it.

I will be keeping this trap let me know if anybody needs it later.
The clam nipper

The clam nipper

Well here is the clam nipper like I said he is now in a qt tank,

I need to give him a new home, if anybody is interested feel free to pm me.


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ok so I finally got rid of the Flame Angel. I took it to Salty Fin and he was cool about it. I traded the Flame for a powder brown tang. I like the one Jay got so since I didnt have to spend any extra money I decided to get it. I know my tank is small for the tang but please don't call the tang police on me! Lol! He is about 3 inches long so I will get to enjoy him a bit till I have to find him a new home as well.

Ill try to take pics of him tommorrow.
ok so I finally got rid of the Flame Angel. I took it to Saltwater heaven and he was cool about it. I traded the Flame for a powder brown tang. I like the one Jay got so since I didnt have to spend any extra money I decided to get it. I know my tank is small for the tang but please don't call the tang police on me! Lol! He is about 3 inches long so I will get to enjoy him a bit till I have to find him a new home as well.

Ill try to take pics of him tommorrow.
oops I had wrote Salty fin in th the original post and when I went back to edit my mistake I must of reposted instead of editing.

The flame is currently living in Saltwater Heaven on Yandell.

Sorry for the confusion.
I just picked a flame angel up today;) Hopefully I'm lucky and keep him fed enought that he won't start nipping. I've got some xenia that I feel is in danger but if he wants it he can go at it and keep it trimmed for me!
Its a hit or miss with the flame angels. I used to have one back in 2003 in my 125gal and it never touched a thing. Then when I moved to Georgia I set up a 29 and got another flame and it tried to eat everything.

I hope everything goes well with you angel.