CL Designs
CL Designs
Here are a couple of drawings I made this evening for CL designs.
The scale of this is for the Marineland 300 DD (72x36)
What I've been thinking about is using a Dart, and thus a 2" inlet BH.
The high-level decisions are:
1) To drill the bottom or back
... this is a widely-debated question with well-known pros/cons
2) If drilling the bottom, to run the lines to the outlets external or inside the tank
... If lines are run external, it would allow for valves to tune flow to each outlet. If lines are internal, they take up space, and limit flexibility for adjustments or maintenance
3) If drilling the back, what are the best ways to get the flow where we want it?
... manifold external, with pvc lines to outlets (this would allow for some valves and flow control), or
... manifold internal, with pvc lines to outlets, (no control)
... maybe some kind of flexible lines inside, like 3/4" vinyl hose to each outlet?
What do you guys think? For those of you who've done this, what would recommend based on your experience?